
AKI AKANE - antinotice

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, August 21, 2015 at 4:17:01 AM

Title: antinotice
Tags: wowaka Boroboro na Ikizama ぼろぼろな生き様。 akiakane
BPM: 200
Filesize: 3201kb
Play Time: 01:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.75 stars, 131 notes)
  2. Hard (3.24 stars, 263 notes)
  3. Insane (4.15 stars, 330 notes)
  4. Normal (2.21 stars, 203 notes)
Download: AKI AKANE - antinotice
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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1 2
Holap~ Mira el spoiler al final :3

  1. Los dos grises tienen poco contraste (de 128 a 195, aun se ven similares, almenos en mi pantalla), pienso que puedes ponerles una diferencia de 100:
  1. 00:15:058 (2) - está demasiado arriba en la pantalla y toca el hp-bar.
  2. 00:23:458 (4,5) - El flow lo siento un poco enredado para ser un easy, si lo corres así, creo que va mejor:
  3. 01:10:258 (2,3) - Pienso que este cambio de polaridad se hace dificil de preveer... aunque estás siguiendo la batería, pienso que seguir la voz es más intuitivo acá, yo te sugeriría repetir el ritmo anterior, es decir:
  4. 01:16:108 (3) - acá, aunque en teoría "está bien" por el tema de la polaridad... de nuevo pienso que debido a la voz, es más intuitivo algo como esto:
  5. 01:17:458 (2) - similar a la idea anterior:
  6. 01:19:258 (1,2) - lol, Ctrl+G es definitivamente mejor ritmo.
  7. 01:21:058 (3) - same before:
  8. 01:22:558 (3) - Procura poner el nodo rojo en 01:22:858 - y haz que la curva se sienta más pronunciada.. después de todo, es un beat de inicio de compas y debería sentirse más fuerte.
  9. 01:24:958 (2) - 01:29:758 (2) - Pienso que deberías hacer lo mismo que hiciste en 01:27:358 (2) - ... tal y como estan ahora, cuando lo jugué lo sentí demasiado extraño tanto que me desconcentré y perdí combo xD.

  1. 00:19:258 (1) - combo rojo?? creo que se te pasó xD
  2. 01:02:458 (1) - el flow lo sentí un poco extraño acá, pienso que es buena idea moverlo más a la derecha para que el flow quede más lineal desde el slider anterior.
  3. Te quedó chevere :D

  1. 00:21:658 (1,2) - humm.... esto al jugarlo se sintió engañoso... osea, hiciste el jump entre 00:21:508 (7,1) - , y segun el patronm que llevas, lo siguiente es que vaya espaciado a 1.3x... pero parece que mi cerebro se confundió y sentí como si este fuera con jump también xDD, trata de pedir opiniones respecto a esto, puede que sea solo yo, o puede que sea un sentir general :P
  2. 01:03:958 (6) - está muy arriba, bajalo un poquitín.
  3. ^^
  1. La verdad, es que está un poco tarde para jugarlo apropiadamente xD, quizás le de una mirada más adelante.
  2. Para mi, el flow de algunos patrones es un poco incómodo... además que por el tema de no diferenciar bien los colores grises, me desconcentré muchas veces... pero en fin xD

Mucha suerte con el mapa o/

Vine por el aviso
, so... emm... me gustaría pedirte ayuda para rankear mi mapa: >_<
  • (◕‿◕✿) blood for the blood god

  1. 00:04:858 (1) - unneccessary green line
  2. 00:15:058 (2) - eww
  3. 00:31:258 (1,2) - could fix this blanket, if that is what you were going for here
  4. 00:38:458 (1,2) - try something like for the rythm? makes you catch the peak on 00:39:508 (2) - which I think is more intuitive to follow than a 2/1
  5. 00:40:258 (3,4,1) - aoighfoig could possibly even out the spacing here a little if you want
  6. 00:41:758 (2) - would just make this a circle and then have the downbeat as a clickable 1/1, repeat here doesn't really seem to go along with anything in the song
  7. 01:15:058 (2,3) - why not feels a lot easier to follow without having that awlward gap

  8. 00:11:458 (6,7) - spacing between these is a little messed up
  9. 00:42:658 (5) - would be a bit cooler if this was split up into two circles to have both of the drums during the build-up here clickable sumthing like
  10. 01:19:258 (1,2) - I know is skipping the drums, but I just feel like the most intuitive thing to do here is follow vocals. Could use a red anchor here to go along with the drums, which works well I think. your call though, if you don't feel comfortable about skipping drums thats kay

  11. 00:32:458 (4,5) - would switch the rythm here, I think the 1/2 would make up for a better transition into the 3 circles
  12. 00:33:208 (1,2,3,1) - a little clunky I think, would like to see the slider more spaced out to make use of the momentum gained here
  13. 01:01:558 (5,6) - inb4 fix blnkt pls
  14. 01:16:108 (5,6,7,8,1) - rythm like feels more intuitive to follow I think, cause it catches the vocals, which is what feels strong here (only misses a very subtle drum on a red tick which is not a big deal I think)
  15. 01:18:508 (2) - would angle it so that it points towards 3, minor difference but makes the following triangle a little easier to hit I think
  16. 01:21:058 (5,6,1) - would be cool if you could manage to move 6 a bit more to the left to have the player go for an actualy oval/roundish movement here, right now due to how close they are the play will just be moving in a straight line which makes the transition between 6 and 1 feels less smooth

  17. 00:27:508 (4,5) - try something like ? has a little more 'swing' to it I think (+ I was kinda expecting the ctrl+g'd version of 00:27:508 (4) - anwayssSs)
  18. 01:17:908 (4,1) - swap NC's? just makes more sense to have it on the downbeat, follows the music better

    cool stuff
Hello! | Random mod!

  1. 00:09:358 - 00:18:958 - I know they probably intended to break to make entire section becomes a quite Easy . But, I felt something strange about cutting rhythm here . They seems likely still connected to each others . At least, please consider about this, to fill they out
  2. 00:30:058 (3) - Personally, I think this slider seems likely doesn't placed in correct way in terms of rhythm, because of the vocals state . It looks like this slider placed a bit late than the way it must be . How about try this rhythm here : 00:29:758 (2) - Remove this circle, then put 00:30:058 (3) - here and shorten it by 1/4 . After that put a reverse on it . So, the rhythm here is similar to 00:36:058 (1,2) - , which have the similar vocal each others . I know it'll skip too much strong beat, but it fits more better than current one, honestly . Another way is keep the slider being 1/1 here 00:29:758 - , then use the same rhythm like 00:39:358 (2) - . All of this, you can try to make rhythm on 00:29:758 - , 00:36:658 - , and 00:39:358 - to make a better sync towards the song
  3. 00:48:958 (2,3) - I think they probably have same case as above . Try to Ctrl+G rhythm the current pattern here, to fix out this point . It also apply to 00:58:558 (2,3) - (The main issue is the vocal start out at 1/2 rhythm but seems likely you keep the things to avoid it)
  4. 01:00:658 (2,3) - They plays a quite strange in entire sequences . Again, it just because the vocal and you trying to map it and keeping to avoid 1/2 rhythm here . How about shorten 01:00:658 (2) - by 1/4, then move 01:01:858 (3) - to 01:01:558 - . After that, use a circle to fill this out 01:02:458 - if you want to keep your combo here . If not, move 01:02:758 (1) - to 01:02:458 - then put circle on 01:03:358 -
  5. 01:10:258 (2) - The gap between this slider and this slider 01:11:308 (3) - is somehow looks strange . I feel like this section 01:11:008 - must be filled in terms of polarity correlation
  6. 01:16:108 (3) - I'm sorry but this slider is really placed not in the way it must be . I guess you need to use polarity here . Move this slider 1/4 behind, then shorten it slider by 1/4 too . After that I guess you know what you need to do on 01:16:558 - . To be honest map out this section by a rhythm is somewhat strange
  7. 01:19:858 (2,3) - You can try the same rhythm on 5th point here too
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

ErunamoJAZZ wrote:

Holap~ Mira el spoiler al final :3 xd ya, pero me voy a demorar unos dias, que tengo que hacer otros req que tengo : (

  1. Los dos grises tienen poco contraste (de 128 a 195, aun se ven similares, almenos en mi pantalla), pienso que puedes ponerles una diferencia de 100:
    hice el blanco mas blanco xd
  1. 00:15:058 (2) - está demasiado arriba en la pantalla y toca el hp-bar.
  2. 00:23:458 (4,5) - El flow lo siento un poco enredado para ser un easy, si lo corres así, creo que va mejor:
  3. 01:10:258 (2,3) - Pienso que este cambio de polaridad se hace dificil de preveer... aunque estás siguiendo la batería, pienso que seguir la voz es más intuitivo acá, yo te sugeriría repetir el ritmo anterior, es decir: uhm yo creo que esta bien. No ahi problemas de polaridad ya que es una 2/1 gap xd
  4. 01:16:108 (3) - acá, aunque en teoría "está bien" por el tema de la polaridad... de nuevo pienso que debido a la voz, es más intuitivo algo como esto: creo que se siente mas natural como esta la verdad ;w,
  5. 01:17:458 (2) - similar a la idea anterior: creo que intete seguir los drums aca, y se siente algo bien así ;w;
  6. 01:19:258 (1,2) - lol, Ctrl+G es definitivamente mejor ritmo. drums > vocals aca
  7. 01:21:058 (3) - same before: no le encuentro lo malo ;w;
  8. 01:22:558 (3) - Procura poner el nodo rojo en 01:22:858 - y haz que la curva se sienta más pronunciada.. después de todo, es un beat de inicio de compas y debería sentirse más fuerte. no importa mucho eso la verdad
  9. 01:24:958 (2) - 01:29:758 (2) - Pienso que deberías hacer lo mismo que hiciste en 01:27:358 (2) - ... tal y como estan ahora, cuando lo jugué lo sentí demasiado extraño tanto que me desconcentré y perdí combo xD. uhmmm aunque si es verdad.. no quiero repetir el mismo pattern 3 veces seguidas ;w; se siente aburrido, si se me ocurre algo lo cambio

  1. 00:19:258 (1) - combo rojo?? creo que se te pasó xD
  2. 01:02:458 (1) - el flow lo sentí un poco extraño acá, pienso que es buena idea moverlo más a la derecha para que el flow quede más lineal desde el slider anterior.
  3. Te quedó chevere :D

  1. 00:21:658 (1,2) - humm.... esto al jugarlo se sintió engañoso... osea, hiciste el jump entre 00:21:508 (7,1) - , y segun el patronm que llevas, lo siguiente es que vaya espaciado a 1.3x... pero parece que mi cerebro se confundió y sentí como si este fuera con jump también xDD, trata de pedir opiniones respecto a esto, puede que sea solo yo, o puede que sea un sentir general :P uhm creo que esta bien, lo he hecho en otros mapas igual. Aumente el AR si eso ayuda
  2. 01:03:958 (6) - está muy arriba, bajalo un poquitín. que toque la barra de vida, no importa la verdad ;w,
  3. ^^
  1. La verdad, es que está un poco tarde para jugarlo apropiadamente xD, quizás le de una mirada más adelante.
  2. Para mi, el flow de algunos patrones es un poco incómodo... además que por el tema de no diferenciar bien los colores grises, me desconcentré muchas veces... pero en fin xD

Mucha suerte con el mapa o/ <3

Vine por el aviso
, so... emm... me gustaría pedirte ayuda para rankear mi mapa: >_<

Peachtrees wrote:

  • (◕‿◕✿) blood for the blood god

  1. 00:04:858 (1) - unneccessary green line who cares /w\
  2. 00:15:058 (2) - eww
  3. 00:31:258 (1,2) - could fix this blanket, if that is what you were going for here but it looks cool to me ;w,
  4. 00:38:458 (1,2) - try something like for the rythm? makes you catch the peak on 00:39:508 (2) - which I think is more intuitive to follow than a 2/1
  5. 00:40:258 (3,4,1) - aoighfoig could possibly even out the spacing here a little if you want
  6. 00:41:758 (2) - would just make this a circle and then have the downbeat as a clickable 1/1, repeat here doesn't really seem to go along with anything in the song for vocals iit's ok i think
  7. 01:15:058 (2,3) - why not feels a lot easier to follow without having that awlward gap cuz i dun wanna repeat the same rhythm for the whole kiaia :w:

  8. 00:11:458 (6,7) - spacing between these is a little messed up
  9. 00:42:658 (5) - would be a bit cooler if this was split up into two circles to have both of the drums during the build-up here clickable sumthing like
  10. 01:19:258 (1,2) - I know is skipping the drums, but I just feel like the most intuitive thing to do here is follow vocals. Could use a red anchor here to go along with the drums, which works well I think. your call though, if you don't feel comfortable about skipping drums thats kay uhm i think it's better as is. I follow drums the whole kiai, not doing it here sounds random

  11. 00:32:458 (4,5) - would switch the rythm here, I think the 1/2 would make up for a better transition into the 3 circles did something else here
  12. 00:33:208 (1,2,3,1) - a little clunky I think, would like to see the slider more spaced out to make use of the momentum gained here uhm i think it¿s ok as is
  13. 01:01:558 (5,6) - inb4 fix blnkt pls my blankets are the best wtf
  14. 01:16:108 (5,6,7,8,1) - rythm like feels more intuitive to follow I think, cause it catches the vocals, which is what feels strong here (only misses a very subtle drum on a red tick which is not a big deal I think) drum>vocals to me here
  15. 01:18:508 (2) - would angle it so that it points towards 3, minor difference but makes the following triangle a little easier to hit I think it's ok to meowo
  16. 01:21:058 (5,6,1) - would be cool if you could manage to move 6 a bit more to the left to have the player go for an actualy oval/roundish movement here, right now due to how close they are the play will just be moving in a straight line which makes the transition between 6 and 1 feels less smooth just added a little curve to 6 xd

  17. 00:27:508 (4,5) - try something like ? has a little more 'swing' to it I think (+ I was kinda expecting the ctrl+g'd version of 00:27:508 (4) - anwayssSs)
  18. 01:17:908 (4,1) - swap NC's? just makes more sense to have it on the downbeat, follows the music better

    cool stuff this shit sucks wtf

Ipas wrote:

Hello! | Random mod!

  1. 00:09:358 - 00:18:958 - I know they probably intended to break to make entire section becomes a quite Easy . But, I felt something strange about cutting rhythm here . They seems likely still connected to each others . At least, please consider about this, to fill they out i think it's ok. It's 200bpm after all, new players still need some breaks imo
  2. 00:30:058 (3) - Personally, I think this slider seems likely doesn't placed in correct way in terms of rhythm, because of the vocals state . It looks like this slider placed a bit late than the way it must be . How about try this rhythm here : 00:29:758 (2) - Remove this circle, then put 00:30:058 (3) - here and shorten it by 1/4 . After that put a reverse on it . So, the rhythm here is similar to 00:36:058 (1,2) - , which have the similar vocal each others . I know it'll skip too much strong beat, but it fits more better than current one, honestly . Another way is keep the slider being 1/1 here 00:29:758 - , then use the same rhythm like 00:39:358 (2) - . All of this, you can try to make rhythm on 00:29:758 - , 00:36:658 - , and 00:39:358 - to make a better sync towards the song did something different w
  3. 00:48:958 (2,3) - I think they probably have same case as above . Try to Ctrl+G rhythm the current pattern here, to fix out this point . It also apply to 00:58:558 (2,3) - (The main issue is the vocal start out at 1/2 rhythm but seems likely you keep the things to avoid it) these are fine to me, cuz how slow vocals are at this point
  4. 01:00:658 (2,3) - They plays a quite strange in entire sequences . Again, it just because the vocal and you trying to map it and keeping to avoid 1/2 rhythm here . How about shorten 01:00:658 (2) - by 1/4, then move 01:01:858 (3) - to 01:01:558 - . After that, use a circle to fill this out 01:02:458 - if you want to keep your combo here . If not, move 01:02:758 (1) - to 01:02:458 - then put circle on 01:03:358 - 1/4 doesnt cover anythin, i think you meant 1/2. But still, that'd sound too rushed for this moment. I cant think of a better rhythm than this specially when there's vocals everywhere ><
  5. 01:10:258 (2) - The gap between this slider and this slider 01:11:308 (3) - is somehow looks strange . I feel like this section 01:11:008 - must be filled in terms of polarity correlation 2/1gap is ok to me. It fits the drums which are the more prominent on this section
  6. 01:16:108 (3) - I'm sorry but this slider is really placed not in the way it must be . I guess you need to use polarity here . Move this slider 1/4 behind, then shorten it slider by 1/4 too . After that I guess you know what you need to do on 01:16:558 - . To be honest map out this section by a rhythm is somewhat strange i see what you mean, but uhm that's not what i was looking for.. ill consider it but for now ill keep it ;w;
  7. 01:19:858 (2,3) - You can try the same rhythm on 5th point here too drums >vocals here for me
Good Luck! thank you for the mod, mapping this song is so weird ;www;

changed what i didnt mention too
thank you for the mods <3
Topic Starter

  1. 00:49:858 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - I remember having issues with this pattern when testplaying. I don't think stacking 7 and 8 are a good idea because you're using two jumps right after this. 1/2 stacks kinda kill momentum going into the jumps because you're forcing the player to basically make a complete pause. If you stacked 7 under say the head of 00:48:658 (2) - . Then players won't feel like they've lost momentum.
  2. 00:53:458 (3,4,5) - Space these out a bit more so it's clear these are 1/1 and not 1/2 jumps.
  3. 01:09:658 (1,2) - 01:10:708 (1,2) - These overlaps occur within 1 second of each other, but use different rhythms 1/1 and 1/2. This is confusing imo... I think you should unstack 01:10:708 (1,2) - and just use normal DS

  1. 00:13:858 (1) - I don't think this NC is necessary. It doesn't follow your rhythm.
  2. 00:22:858 (4,1) - Here the NC pattern does make sense for the drums and 1/4 rhythm... but I think its better to switch NC and have it on 00:22:858 - ... Then again this song is kinda weird too lol
  3. 00:42:058 (5,1) - I feel like an NC swap here would be better for the vocals too...

  1. 01:03:958 (5,6,7) - I would nerf this 1/2 pattern to something easier like maybe making slider 5 a 3/2 slider instead. Generally circles that come after sliders are more difficult than circles right before sliders. Here you have two circles after a slider that are both spaced rather than stacked, which is fine, except it's more difficult than the 1/2 rhythms and patterns you use in the Kiai since you usually have 1/2 clicking rhythm between circle > (stacked) slider. Examples: 01:19:708 (2,3) - 01:20:308 (4,5,6) - .
Okay call me back
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:


  1. 00:49:858 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - I remember having issues with this pattern when testplaying. I don't think stacking 7 and 8 are a good idea because you're using two jumps right after this. 1/2 stacks kinda kill momentum going into the jumps because you're forcing the player to basically make a complete pause. If you stacked 7 under say the head of 00:48:658 (2) - . Then players won't feel like they've lost momentum. all done
  2. 00:53:458 (3,4,5) - Space these out a bit more so it's clear these are 1/1 and not 1/2 jumps.
  3. 01:09:658 (1,2) - 01:10:708 (1,2) - These overlaps occur within 1 second of each other, but use different rhythms 1/1 and 1/2. This is confusing imo... I think you should unstack 01:10:708 (1,2) - and just use normal DS

  1. 00:13:858 (1) - I don't think this NC is necessary. It doesn't follow your rhythm. I want to emphasis the music getting faster at these points using NC as well. Also did the same on insane
  2. 00:22:858 (4,1) - Here the NC pattern does make sense for the drums and 1/4 rhythm... but I think its better to switch NC and have it on 00:22:858 - ... Then again this song is kinda weird too lol same ^
  3. 00:42:058 (5,1) - I feel like an NC swap here would be better for the vocals too... swapped with 00:41:908 - as i did on insane

  1. 01:03:958 (5,6,7) - I would nerf this 1/2 pattern to something easier like maybe making slider 5 a 3/2 slider instead. Generally circles that come after sliders are more difficult than circles right before sliders. Here you have two circles after a slider that are both spaced rather than stacked, which is fine, except it's more difficult than the 1/2 rhythms and patterns you use in the Kiai since you usually have 1/2 clicking rhythm between circle > (stacked) slider. Examples: 01:19:708 (2,3) - 01:20:308 (4,5,6) - . did something else
Okay call me back
Alright, looks good from my end.
gratz <3
Last edited by Milan- on about 32 hours ago, edited 3 times in total.

about 32 hours ago, edited 3 times in total.

edited 3 times in total.

3 times in total.

3 times


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