
COOL&CREATE - The Song of a Broken Youkai That Loves People

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, June 26, 2010 at 1:57:28 PM

Title: The Song of a Broken Youkai That Loves People
Source: Touhou
Tags: Nitori Kawashiro Armin
BPM: 166
Filesize: 12616kb
Play Time: 01:46
Difficulties Available:
  1. Armin's Normal (3.25 stars, 148 notes)
  2. Hard (4.86 stars, 278 notes)
Download: COOL&CREATE - The Song of a Broken Youkai That Loves People
Download: COOL&CREATE - The Song of a Broken Youkai That Loves People (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
[Normal]: Armin
[Hard]: Mafiamaster

Download: diff.rar
Shohei Ohtani
mod4mod request (I know it's really early, but Armin wanted me to do this so I thought "ok cools"):

00:08:500 (7) - Add finish?~
00:34:163 (7) - ^
01:08:862 (2) - ^
01:19:705 (3,4,5) - Add claps
01:22:597 (11) - ^
01:26:211 (9) - Add finish?~

00:04:886 (6) - New combo? (It might make the pattern you're making look weird, so this is just a suggeston)
01:18:259 (1) - Remove? (Seems kinda pointless~)
01:26:211 (2) - Add finish?~
01:39:223 (7) - ^

Sexy map~. Everything here is a suggestion~.

Although I would have liked regular claps, as that's the kind of guy I am, but these work too ;D.
Hello Mafia~ mod4mod request:, thank you

and some suggestions here:P

Nice work, but notes 01:16:091 (3,4,5) - hit the HP bar D:
Change the placement of them?

Notes are hard to read with OD6 D:
Maybe OD+1?

00:45:970 (1) - new combo here?
00:51:467 (x) - increase volume to 40 o.o? those finishs are tooooo quite XD
00:56:934 (1) - 1 grid right&down
01:02:235 (4) - new combo here?
01:16:814 (7) - 1 grid up
Colin Hou
oops, Armin is not in the tags?

no kds for this :P
Yay not late this time (?

star~ <3
Colin Hou
this is a mod I promised ^o^/

  1. no preview point again lol.
  2. the following ones are all suggestions :3
[Armin's Normal]:
  1. check timing sections:
    • 1. Offset: 549ms BPM: 166.00
      2. Offset: 17,542ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      3. Offset: 52,241ms BPM: Inhereted (1x) offset 52,235
      4. Offset: 106,814ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      maybe this is caused by changing the offset after this diff is done? and idk whether a little late section would lead to bugs or not.
  1. check timing sections:
    • 1. Offset: 549ms BPM: 166.00
      2. Offset: 2,964ms BPM: Inhereted (0.5x) offset 2,958
      3. Offset: 3,988ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      4. Offset: 11,639ms BPM: Inhereted (0.5x) offset 11,633
      5. Offset: 12,663ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      6. Offset: 17,542ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      7. Offset: 36,151ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      8. Offset: 51,392ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
      9. Offset: 52,241ms BPM: Inhereted (1x)
  2. 00:14:645 (1) - remove new combo
  3. 00:16:814 (1) - ^
  4. end point is a little different from Armins', consider adding notes at 01:48:621 and 01:48:982.
relaxing song~~
I like the custom sounds~

Armin's Normal
The tick rate on this sounds weird because the song is 1/3. Change the tick rate to 1 or 3 and it'll sound much better
01:15:007 (2) - Doesn't really follow anything

00:48:621 (2,3,4,5) - I don't really like the look of this personally, with the overlapping sliderends.
01:08:500 (1,2) - Center this?
01:15:368 (1,2,3,4) - This is pretty hard to see coming. Maybe make the first two a slider or even the first three a repeating slider to make it a little more obvious?

Really fun map~
Topic Starter
Fixed some, thanks~
xD all fine for me
Sunny Holic
song have 3/4 beat. not 4/4. please use 3/4 Simple Triple (all Timing)
uncheck countdown?.. though it's unnecessary.....

need break time?

......... Orz........ I can't find any other problem.....
though video is fine already, but if you want more high quality with same size(10MB) or you want make it small,
send me original video, i'll encode for you. i'm not good at modding but i'm good at encoding

mod4mod request.. plz..

p.s. i like melodious songs like this.. nice song.. fantastic mood starr
Card N'FoRcE
- General: (Considerations and things you need to check/fix for the whole map)
  • Video is slightly big for 1:50 imho, but i think it's fine since you have no other custom elements and the beatmap package is not so big.
- Armin's Normal:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    00:18:259 (1,2) - i should say, kinda unexpected and hard to guess.
    01:01:874 (1,2) - wow, perfectly timed
- Hard:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    00:52:597 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - i wonder why these seem so wrong, yet i can read/play them just fine.
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    01:10:308 (2,3) - i didn't expect this, instead: since the sliders are so much alike, they seem to follow the same timing pattern. I think you need to think carefully about this.
    01:25:850 (8) - no new combo like you did at 01:08:500 (1) ?
Nothing else.
Relaxing song is relaxing ~
Sunny Holic
heyyy~ if you find some problem in new video, just tell me~
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kthx =D
Male touhou singer, and a really nice map. Just the Normal is alittle hard to me, other things are pretty good.

no problems can be found,nice map again. :)
oooooo Candid Friend

just some humble minor suggestions >_>

[Armin's Normal]
01:46:814 (1) - Clap/Finish or both? Just to match up to Hard's ending

01:03:079 (7) - Make this the new combo and remove the new combo from 01:03:440 (1)?
01:48:259 (9) - Add Finish also?

Awesome stuff :)

Topic Starter
Added finish on Hard
mod 4 mod request :

flawless mapset :)
so i'm going to nazi mod orz

[Armin's Normal]

The flawless map, but 1/3 beats are hard for normal player.
They can be replaced into slider or be deleted.

ex ) 00:18:259 (1,2) - so confusing for normal player. it can be replaced to a slider.
00:23:199 (1,2) - has too short term between each other. maybe you should delete 00:23:199 (1) or make them a slider.


00:38:139 (3) - align with 00:37:416 (1)?
00:46:452 (3) - align with 00:45:970 (1,2)?

nice map, star :3
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