
Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, 6 September 2010 at 7:05:58 PM

Artist: Tomohito Nishiura
Title: Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live)
Source: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Tags: Kyouju Saigo Jikan Ryokou Matma Rex NoHItter LuigiHann DiamondCrash Dusty RandomJibberish bmin11 Derekku Chan
BPM: 192
Filesize: 9214kb
Play Time: 03:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Challenging (4.47 stars, 344 notes)
  2. Mind-Boggling (4.97 stars, 482 notes)
  3. Puzzling (2.11 stars, 192 notes)
Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
We recommend that you play the "Challenging" difficulty.

Fun Facts:

  1. This collaboration begun as a list of interest for those who wanted to map. All spots were claimed 2 weeks afterwards.
  2. Matma Rex was the one who made the skin elements and RandomJibberish did the SB. (Except the introduction which was done by me)
  3. All the parts, introduction and break split into a perfectly even 20 seconds. Pretty cool.
  4. LuigiHann was the last to hand his parts in while Dusty was the first to finish all his parts.
  5. For a live version, there's only one BPM.
Gimme a break.

I know that the timing sucks and that the BG is actually from the sequel after Last Time Travel.

Oh hey! Everyone is finished!

Nevermind, let's move on. Pass this on to your friends and make sure they play it and have fun.
It's a bit hard to time a live version properly without any mapped notes to go by and test, so just use 192 BPM and 1500 offset for now. orz
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That actually sounds very good.

Kudosu for that.
The offset is a bit early but we can fix that later I guess >_>

You did send me a PM to pick a part so I did finished it...... I hope this isn't too bad
Oh and my [Puzzling] and [Challenging] contains timing sections.

Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live Ver.) (MarioBros777) [bmin11's Puzzling].osu

Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live Ver.) (MarioBros777) [bmin11's Challenging].osu

Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live Ver.) (MarioBros777) [bmin's Mind-Boggling].osu
Done with all diffs.
Can't download :x
He was fixing the title last night from 'Live Ver' to 'Live' but somehow it messed up. He said he was fixing it but I'll bug him tonight to see if he can't try again. :U

EDIT: Diffs attached. Also, while play testing and checking the other parts, I saw that the offset felt a tiny bit late. I think that 1490 works much better, but I won't be sure until all parts are in and I can double check each. Awkwardly enough, though, the last couple measures of the song seem to really get behind, so I had to add an uninherited section with like... -30 offset to correct it.

PS: Don't forget to copy timing points for my part (they're the same in each, so that should make it easier to copy paste for you). I removed any other inherited sections in the song to manage my own better, so don't forget to put those back in as well. Oh, and resnap on each diff too, of course. :P


Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live) (MarioBros777) [Derek's Puzzling].osu

Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live) (MarioBros777) [Derek's Challenging].osu

Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live) (MarioBros777) [Derek's Mind-Boggling].osu
In Matma's part in Challenging (I've asked him) can you make 01:00:250 (3) - Curve downwards?
I don't like the way I mapped my [Challenging] part at all, it's a little better now but ugh...

Download: Tomohito Nishiura - Theme of the Last Time Travel (Live) (MarioBros777) [Challenging].osu
Here's the SB. You can change anything you want or ask me to, it's no problem.

Download: Last Time Travel SB.rar
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That is the best SB I've ever seen.

Actually no wait... Hmm...

That is the best Collab SB I've ever seen.
Nice SB <3 yay I get the sexiest part of it AND kiai ;3 I actually prefer just "Derekku" for collab namings, but either way works. <3

Don't forget to add our names to tags, sempai :p
Replace Derekku's image with this then

Matma Rex
Pretty awesome SB, but I think the names scale too much (on hitfinish). Use 1.05 instead of 1.1?

And for some modding:
[Puzzling/Derekku] 03:30:058 (1) - D:
[Challenging/RandomJibberish] 02:53:677 (1) - does not fit D: move 1/2 earlier and add a note 1/2 later?
[Mingboggling/me] 01:00:083 (1) - why is that new combo? D:
[Mingboggling/Dusty] 02:28:990 (4) - nice piece of slider art, but for more awesomeness you might try to rearrange it to make ticks land in corners.
[Mindboggling/RandomJibberish] 02:41:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - whoa, that's intense.
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