
Still Alive (AKA: Ending theme from Portal)

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[deleted user]

Best song ever as sung by GLaDoS from Portal. Easy/Medium beatmap.
Filename clash.. first one at that
Going to have to change the upload script :(

Edit: Fixed - renamed your version.
First time 2 beatmaps are made for the same song!

I like this version too. It was a bit confusing the fact that the circles are way to small, but since the beatmap isn't hard, it conpensates the circle size. Good job with this version. And be sure to grab Kylecito's skin for this song. XD

This song is now in my head. =D
Hitoshirenu Shourai
Not that bad for the beat placement, but you got the timing a bit wrong. YOu should change the BPM to 60. Also, at the end, the "e" is a bit too long. >_>
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[deleted user]
Re-uploaded with changes:

Changed BPM to 60 - timing was a bit off, you're right.
Last note changed - it felt way too long.

In my defence, I made it after a 12 hour graveyard shift :P
OMG you did it again ;.;

PLEASE upload with the new filename I gave your beatmap in the future - and try and read responses!

I will definitely have to rethink the osu uploader this weekend. This isn't goin to work.

Fixing again ;(
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[deleted user]

peppy wrote:

OMG you did it again ;.;

PLEASE upload with the new filename I gave your beatmap in the future - and try and read responses!

I will definitely have to rethink the osu uploader this weekend. This isn't goin to work.

Fixing again ;(

Heh, oops.
Oh god. That's awesome, ehheheh! Thanks for creating it!

The "cake" word in the end made me laugh like a maniac! xD
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