
Masami Ueda - Shinshuu Plains

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Card N'FoRcE
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunedì 11 ottobre 2010 at 22.52.16

Artist: Masami Ueda
Title: Shinshuu Plains
Source: Okami
Tags: ignorethis lepidopolus celestial brush amaterasu
BPM: 130
Filesize: 13716kb
Play Time: 03:08
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,93 stars, 170 notes)
  2. God (4,95 stars, 499 notes)
  3. ignore's Hard (4,86 stars, 410 notes)
  4. lepidon! - Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 746 notes)
  5. Normal (3,49 stars, 254 notes)
Download: Masami Ueda - Shinshuu Plains
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

When you're wandering in the fields...
When Nature is calling for you...
When you know you cannot just stay still and wait...
When you just want to run endlessly and feel free...

This is what you want to hear.
Close your eyes and imagine...

Infos and fun facts:
- Easy: v1.0.5
- Normal: v1.4.1
- God: v1.4.3 (Used .osu v8 to set OD to 8 and approach circles to 9)
- Storyboard/Sounds: v1.6.4 (last osz update 11/10/2010)
- Hard by ignorethis. Thanks ^^
- Taiko Oni by lepidopodus. Thanks ^^
- The whole Storyboard was written by hand. I optimized it the best i could: i won't consider any "SB lags" without detailed reasons.
- Timing should be ok now, thanks to Zekira's disponibility :)
- The song is a mix of Shinshuu Plains I and II, edited by me.
- If you want to remove skin/sb/sounds, please delete the whole map and don't even play it, or else the beatmap itself will get messed up and become worse.
Also, special thanks to:
- Atmey: parts of his Okami Skin;
- S i R i R u: i took three sprites from his Storehouse;
- LuigiHann: Taiko hitsounds;
- 100pa-: he made this awesome map that inspired me for this one and a extra guest difficulty that i can't add >.<
- Lokamp: another extra Taiko guest difficulty.
- Every site i took the images from (too many to list >.<)
A parte che non riesco a farla perché mi distrae il cosetto è spettacolare :)
anyway, really awesome sb.

Cyril Scarlet
awesome story board ! XD
Yeah, nice sb ;)
for SB :3
special thanks LOL

awwww storyboard moved me profoundly ;_; can I make a diff for this?
also im so love OKAMI and have beaten it four times(thrice on ps2 and once on wii) :evil: , its my favorate game till now

heres my diff, i did it all night yesterday XD

Download: Masami Ueda - Shinshuu Plains (Card N'FoRcE) [okami].osu
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Card N'FoRcE
Awwww 100pa- ;_;

The difficulty looks great but there's one big problem D:
You mapped parts that are supposed to have a storyboard for Break time and while playing they get messed up if there's a change between Passing and Failing scene ç_ç

If you don't understand what i mean, go to test mode from the editor and let Auto play the map.
When you reach one of the parts that are supposed to be Breaks, press "a" again to disable Auto and look at what happens.

Same thing for the ending D:

What are you going to do? I dunno what to suggest D:
Star! For a good work and nice mapping :3

PD: god is hard <.<
awesome map and SB lol

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Awwww 100pa- ;_;

The difficulty looks great but there's one big problem D:
You mapped parts that are supposed to have a storyboard for Break time and while playing they get messed up if there's a change between Passing and Failing scene ç_ç

If you don't understand what i mean, go to test mode from the editor and let Auto play the map.
When you reach one of the parts that are supposed to be Breaks, press "a" again to disable Auto and look at what happens.

Same thing for the ending D:

What are you going to do? I dunno what to suggest D:
ohyes i know what you mean. i have met this problem once and only didnt notice that the failing(passing) zone is so long, i think it can be solved by canceling the newcombos or write some SBcode in my diff :)

i will edit it tonight and reupload it tomorrow :oops:

Download: Masami Ueda - Shinshuu Plains (Card N'FoRcE) [okami].osu
Ah si, ho dimenticato la stella normale. LOL
Madò, sta mappa è bellissima comunque.
18:12 <Card_N'FoRcE> : OD9 gogogo
18:12 <Beuchi-chan> : omg xD
18:12 <Beuchi-chan> : I suck at high OD ;w;
18:13 <Beuchi-chan> : oh my I'm horryble ;_;
18:13 <Beuchi-chan> : horrible*
18:13 *Card_N'FoRcE expects a !kill from Beuchi
18:17 <Card_N'FoRcE> : how's the SB, Beuchi? :D
18:17 <Beuchi-chan> : awesome <3
18:17 <Beuchi-chan> : screw my sucking playing skills I love the storyboard xD

This explains everything pretty much :3
;_; I killed the tree in [God] I'm an evil person TwT

Anyways, take this, you deserve it.
Call me crazy, but I can play this fine with just this one timing section (tested on ignore's difficulty with OD adjusted to 8):

15,268 Offset
130.01 BPM

Sorry if I'm not of much help.

Also, have a pink star for the awesome SB
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Card N'FoRcE
I think i got one that seems to play fine now O.o

Thanks for suggesting 130,01 Lybydose. It seems it's ok, but i had to tweak the offsets a little.

Now waiting for the last diff, then Pending :3
Here it is... about Oni lvl. 7 so it's just fare for Oni.
If you don't like it, just tell me. I can remap.

Download: Masami Ueda - Shinshuu Plains (Card N'FoRcE) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
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