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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on zaterdag 4 juli 2015 at 0:06:32

Title: Replica
Tags: 40mp niritsu haihan 二律背反 itou kashitarou weezer fuwamoko-p
BPM: 180
Filesize: 7312kb
Play Time: 04:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3,04 stars, 620 notes)
  2. Insane (4,33 stars, 831 notes)
  3. Normal (1,99 stars, 403 notes)
Download: ITO KASHITARO - Replica
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
"00:14 Pho: just a tip, try to break out of your habits :p"
i tried k :c

25/6 - new mp3 by pishifat, thanks!

Thank you!
  1. Rakuen
  2. Milan-
  3. Kocari
  4. Peachtrees
  5. UndeadCapulet
  6. Raose
  7. pishifat
  8. Ringating (bg)
  9. xxdeathx
  1. Milan-
  2. monstrata
  3. Okoratu
  4. Rakuen
Thanks to Narcissu, Euny and Garven as well <3
is it real life

how to map a 180 bpm with high spacing, and still being 4.3 stars, teach me pls..

  1. 00:09:979 (1) - this slider looks so bad. every time i played the map, i saw it and i was like, mehhhhhhh. move the last red point way more down, it looks better? or this if u want to blank that much with (3).
  2. 00:23:312 (6,7,1) - not sure what you're trying to map here tbh. If it's the guitar 7 should be at 00:23:562 - instead. But eitherway, i think it'd be much better to do an antijump between 00:23:312 (6,2) - like you do here 00:23:979 (4,5) - .
  3. 00:35:979 (2) - 00:46:646 (2) - these slider pass over drums ;w;. Makes your hitsounding sound weird, specially when you use tickrate 1.
  4. 00:42:146 (5) - weird that you decide to not map the vocals at 00:42:312 - as vocals is what your map priorizes most of the time.
  5. 00:59:479 (1,2) - uh i'd stack these correctly. All your antijumps are stacked, so there's that.
  6. 01:06:646 (3,5) - did you know that these touch each other? now you know, fix it tytyty
  7. 01:09:646 (5,6) - ^ almost the same. Looks pretty ugly still even you said u'll fix it </3
  8. 01:40:646 (1,3) - ugly; less ugly
  9. 02:09:979 (4) - uh ctrl +g ? i feel like there's a lot of emphasis on the vocals here , but you keep constant ds
  10. 02:14:146 (1,2,3) - do u know how to make triangles? move 2 to x261y227, wow such triangle, very rankeable
  11. 02:17:479 (3,4) - my ocd tells me that you should ctrl+g these. circular flow is moe and changing distance like this 02:16:979 (2,3,4,5) - is hateeee
  12. 02:31:979 (3,5) - even i know that this can be better blanket, apple plz /w\
  13. 02:33:479 (3,4,5,1) - this still annoying me while playing, not the pattern but the distance. It's too short for how you've been mapping this section imo. 2.0x may work better
  14. 02:40:812 (1) - first repeater lands on nothing tho. but more like the whole part(02:40:812 - 02:42:146 - )is snapped weirdly. this is what i can hear lol
  15. 02:45:312 (3,4) - this sounds better as just 1 large 1/1 slider imo, fits the guitar way better. 02:47:979 (3) - similar here. but antijump would be awesome :o (cuz guitar ends on 1/4 or 1/8 ...)
  16. use this drum-hitnormal? You use drum samp for the kicks right?
  17. 00:13:312 (3) - finish, cuz bummm *cymbals crashing*. Same 00:14:146 (1) - tail; 00:17:146 (2) - head; 00:23:312 (6) - ; 01:12:812 (1) - tail; 01:34:146 (1) - tail; 01:36:812 (1) - tail < there are more of these, but dunno if you did it on purpuse or not, so you can check it yourself if it was not.
  18. 00:22:646 (3) - drum finish on tail and add 00:22:979 (4) - drum clap. sounds really cool, don you think bae. Same here 00:23:812 (3,4) - (00:24:312 (5) - drum clap too maybe?
  19. 00:50:812 (9) - drum finish on tail? or atleast drum samp
  20. 02:16:979 (2) - head feels empty with just drum samp imo. would u add drum calp to it?
  1. 00:46:646 (2,3,4) - spacing inconsistency makes the pattern looks a bit unpolished imo. or u can do this and im happy <3
  2. 00:47:479 (4,5,6,7) - could you make a decent square pls /w\
  3. 00:57:812 - missing this note make the hitsounding sounds really empty, would u added a note
  4. 01:21:812 (4,5) - make the distance higher like you do with 01:22:479 (6,7) - 01:11:312 (4) - and similars
  5. 01:32:479 (3,4,5,6) - ^ , yea you could be consistent at least with these big impact notes, same on the others kiai,etc
  6. 03:42:812 (3,4) - could u?
  7. 03:43:979 (6,7,8) - this pattern looks pretty ugly cuz autostack ;w;. better do manual stack and move 8 to a decent position
  1. 00:16:812 (1,4) - you can see this overlap for like 1 seg, would u stack them better pls?
  2. 01:29:646 (2,3) - rhythm sounds really weird here, uh what about something like ths?
  3. 02:00:646 (5) - 1/2 rhythm sounds random here. It'd better not to have it
  4. 02:17:979 (3,4) - just extend 3 to 4. Like you do most of the map, the last beat doesn't have big impact.
  5. 02:37:312 (6,7) - ^
  6. 02:27:479 (1,1) - can u remembered me the spinner thing? was it 2 or 3 measures?

[General Overview]
The mapset is one its way to looking really good, TBH it's already good to begin with and I hoped this mod will help you improve it some more with these suggestions. They all look clean, and hitsounds are used thoroughly. The only thing is that on hard, the rhythm has pauses and awaited areas waiting to be hit and are stacked on different layer of notes, so that may cause problems in hitting too fast or too soon. So maybe NC can help with it being more readable but as it is now I think it should be OK. Welp I did the best I could. Modding time was 2 hours so I hope I took my time pretty neatly and done in a fashionable manner. Good luck to this getting ranked. :)

  1. 00:04:146 (3,4) - How about something like this Slider (3) didn't seem as clean as the rotation here does stop on note (4) so making 3 nicer to compensate will be gladly appreciated :? and feels clean with the other upcoming sliders as the spine isn't fat
  2. 00:06:146 (1) - I don't think the first anchor on this slider is absolutely necessary, as it doesn't accomplish things since the regular one will have the same affect or none at all. In general removing it would be nicer to the slider
  3. 00:09:979 (1) - Make the first anchor a white tick so it looks better than having a tiny mountain here :P
  4. 00:12:646 (1) - Slightly better blanket (Nazi) or actually how about something like this? so it blankets well and has the same rotary effect and feels really good
  5. 00:13:979 (11,1) - I think this will be used better with a long slider being the case because of how it sounds, something like this might do to affiliate with the curves slider
  6. 00:14:812 (3,4) - Can have cleaner rotation since slider 1 really makes the rotation big so compensating for that will feel better and of course it resembles to how this plays as well 00:15:979 (3) -
  7. 00:36:812 (4,5,6) - Create same distance apart so it has good visual effects
  8. 00:39:146 (3,4) - (My pretty cool flow, yours works too) Switch sliders (3) and (4) around and ctrl + g note 4
  9. 00:40:812 (1) - Cleaner blanket so it curves better
  10. 01:00:146 (2) - Is this note set like this on purpose? Because it will throw most players off as it would resemble a note right after the slider and be confusing to hit when you look at it for the first time, but if not on purpose stack will do 8-)
  11. 01:15:146 (5,6) - I think you should give these two jumps more range of movement as it is a short gap and all of them look like the same distance
  12. 01:14:979 (4,5,7) - but is different in the music since notes (4) and (5) plays along with the vocals so a mini jump here will do and the next upcoming not will have efficient effects to be hit, like this (I think I probably was confusing here) In all short (4) (5) jumps to go along with music and be effective with the next set of notes
  13. 01:16:646 (1) - Blanket, or maybe this might be good for rotational use
  14. 01:21:646 (3,4) - The distance is really short here, maybe try something like this so these notes have an approximate distance of 3.9 to keep consistency and make (3) and (4) have strong emphasis with the claps being a bit more of a gap, and note (3) is stacked instead of (4) this time around
  15. 01:30:146 (1) - Can curve more
  16. 02:17:979 (6) - Move a little to the right so it's in between them at their midpoints
  17. 02:18:979 (9) - Can make jump slight bigger by possibly placing, x:321 y:117 for a stronger emphasis than being quite close together since this map is AR9
  18. 03:04:812 (1) - Point this directly towards blanket so it looks cool
  19. 03:11:646 (2) - It may not be anything that you should look into but make this note the exact same distance previously and next, so it gives off the vibe of the music being the same with the notes :o
  20. 03:27:312 (1) - Just to point out can be stacked but this probably is on purpose
  21. 03:49:312 (3) - Blanket

  1. 00:07:312 (4) - Possible curve for a nice blanket?
  2. 00:11:396 - Note can be added since this clap part is really strong and stands out surprisingly a lot (but in most cases, it can be ignored as there are a lot of them and mapping shouldn't always revolve around what you hear :? or does it? :x )
  3. 00:29:646 (7,8) - What do you think about something like this? Because where 7 was placed is awkward to me
  4. 00:33:812 (3,4) - DS here so its smooth, as I know you don't intend to mix things up starting here, so keeping it consistent will do well
  5. 01:00:979 (1,2,1) - Can do NC changes so it keeps the players from not getting confused by the rhythm as stopping and big gaps will confuse and delay the reactions of players when they play, (on the timeline)
  6. 01:24:812 (4) - Move to the right more so gaps can look consistent
  7. 01:40:646 (4) - Where this is placed, it makes flow a bit awkward, can stack with (3) and do this to make it compensate for the placements
  8. 02:04:479 (4) - Stacking on the long slider would feel better as the jump from 3-4 is pretty good already so evening it out under the stack would be good
  9. 02:46:646 (2) - DS for better gaping
  10. 03:27:312 (5,6,7) - Can do this part slightly better so it visually looks nicer, sort of like this
    It's really good

  1. 00:11:479 (1) - Give this blanket more space by moving the spine up more
  2. 00:36:812 (4,5) - Idk... maybe
  3. 01:26:146 (1) - Flow here is dipped downwards, moving it to the right would let that rotation from the previous slider flow better
  4. 01:28:812 (5,6) - Maybe something like this so the pattern can be slightly better during this area as slider (4) was overwhelming placed strangely
  5. 01:41:312 (4) - Distance Snap properly
  6. 02:09:979 (3) - Can DS to be cleaner spacing
  7. 02:19:479 (1) - ?
    Looks good
Mod ^_^

04:50 appleeaterx: hey rakuen! are you open for testplays by any chance?
04:51 Rakuen: yes :3
04:51 Rakuen: but im sux tho
04:51 appleeaterx: lol, its an easy insane i swear xd
04:51 *appleeaterx is listening to [ ITO KASHITARO - Replica]
04:52 Rakuen: sure
04:52 Rakuen: downloding
04:55 Rakuen: gome 1 min XD
04:55 Rakuen: i tell u when im playing
04:55 appleeaterx: oh okay :3
04:59 *Rakuen is listening to [ ITO KASHITARO - Replica]
04:59 Rakuen: play play :DDD
05:00 appleeaterx: \:D/
05:04 Rakuen: nice :)))
05:04 Rakuen: do u need mods for it?
05:04 appleeaterx: aaaaah thanks! too bad 1 miss
05:04 appleeaterx: yea its aiming for rank but want to take it slowly hehe
05:05 Rakuen: i'll test play 1 more time tho ;3
05:05 Rakuen: spec if u want huehue'
05:05 Rakuen: its gonna be boring XD
05:05 appleeaterx: sure!
05:05 Rakuen: sorry er, gime a sec
05:06 Rakuen: closing programs, lag pc
05:10 Rakuen: in game mod? :)
05:10 appleeaterx: woah really?
05:11 Rakuen: and yea, dont mind my skills too
05:11 Rakuen: i hvt reli ply for like 3 months
05:11 Rakuen: and im on a lag pc (studying aboard)
05:12 appleeaterx: oh, well i'd really appreaciate it w
05:12 Rakuen: lets start :D
05:12 *Rakuen is editing [ ITO KASHITARO - Replica [Insane]]
05:12 Rakuen: just so u know im maybe not good as u, change anything or ignore if u want
05:12 Rakuen: 00:04:146 (3) - blanket (no 1 can see tho) XD
05:13 Rakuen: for me I would use too complex shape like 00:06:146 (1) -
05:13 appleeaterx: fixed c:
05:13 Rakuen: would prefer shapes with just like, max 4 points
05:13 Rakuen: 00:09:979 (5,6,7) - ^ the shapes too :3
05:13 Rakuen: for me Insanes are good with clean shapes
05:14 Rakuen: except you really wanna be skystar
05:14 appleeaterx: avoid like 01:04:812 (1) -
05:14 appleeaterx: lol i dont wanna be skystar xd
05:14 Rakuen: coz like Insane u cant really notice the shapes
05:14 Rakuen: yea, it's up to u
05:15 appleeaterx: i think ur right yeah
05:15 appleeaterx: will need to do some readjustments tho
05:15 Rakuen: and if I'm mapping, I'd use more NCs
05:15 Rakuen: like 00:04:646 (5) -
05:15 appleeaterx: will clean up the slider shapes later then
05:15 Rakuen: or at least like 00:12:646 (5) - , can hear Finish
05:16 Rakuen: sorta like halfing the 4 beats
05:16 Rakuen: and avoid circle numbers like "10, 11, 12" etc
05:16 appleeaterx: yeah was also concerned about this, because sometimes i used a lot of 1/1 and 1/2 sliders
05:16 appleeaterx: that'd make combos of like only 3 or 4
05:17 Rakuen: and it may fit better with anti jumps
05:17 Rakuen: for example 00:26:312 (5) -
05:17 appleeaterx: but you're right yeah, looks weird
05:17 appleeaterx: yep ur completely right, will add more NCs throughout the whole diff
05:17 Rakuen: 00:28:979 (7) - I'd like NC all for anti jumps too XD
05:17 Rakuen: im lazy to read
05:18 Rakuen: 00:29:646 (10) - ^
05:18 Rakuen: I'd use numbers like "10, 11" on fast songs
05:18 Rakuen: this is like soft XD
05:18 Rakuen: without much streams
05:18 Rakuen: might not look as good as it is
05:19 Rakuen: dont be afraid of inconsistency NC, its not really have to be on strong beats etc
05:19 Rakuen: just NC, new combo, like what arrangement makes u feel like a combo
05:20 appleeaterx: ah nice! ill just add NC at the guitar solo and KIAI then
05:20 Rakuen: 00:27:979 (3) - maybe rotate this a little to fit blanket 00:28:646 (6) -
05:20 Rakuen: 00:42:979 (7,8) - they might be too close to each other
05:21 Rakuen: 01:09:646 (9,10,11,1) - try to change this, in test play (10) is like stacking on (9)
05:23 Rakuen: 01:47:479 - Clap > finish
05:24 appleeaterx: fix all up ´till now c±
05:24 appleeaterx: c:
05:26 Rakuen: maybe can add hitsounds at the guitar parts mm
05:26 Rakuen: 02:39:146 (3) -
05:26 Rakuen: like more soft whistle? XD
05:26 Rakuen: sounds a bit plain for me
05:27 Rakuen: yea just so u know, I'd also put NCs for like 03:11:312 (7) - XD
05:27 Rakuen: it sounds like 1,2,3
05:27 Rakuen: 03:23:479 - Clap > Finish
05:27 Rakuen: 03:23:812 - Add clap here
05:30 appleeaterx: fixed all except last one, that one is intended c:
05:31 Rakuen: ok
05:31 Rakuen: 03:38:146 (4) - maybe can map the strong part for vocal
05:31 Rakuen: at like 03:37:979 -
05:31 Rakuen: for other parts in KIAI too
05:31 Rakuen: like the vocal here is quite strong
05:32 Rakuen: just so u know light hit like 03:38:146 - is just for drum marking
05:32 Rakuen: u can ingore that XD
05:32 Rakuen: 03:44:479 (10,11) - Ctrl+G?
05:33 Rakuen: ^ to fit 03:44:812 (1) -
05:33 Rakuen: 03:47:812 - Finish
05:34 Rakuen: 03:59:812 - Clap (in music)
05:34 appleeaterx: 1st suggestion vocal: actually this slider is following the vocal a bit later yep, however does emphasize the echo of the voice which gives a nice effect imo
05:34 appleeaterx: ctrl+g: yeah flow is weird, will change pattern
05:35 Rakuen: that's likely much from me i think :)
05:35 Rakuen: jumps are quite small, not hard to rank
05:35 appleeaterx: other suggestions fixed
05:36 Rakuen: i post, kd pls? :D
05:36 appleeaterx: thank you so much rakuen, im so grateful ;w;
05:36 appleeaterx: yes ofc :D
Topic Starter
Thank you so much for your help Rakuen ;w;


00:05:479 (4) - a more distinct curve would look neater here I think

00:08:146 (4) - would be a bit nicer if started above the previous sliders tail, makes catching the curve a little smoother

00:16:812 (1,4) - perhaps see if you can have these stack? they're so closeeee >< and I think it just looks a lot neater

00:36:479 (3,4) - rotate 4 a bit to create something like this? It just looks neater to me

00:55:312 (3,4,1) - perhaps try forming a nice triangle here for better looks? 1 is a bit close to 3's tail I think

01:21:979 (3) - could perhaps curve this a little more for a more distinct curve. Also gives more momentum for the next pattern, which is nice

01:28:146 (4,1) - really sloppy blanket ;w;

01:57:312 (4,1) - is this overlap REALLY neccessary? it's the only one of these that I've spotted so far, so idk it doesn't really fit I think

02:06:146 (1,2,3) - perhaps tidy up the spacing here? feels quite noticeable

02:18:812 (5,1) - I'm just going to assume these weren't supposed to blanket?

02:42:812 (4,1) - inconsistency in spacing intentional?

03:37:979 (3) - missing quite a strong beat on the second white tick this is covering I think


00:11:146 (8,1) - you're mapping out the 1/4 on some occassions and then you don't on others eventhough there's no significant change in how strong the song feels. I guess this isn't much of an issue, I just kinda like when stuff like this is more consistent

00:24:312 (7,8,1) - perhaps see if you can have the same distacne between the heads of the notes? just for the looks :c

00:28:479 (3,4) - 4 feels too close imo, it feels really strong, like something that needs more impact to it

00:36:812 (3) - would be a bit nicer to play if moved a bit to the left. flow is a bit too sharp going from the head of the previous slider to this one I think

00:44:312 (3,4) - hmhmhmhhm while I think the drop itself plays good, it makes catching the sliders curve a little awkward I think

00:47:479 (4,5,6,7) - why not form a square here

00:51:646 (2,5) - stack is off a little

01:21:979 (5) - feels a bit like this lacks impact, especially since the player has 0 momentum going into this since the previous notes are stacked

01:31:479 (1,4) - would it bother you to much to get rid of this overlap?:c

01:59:646 (5,6) - sloppy blanket :c

02:08:479 (8,1) - 1 feels like it lacks a bit of impact. Also 00:44:312 (3,4) applies for this one too, making this pattern feel odd ;c

02:45:312 (7,8) - my OCD tells me that these are not perfectly parallel

02:46:812 (3,4) - hmm I kinda think this calls for a jump

03:21:646 (3,4,5,6) - creating a square here would be really neat :c

03:27:146 (4,5) - shouldn't these be spaced out a little more?

03:46:646 (5,6,7,8,1) - perhaps try creating a nicer curve between these? maybe just move the triplet+slider combo up and to the left a little


00:11:146 (4,5,6,1) - awkwardly close. you had jumps leading into all your previous triplets :c

00:18:479 (2,3) - might play a little awkward I think since catching the slider feels a bit odd here

00:32:646 (4,1) - mmhmhm not really an issue I guess, but I would've expected this to continue the sharp left-right movement from your previous pattern, so this kinda caught me off guard a little

00:43:312 (3,5) - stack these?;w;

00:59:396 (8,1,2) - stack is off

01:08:312 (3,4,1,2,3) - hmmm I'm torn between really liking the flow and thinking that the change in flow here is too sudden. I was expecting this to be round-ish flow throughout the entire pattern, instead 2->3 is a drop, which doesn't really feel intuitive to me

02:16:479 (9) - I guess touching he hp bar isn't unrankable, but I still think that avoiding it looks a tad bit neater c:

02:25:812 (5) - perhaps try putting SOME sort of hitsound here to go along with the drums in the background? eh this might just be me, but I think this'd work well ;w;

03:13:312 (2,1) - ctrl+g both of these? flows fairly well I think, better than it does now ;w; currently feels a bit too harsh

03:39:146 (4,5,6,1) - too close imo, especially looking at how big the jump between 3->4 is. this one should be even bigger for correct emphasize I think

Good luck o3o
From my queue:


I could be wrong, but it is my understanding that this set doesn't qualify as rankable, because your Normal difficulty is full of 1/2 singletap, such as 00:04:479 (2,3) - , 00:07:146 (2,3) - , 00:12:479 (2,3) - , etc. which is considered too hard for the easiest difficulty of a 180BPM song to contain. You need to make an easier difficulty to rank this set. Especially 02:36:479 (3,4,5,6,7) - poses concern for spread balance.



00:23:312 (6,7,1) - Should be 1/3 snap (from the red tick)
01:26:646 (2) - Move this somewhere around here for a nicer pop to 3's high note.
02:26:479 (7,8,9) - Try this, I think it flows better.
02:26:812 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,1) - You might want to consider having the stream blanket the center of the spinner, just so thing look even cleaner.
02:40:479 (7) - Perhaps make it a 1/4 slider? There is a guitar sound on the blue tick.
02:47:812 (2,3) - Maybe make this jump larger because of how high the guitar's gotten?



00:26:646 map this please
00:27:146 (7) - ctrl+g
00:57:812 map this please
02:12:646 map this please, it's not worth skipping all these prominent beats just to follow vocals.
02:26:812 (7,1) - Since 7 is ending to the right, move 1 so it's at that tail?
03:33:812 (4) - ctrl+g
03:54:146 (6) - I'd rather this stack 3's head (or not stack anything at all). This section is a little tricky to read (or maybe I just suck at low AR lol).



01:28:146 (4,1) - Sloppy blanketing
01:50:146 (1,2) - What is the point of this being two objects when it was one object everywhere else?
01:57:312 (4,1) - Overlap further
02:18:812 (5,1) - lol

Lovely song, good luck!

00:14:812 (3) - consider curving it more downward, I think it would flow better into (4) and (1)

00:24:812 (1) - how about converting this into a 1/2 rhythm, so the middle beat isn't neglected?

00:43:146 (2,3) - consider switching these on timeline, i think it would flow a bit better!

00:51:146 (10) - there is a (kinda quiet) triplet here, if you'd like to map it. Just shorten this by a 1/4 and add a circle on the blue tick

01:07:812 (2,3) - how about switching these on timeline to better fit vocals?

01:10:979 (3) - consider curving this a bit upward, flows a bit better for me:

01:18:479 (2,3) - would flow better imo if (2) was moved to the left of 1, and 3 was ctrl+G hooray circular flow :D

01:18:979 (4,1) - since there's a heavy beat on the red tick (at end of 4) how about removing the repeat on 4, and moving (1) back to the red tick? (and add a circle on 01:19:812) i think
this would suit the beat as well as the vocals!

01:23:979 (3,4,5,1) - wow i like this pattern :D

01:51:146 (4,1) - since 1 is on a big beat, i think it'd be more dramatic if this was unstacked with 4 (similar to your other sliders)

02:05:812 (6,7,8) - put these above 5 for a more circular flow?

02:19:479 (1) - the gap seems empty :C consider extending this slider to the next white tick or moving this over by 1/2 and adding a circle at 02:19:479

02:24:479 (8) - move right a bit so the pattern doesn't feel too narrow?

03:17:146 (2) - would flow better if this was placed above 1

03:58:646 (4) - ctrl+G plays better imo

04:04:646 (6) - how about making this a slider instead until 04:05:146?


00:13:312 (6) - add finish on head

00:44:646 (4) - move this up a bit so the curve of the slider follows transition from 3 -> 4


00:05:479 (4) - this blanket can be improved a bit :D

00:12:646 (3) - finish on tail

00:56:812 (1) - move up a bit so it doesn't look like it's touching 3

01:51:312 (4,5,6) - since the previous sliders were following the guitar, how about adjusting these sliders
so that they also follow the guitar? something like this maybe:

02:19:479 (1) - move a bit for blanket

nice set :D goodluck with the map!
Topic Starter
is it real life

how to map a 180 bpm with high spacing, and still being 4.3 stars, teach me pls.. :arrow: I can't map hard shit, you know that :p

  1. 00:09:979 (1) - this slider looks so bad. every time i played the map, i saw it and i was like, mehhhhhhh. move the last red point way more down, it looks better? or this if u want to blank that much with (3). :arrow: Like the current one much much more tbh :/
  2. 00:23:312 (6,7,1) - not sure what you're trying to map here tbh. If it's the guitar 7 should be at 00:23:562 - instead. But eitherway, i think it'd be much better to do an antijump between 00:23:312 (6,2) - like you do here 00:23:979 (4,5) - . :arrow: I understand what you mean, but following the guitar fully would ignore all the drum beats, whereas if I ignore the guitar it doesn't get enough emphasis. That's why I chose this mixture.
  3. 00:35:979 (2) - 00:46:646 (2) - these slider pass over drums ;w;. Makes your hitsounding sound weird, specially when you use tickrate 1. :arrow: Will think about these specific/tick rate, because I don't want full 1/2 spacing in this calm part..
  4. 00:42:146 (5) - weird that you decide to not map the vocals at 00:42:312 - as vocals is what your map priorizes most of the time. :arrow: Actually, with those double sliders as mentioned above, it shows that I prioritize the guitar in slower parts.
  5. 00:59:479 (1,2) - uh i'd stack these correctly. All your antijumps are stacked, so there's that. :arrow: Fixed!
  6. 01:06:646 (3,5) - did you know that these touch each other? now you know, fix it tytyty :arrow: They don't? I think it's because of the automatic stacking.. will fix then.
  7. 01:09:646 (5,6) - ^ almost the same. Looks pretty ugly still even you said u'll fix it </3 :arrow: Should look better, Rakuen also mentioned it, but I kinda like this pattern and I've used it quite frequently in my map actually. Will just increase distance.
  8. 01:40:646 (1,3) - ugly; less ugly :arrow: I tried.
  9. 02:09:979 (4) - uh ctrl +g ? i feel like there's a lot of emphasis on the vocals here , but you keep constant ds :arrow: Hmm, not sure about this...
  10. 02:14:146 (1,2,3) - do u know how to make triangles? move 2 to x261y227, wow such triangle, very rankeable :arrow: Woah, I'm really retarded lol.
  11. 02:17:479 (3,4) - my ocd tells me that you should ctrl+g these. circular flow is moe and changing distance like this 02:16:979 (2,3,4,5) - is hateeee :arrow: You're completely right, fixed.
  12. 02:31:979 (3,5) - even i know that this can be better blanket, apple plz /w\ :arrow: OK then c:
  13. 02:33:479 (3,4,5,1) - this still annoying me while playing, not the pattern but the distance. It's too short for how you've been mapping this section imo. 2.0x may work better :arrow: Yep, fixed.
  14. 02:40:812 (1) - first repeater lands on nothing tho. but more like the whole part(02:40:812 - 02:42:146 - )is snapped weirdly. this is what i can hear lol :arrow: Current rhythm plays so much better imo.
  15. 02:45:312 (3,4) - this sounds better as just 1 large 1/1 slider imo, fits the guitar way better. 02:47:979 (3) - similar here. but antijump would be awesome :o (cuz guitar ends on 1/4 or 1/8 ...) :arrow: Well, finish will be offbeat, and strong sound on the red tick would be ignored completely, so would rather keep.
  16. use this drum-hitnormal? You use drum samp for the kicks right? :arrow: Sounds really nice actually, might add it later - since I don't really want to override hitnormal's and force player to play with silent sounds like these... Really nice sound though, will think about this.
  17. 00:13:312 (3) - finish, cuz bummm *cymbals crashing*. Same 00:14:146 (1) - tail; 00:17:146 (2) - head; 00:23:312 (6) - ; 01:12:812 (1) - tail; 01:34:146 (1) - tail; 01:36:812 (1) - tail < there are more of these, but dunno if you did it on purpuse or not, so you can check it yourself if it was not.
  18. 00:22:646 (3) - drum finish on tail and add 00:22:979 (4) - drum clap. sounds really cool, don you think bae. Same here 00:23:812 (3,4) - (00:24:312 (5) - drum clap too maybe? :arrow: The lowest sounds = hitnormal, the higher ones = clap. Don't really want finishes here..
  19. 00:50:812 (9) - drum finish on tail? or atleast drum samp
  20. 02:16:979 (2) - head feels empty with just drum samp imo. would u add drum calp to it? :arrow: Rest fixed!
  1. 00:46:646 (2,3,4) - spacing inconsistency makes the pattern looks a bit unpolished imo. or u can do this and im happy <3 :arrow: <3
  2. 00:47:479 (4,5,6,7) - could you make a decent square pls /w\ :arrow: Yes!
  3. 00:57:812 - missing this note make the hitsounding sounds really empty, would u added a note :arrow: Good.
  4. 01:21:812 (4,5) - make the distance higher like you do with 01:22:479 (6,7) - 01:11:312 (4) - and similars
  5. 01:32:479 (3,4,5,6) - ^ , yea you could be consistent at least with these big impact notes, same on the others kiai,etc :arrow: Fixed both.
  6. 03:42:812 (3,4) - could u? :arrow: Yeah, okay c:
  7. 03:43:979 (6,7,8) - this pattern looks pretty ugly cuz autostack ;w;. better do manual stack and move 8 to a decent position :arrow: Shouldn't matter that much I think, if it's really bad I'll change it when someone mentions it again.
  1. 00:16:812 (1,4) - you can see this overlap for like 1 seg, would u stack them better pls? :arrow: Yes!
  2. 01:29:646 (2,3) - rhythm sounds really weird here, uh what about something like ths? :arrow: Current one seems fine to me o_o
  3. 02:00:646 (5) - 1/2 rhythm sounds random here. It'd better not to have it :arrow: Can agree with you, but that note is the strongest vocal from the three... will keep for now.
  4. 02:17:979 (3,4) - just extend 3 to 4. Like you do most of the map, the last beat doesn't have big impact. :arrow: Sounds cool here tho
  5. 02:37:312 (6,7) - ^ :arrow: Drum triplet here is really noticeable, so thought I could at least emphasize it with a note :/
  6. 02:27:479 (1,1) - can u remembered me the spinner thing? was it 2 or 3 measures? :arrow: Should be fine, will ask to make sure.
Thank you for modding bby <3


[General Overview]
The mapset is one its way to looking really good, TBH it's already good to begin with and I hoped this mod will help you improve it some more with these suggestions. They all look clean, and hitsounds are used thoroughly. The only thing is that on hard, the rhythm has pauses and awaited areas waiting to be hit and are stacked on different layer of notes, so that may cause problems in hitting too fast or too soon. So maybe NC can help with it being more readable but as it is now I think it should be OK. Welp I did the best I could. Modding time was 2 hours so I hope I took my time pretty neatly and done in a fashionable manner. Good luck to this getting ranked. :) :arrow: <3

  1. 00:04:146 (3,4) - How about something like this Slider (3) didn't seem as clean as the rotation here does stop on note (4) so making 3 nicer to compensate will be gladly appreciated :? and feels clean with the other upcoming sliders as the spine isn't fat :arrow: Woah, you sure have a good point! However, after watching testplays, this pattern played fine o_o
  2. 00:06:146 (1) - I don't think the first anchor on this slider is absolutely necessary, as it doesn't accomplish things since the regular one will have the same affect or none at all. In general removing it would be nicer to the slider :arrow: Deleted that one.
  3. 00:09:979 (1) - Make the first anchor a white tick so it looks better than having a tiny mountain here :P :arrow: Yup!
  4. 00:12:646 (1) - Slightly better blanket (Nazi) or actually how about something like this? so it blankets well and has the same rotary effect and feels really good :arrow: Fixed blanket.
  5. 00:13:979 (11,1) - I think this will be used better with a long slider being the case because of how it sounds, something like this might do to affiliate with the curves slider
  6. 00:14:812 (3,4) - Can have cleaner rotation since slider 1 really makes the rotation big so compensating for that will feel better and of course it resembles to how this plays as well 00:15:979 (3) - :arrow: Since flow is rather straight before this, smoothing this part out with a curvy slider is a better solution in my pov.
  7. 00:36:812 (4,5,6) - Create same distance apart so it has good visual effects :arrow: Coooool
  8. 00:39:146 (3,4) - (My pretty cool flow, yours works too) Switch sliders (3) and (4) around and ctrl + g note 4 :arrow: 1-2-3 flow becomes to linear then
  9. 00:40:812 (1) - Cleaner blanket so it curves better :arrow: okay
  10. 01:00:146 (2) - Is this note set like this on purpose? Because it will throw most players off as it would resemble a note right after the slider and be confusing to hit when you look at it for the first time, but if not on purpose stack will do 8-) :arrow: Breaks are cool :D
  11. 01:15:146 (5,6) - I think you should give these two jumps more range of movement as it is a short gap and all of them look like the same distance :arrow: Well, just increased distance a tiny bit. This actually just an incompleted star, so it shouldn't be too hard to read.
  12. 01:14:979 (4,5,7) - but is different in the music since notes (4) and (5) plays along with the vocals so a mini jump here will do and the next upcoming not will have efficient effects to be hit, like this (I think I probably was confusing here) In all short (4) (5) jumps to go along with music and be effective with the next set of notes :arrow:
  13. 01:16:646 (1) - Blanket, or maybe this might be good for rotational use :arrow: Sure
  14. 01:21:646 (3,4) - The distance is really short here, maybe try something like this so these notes have an approximate distance of 3.9 to keep consistency and make (3) and (4) have strong emphasis with the claps being a bit more of a gap, and note (3) is stacked instead of (4) this time around :arrow: Will think about this, since I want to prepare the player for the large jump @ the next pattern.
  15. 01:30:146 (1) - Can curve more :arrow: Did it a tiny bit to improve blanket.
  16. 02:17:979 (6) - Move a little to the right so it's in between them at their midpoints :arrow: okay
  17. 02:18:979 (9) - Can make jump slight bigger by possibly placing, x:321 y:117 for a stronger emphasis than being quite close together since this map is AR9 :arrow: Find the current one pretty okay actually o_o Would mess up my stack later on
  18. 03:04:812 (1) - Point this directly towards blanket so it looks cool :arrow: I'm a bad person
  19. 03:11:646 (2) - It may not be anything that you should look into but make this note the exact same distance previously and next, so it gives off the vibe of the music being the same with the notes :o :arrow: Sure thing
  20. 03:27:312 (1) - Just to point out can be stacked but this probably is on purpose :arrow: Actually, this is much better now thanks to you!
  21. 03:49:312 (3) - Blanket :arrow: Surreee

  1. 00:07:312 (4) - Possible curve for a nice blanket?
  2. 00:11:396 - Note can be added since this clap part is really strong and stands out surprisingly a lot (but in most cases, it can be ignored as there are a lot of them and mapping shouldn't always revolve around what you hear :? or does it? :x )
  3. 00:29:646 (7,8) - What do you think about something like this? Because where 7 was placed is awkward to me
  4. 00:33:812 (3,4) - DS here so its smooth, as I know you don't intend to mix things up starting here, so keeping it consistent will do well
  5. 01:00:979 (1,2,1) - Can do NC changes so it keeps the players from not getting confused by the rhythm as stopping and big gaps will confuse and delay the reactions of players when they play, (on the timeline)
  6. 01:24:812 (4) - Move to the right more so gaps can look consistent
  7. 01:40:646 (4) - Where this is placed, it makes flow a bit awkward, can stack with (3) and do this to make it compensate for the placements
  8. 02:04:479 (4) - Stacking on the long slider would feel better as the jump from 3-4 is pretty good already so evening it out under the stack would be good :arrow: Want to keep diamond shape here.
  9. 02:46:646 (2) - DS for better gaping
  10. 03:27:312 (5,6,7) - Can do this part slightly better so it visually looks nicer, sort of like this :arrow: Current one does the same job and i like the curves here c:

    Rest all fixed here!

    It's really good

  1. 00:11:479 (1) - Give this blanket more space by moving the spine up more
  2. 00:36:812 (4,5) - Idk... maybe
  3. 01:26:146 (1) - Flow here is dipped downwards, moving it to the right would let that rotation from the previous slider flow better
  4. 01:28:812 (5,6) - Maybe something like this so the pattern can be slightly better during this area as slider (4) was overwhelming placed strangely :arrow: I understand, but would like to keep triangle formation.
  5. 01:41:312 (4) - Distance Snap properly
  6. 02:09:979 (3) - Can DS to be cleaner spacing
  7. 02:19:479 (1) - ?

    Rest fixed!

    Looks good
Really nice modding, thank you so much Kocari for being so quick w.



00:05:479 (4) - a more distinct curve would look neater here I think :arrow: nop to me :/

00:08:146 (4) - would be a bit nicer if started above the previous sliders tail, makes catching the curve a little smoother :arrow: not enough room

00:16:812 (1,4) - perhaps see if you can have these stack? they're so closeeee >< and I think it just looks a lot neater :arrow: yesyesyes

00:36:479 (3,4) - rotate 4 a bit to create something like this? It just looks neater to me :arrow: trippy

00:55:312 (3,4,1) - perhaps try forming a nice triangle here for better looks? 1 is a bit close to 3's tail I think :arrow: you understand me and my mapp gosh, good idea <3

01:21:979 (3) - could perhaps curve this a little more for a more distinct curve. Also gives more momentum for the next pattern, which is nice :arrow: sure

01:28:146 (4,1) - really sloppy blanket ;w; :arrow: this ones fine really, d o n t want to r e a r r a n g e im lazy :(

01:57:312 (4,1) - is this overlap REALLY neccessary? it's the only one of these that I've spotted so far, so idk it doesn't really fit I think :arrow: why does no one like my overlaps

02:06:146 (1,2,3) - perhaps tidy up the spacing here? feels quite noticeable :arrow: surething

02:18:812 (5,1) - I'm just going to assume these weren't supposed to blanket? :arrow: u were wrong, fixed

02:42:812 (4,1) - inconsistency in spacing intentional? :arrow: definitely not intentional ahaha

03:37:979 (3) - missing quite a strong beat on the second white tick this is covering I think :arrow: Depends on how you see it. In my Insane diff I followed the echos + downbeat, but since beginners highly rely on vocals, I made this start there. The downbeat here isn't that noticeable anyway, and I'd like to prevent 3/4 gaps cuz polarity.


00:11:146 (8,1) - you're mapping out the 1/4 on some occassions and then you don't on others eventhough there's no significant change in how strong the song feels. I guess this isn't much of an issue, I just kinda like when stuff like this is more consistent :arrow: I know I'm quite inconsistent with this, but while mapping I kept thinking about the spread. Since I do want to keep this a NHI-set, mapped this triplet now.

00:24:312 (7,8,1) - perhaps see if you can have the same distacne between the heads of the notes? just for the looks :c :arrow: Sure!

00:28:479 (3,4) - 4 feels too close imo, it feels really strong, like something that needs more impact to it :arrow: cool

00:36:812 (3) - would be a bit nicer to play if moved a bit to the left. flow is a bit too sharp going from the head of the previous slider to this one I think :arrow: Isn't too major and I want to avoid me spending a lot of time in the editor to get spacing and blankets right after rearranging this lol

00:44:312 (3,4) - hmhmhmhhm while I think the drop itself plays good, it makes catching the sliders curve a little awkward I think :arrow: added a litttle curve

00:47:479 (4,5,6,7) - why not form a square here :arrow: it's more a gem now lol

00:51:646 (2,5) - stack is off a little :arrow: Tried my best okay ;_;

01:21:979 (5) - feels a bit like this lacks impact, especially since the player has 0 momentum going into this since the previous notes are stacked :arrow: yupyup

01:31:479 (1,4) - would it bother you to much to get rid of this overlap?:c :arrow: removed overlap

01:59:646 (5,6) - sloppy blanket :c :arrow: Can't really change this one without ruining DS here :c

02:08:479 (8,1) - 1 feels like it lacks a bit of impact. Also 00:44:312 (3,4) applies for this one too, making this pattern feel odd ;c :arrow: Agree with you to some degree, but to me it's fine as it's a rather calm part.

02:45:312 (7,8) - my OCD tells me that these are not perfectly parallel :arrow: i tried(tm)

02:46:812 (3,4) - hmm I kinda think this calls for a jump :arrow: great ideaaaa

03:21:646 (3,4,5,6) - creating a square here would be really neat :c :arrow: but it is a sort of square already :c

03:27:146 (4,5) - shouldn't these be spaced out a little more? :arrow: oki

03:46:646 (5,6,7,8,1) - perhaps try creating a nicer curve between these? maybe just move the triplet+slider combo up and to the left a little :arrow: i love these kind of things that mostly GOD mappers use, so tried to copy that www. keeping this


00:11:146 (4,5,6,1) - awkwardly close. you had jumps leading into all your previous triplets :c :arrow: Played fine with testplayers and since I'd need to move quite a lot, no fix.

00:18:479 (2,3) - might play a little awkward I think since catching the slider feels a bit odd here :arrow: Same as above

00:32:646 (4,1) - mmhmhm not really an issue I guess, but I would've expected this to continue the sharp left-right movement from your previous pattern, so this kinda caught me off guard a little :arrow: Yeah, plays a bit forced. I can totally agree with you, but because it plays so forced, it emphasizes the claps - which I personally really like.

00:43:312 (3,5) - stack these?;w; :arrow: Fixed!

00:59:396 (8,1,2) - stack is off :arrow: Fixed!

01:08:312 (3,4,1,2,3) - hmmm I'm torn between really liking the flow and thinking that the change in flow here is too sudden. I was expecting this to be round-ish flow throughout the entire pattern, instead 2->3 is a drop, which doesn't really feel intuitive to me :arrow: You have a good point... will think about this...

02:16:479 (9) - I guess touching he hp bar isn't unrankable, but I still think that avoiding it looks a tad bit neater c: :arrow: Oops, my bad.

02:25:812 (5) - perhaps try putting SOME sort of hitsound here to go along with the drums in the background? eh this might just be me, but I think this'd work well ;w; :arrow: I selected the wrong button here, sorry :p

03:13:312 (2,1) - ctrl+g both of these? flows fairly well I think, better than it does now ;w; currently feels a bit too harsh :arrow: The harshness of the pattern was done on purpose for the vocals.

03:39:146 (4,5,6,1) - too close imo, especially looking at how big the jump between 3->4 is. this one should be even bigger for correct emphasize I think :arrow: Did that because of drop-off. Well, increased spacing a tad though.

Thank you so much for modding. I really like your mod ;) and damn how is everyone so fast pls
Good luck o3o

From my queue:


I could be wrong, but it is my understanding that this set doesn't qualify as rankable, because your Normal difficulty is full of 1/2 singletap, such as 00:04:479 (2,3) - , 00:07:146 (2,3) - , 00:12:479 (2,3) - , etc. which is considered too hard for the easiest difficulty of a 180BPM song to contain. You need to make an easier difficulty to rank this set. Especially 02:36:479 (3,4,5,6,7) - poses concern for spread balance. :arrow: I agree that my Normal diff is a bit hard, but I've seen many passing the qualified section way harder than mine. Also rule was that lowest diff should be under 2 stars iirc.



00:23:312 (6,7,1) - Should be 1/3 snap (from the red tick) :arrow: Don't think so o-o
01:26:646 (2) - Move this somewhere around here for a nicer pop to 3's high note. :arrow: Did something on own instead.
02:26:479 (7,8,9) - Try this, I think it flows better. :arrow: Like the current jumps, testplays were fine with it as well I think
02:26:812 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,1) - You might want to consider having the stream blanket the center of the spinner, just so thing look even cleaner. :arrow: uhhh... blanketed with previous note instead
02:40:479 (7) - Perhaps make it a 1/4 slider? There is a guitar sound on the blue tick. :arrow: Makes perfect sense, but I myself cannot play this (i suk) and i'd like to be able to play my own maps
02:47:812 (2,3) - Maybe make this jump larger because of how high the guitar's gotten? :arrow: just a tiny tad bigger now



00:26:646 map this please :arrow: Gotta have 'em breaks for spread ;c
00:27:146 (7) - ctrl+g :arrow: Well, the 1/4 spacing shouldn't really matter here, because it's a repeat.
00:57:812 map this please :arrow: ok
02:12:646 map this please, it's not worth skipping all these prominent beats just to follow vocals. :arrow: ok
02:26:812 (7,1) - Since 7 is ending to the right, move 1 so it's at that tail? :arrow: same as earlier
03:33:812 (4) - ctrl+g :arrow: above
03:54:146 (6) - I'd rather this stack 3's head (or not stack anything at all). This section is a little tricky to read (or maybe I just suck at low AR lol). :arrow: did this in first kiai too o-o, its fine



01:28:146 (4,1) - Sloppy blanketing :arrow: well i dont want to rearrange this whole part
01:50:146 (1,2) - What is the point of this being two objects when it was one object everywhere else? :arrow: i used slider+slider, and here slider+note, but still both 1/2
01:57:312 (4,1) - Overlap further :arrow: got rid of the overlap instead
02:18:812 (5,1) - lol :arrow: lol

Lovely song, good luck!

Did I just convert someone into liking this song?!?!?! YEAHEHSAYH (seriously everyone IRL thinks im weird and fckd up just because i listen to japanese/anime music WtFFFF they say its anime shit and its for children DAMN no its not ever watched elfen lied or sum (and note down white btches at my school, many jpop artists are 10000% better than the crap rap songs u listen to), definitely a family series every age woohoo NO. and then they LOOOVE stuffs like frozen </3) lol enough me ranting. Anways, thank you for the mod :D


00:14:812 (3) - consider curving it more downward, I think it would flow better into (4) and (1) :arrow: just did it a little bit, current one should be fine already

00:24:812 (1) - how about converting this into a 1/2 rhythm, so the middle beat isn't neglected? :arrow: will think about this, cuz i like the sliders here

00:43:146 (2,3) - consider switching these on timeline, i think it would flow a bit better! :arrow: Increased the distance a bit, would like to keep jumps @ the claps.

00:51:146 (10) - there is a (kinda quiet) triplet here, if you'd like to map it. Just shorten this by a 1/4 and add a circle on the blue tick :arrow: Cymbal is emphasized better by using a 3/4 slider instead imo.

01:07:812 (2,3) - how about switching these on timeline to better fit vocals? :arrow: this whole part bugs me really, and ur completely right. but dunno how to solve this lol. will keep this in minddd

01:10:979 (3) - consider curving this a bit upward, flows a bit better for me: :arrow: cool

01:18:479 (2,3) - would flow better imo if (2) was moved to the left of 1, and 3 was ctrl+G hooray circular flow :D :arrow: eehhh but the cjump at the clap plays so fun (for me atleast w)

01:18:979 (4,1) - since there's a heavy beat on the red tick (at end of 4) how about removing the repeat on 4, and moving (1) back to the red tick? (and add a circle on 01:19:812) i think
this would suit the beat as well as the vocals! :arrow: will think about this

01:23:979 (3,4,5,1) - wow i like this pattern :D :arrow: wow i like you :D

01:51:146 (4,1) - since 1 is on a big beat, i think it'd be more dramatic if this was unstacked with 4 (similar to your other sliders) :arrow: will think about this too.. gosh you guiys all make really good points but just dunno how to solve while keeping my style orz

02:05:812 (6,7,8) - put these above 5 for a more circular flow? :arrow: kept it near the original spot, i like that the player needs to jump around. just moved it a bit on my own

02:19:479 (1) - the gap seems empty :C consider extending this slider to the next white tick or moving this over by 1/2 and adding a circle at 02:19:479 :arrow: this gap is here for noob players like me :(

02:24:479 (8) - move right a bit so the pattern doesn't feel too narrow? :arrow: good idea

03:17:146 (2) - would flow better if this was placed above 1 :arrow: same as earlier

03:58:646 (4) - ctrl+G plays better imo :arrow: will prob redo this pattern later

04:04:646 (6) - how about making this a slider instead until 04:05:146? :arrow: same as above


00:13:312 (6) - add finish on head :arrow: ok

00:44:646 (4) - move this up a bit so the curve of the slider follows transition from 3 -> 4 :arrow: added small curve on previous slider


00:05:479 (4) - this blanket can be improved a bit :D :arrow: :D

00:12:646 (3) - finish on tail :arrow: yes!

00:56:812 (1) - move up a bit so it doesn't look like it's touching 3 :arrow: gud

01:51:312 (4,5,6) - since the previous sliders were following the guitar, how about adjusting these sliders
so that they also follow the guitar? something like this maybe: :arrow: prioritizing drums here

02:19:479 (1) - move a bit for blanket :arrow: fixeddd

nice set :D goodluck with the map!

thank you so much for helpful AND FAST modding <3[/color]

Woah, thank you so much all for modding. You guys helped a lot! RIP my 420 post count though :c

EDIT: EUNY I LOVE YOU <333333333333333333333333

appleeaterx wrote:

00:23:312 (6,7,1) - Should be 1/3 snap (from the red tick) :arrow: Don't think so o-o

This is definitely the snap here, slow it down to 25% speed.
Topic Starter
@Undead Oh lol, I was listening to 1/3 didn't test 1/6. Sorry for not noticing. You're completely right, however this plays really weird. Will ask QAT about this. Thank you for reminding me ^^
You know why I'm fast. Because I Grim Racer Speed Grease, representing my boys. Fast and Efficient is the best way to go. Never leave a man down on a request! :)
Topic Starter
New MP3 by pishifat, should be fine now. Thanks a lot :D
so i just looked through the diffs quick. insane and hard are pretty much fine, but there's some stuff on normal that's kinda not

this difficulty is pretty similar to what happened in the normal here. there's also parts where you follow whatever and when it comes back to the same sounds you follow something else (which is not good). i'll point them out but you should look at the dq reason there to better understand what i mean
  1. 00:30:146 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 00:40:812 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - 01:55:479 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 02:06:146 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - each of these sections is pretty much the same thing, but it's always mapped with different points of emphasis. i'd say the best way to do it would be to follow the vocals and instrumental interjections.
    1. so vocals would be like 00:43:479 (1,2,3,4,5) - . this is good
    2. not vocals is 00:30:146 (1,2,3) - . this is not good. i realize that there's a guitar on the big white tick, but the switching is the issue, so you cant cover everything necessarily
    3. instrumental interjections would be like 00:42:812 (4,5) - 00:45:646 (4,5) - . you ignored these things at 00:32:312 - 00:34:979 - which is gross.
    4. the time this section happens after the kiai is a bit different for instrumental stuff since there's some stronger guitar, like at 01:57:146 - or 01:59:312 (3) - . integrating rhythms to hit those would be nice
there are also lots of other places where you ignore the prominent red tick to put an object on an unimportant white tick. vocals and percussion both favor red ticks, so yea
  1. 01:06:812 (4) - 01:20:146 (4) - 01:28:146 (4) - 01:37:646 (2,3,4) - 03:17:479 (4,5) - these are all kinds where something similar emphasis on 03:37:979 (3,4) - or 03:21:979 (3,4,5) - would be better
  2. 03:24:812 (3) - 01:03:479 (2) - 01:08:812 (2) - 01:30:146 (3) - 03:24:812 (3) - similar idea. this is just one of those songs where it switches emphasis between the big whtie tick to red tick before big white tick every measure (i'm sure you've modded those) so... rhythms should just represent that. 03:13:979 (3) - does what i mean.
  3. 01:24:812 (2) - 03:46:146 (3) - these are the same as the previous point, but there's a vocal on the big white tick as well, so doing circle on red tick + whatever on big white would be fine. ignoring the red tick is not tho

just so you know sort of what i'm considering "good" for this, look at 00:51:479 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 02:16:812 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - . they're both essentially the same thing and almost always cover the most important beats without sounding screwed up by switching between vocals/instrumentals confusingly

idk what you plan on doing with the normal but unless those things are adjusted i wouldnt really want to rank so ya gl
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Yeah..I already had a feeling someone would mention this.
Will remap some parts using your mod, thank you so much :D
Hey, just a little suggestion ;)

I would extend the spinner at 02:27:479 from 02:29:479 to 02:30:146 on all 3 maps, i played both ways and imo this way its feels better.
For Normal instead of the slider just a single beat at 02:30:479.
For Hard make the slider from 02:30:146 to 02:30:812 shorter, make it it start at 02:30:479.
For Insane as for hard and put a beat between them at 02:30:312.

Good Luck with the map. :D
Topic Starter
Thank you for you suggestion! I would like to keep the spinners in the diff, unless it's unrankable. To me, it's the best way to handle the song (strongly my own opinion). I'd like to keep it because of that, if it really isn't rankable I'll prob use your suggestion. Thanks again :D
Remapped few parts in the Normal diff, everything after the first spinner should still be more or less the same.

appleeaterx wrote:

15/6 - new mp3 by pishifat, thanks!
you're still using the old one tho lol

  1. cs3.4 would be good. everything is super squished with cs3 due to low sv/spacing and 3.4 is the best you can really do to compensate for that without going above the starlimit. (could also read p/4072546 if that's not convincing)
  2. 00:16:812 (1) - slider should be shorter to cover that finish in the middle as you did with 00:14:146 (1) - 00:19:812 (2) -
  3. 01:37:979 - should really have this tick covered, whether it be by changing rhythm entirely or just adding a circle between objects. could explain why but you probably know
  1. 00:11:312 (9,10,1) - would be nice if these didnt underlap 8. similar sort of thing happens with just 2 object stacks as well, like 00:17:479 (2,3,4,5,6) - with 2 and 3 being closer than tehy really should. usually it doesnt matter, but with average spacing this small, it's super obvious. would be good to just look through the diff and adjust any stacks that force objects to be super close. this is why mapping with stacking enabled in the editor is better
  2. 00:03:979 (2) - 00:09:312 (2) - 00:11:979 - 00:17:312 - 00:19:979 - should be consistent in the way you have an object here or don't have an object here. the ones in the middle of a slider like 00:06:146 (1) - are fine with either choice
  3. 01:00:312 (2) - plays a lot more naturally to have the reverse facing more towards the next object rather than completely away from it. like 01:33:812 (7,1) - is way nicer
  4. 02:39:312 (4,5,6,7) - yeah uh changing the length of 1/4 repeaters consecutively like this not the best for reading stuff. might be better to just undermap 6 and use a different rhythm while keeping 4,5, and 7 their current lengths. example that doesn't pay attention to spacing
  1. 00:39:146 (3) - 01:18:979 (4) - would be nice to click on the tail of this cuz that redtickdownebat blablabla the other diffs do it right ok
idk it should be ok
i just dont like how compact everything has to be for a 3 diff spreadzzzzzzzzz
so I heard you needed a bg

I found this version of the image, which I extended to the left by recreating part of the head (in order to reach 1366 wide).
also smoothed the colors ever so slightly.
here you go

lossless png is fairly efficient for this image
no kds
Topic Starter
Thanks both of you! Fixed all, added new BG and MP3 :oops:
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