
senya - Though the Scent Lingers, the Flower Scattered

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, October 10, 2010 at 2:33:03 PM

Artist: senya
Title: Though the Scent Lingers, the Flower Scattered
Source: Touhou
Tags: Manpuku Jinja Reitaisai SP ZUN Yuuhei Satellite Kamasetora Iceon Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ Mountain of Faith Iro wa Nioedo Chirinuru o The Gensokyo Gods Loved Nitori Kawashiro pokedigi
BPM: 138
Filesize: 17385kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.54 stars, 81 notes)
  2. Hard (5 stars, 338 notes)
  3. Normal (3.95 stars, 130 notes)
  4. Pokedigi's Taiko (5 stars, 444 notes)
Download: senya - Though the Scent Lingers, the Flower Scattered
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
-Standard difficulties by Mafiamaster
-HD video by Sunny Holic
-Motivation by James2250
-Redone SB by Astom
-Taiko difficulty by pokedigi
~Star 8-)
Sunny Holic
~ :)
Hey I give motivation now? :P
Remove countdown from all difficulties

This has the same HP Drain as Normal and higher AR/OD
HP -1, AR/OD -2
I like the 0.5 slider in the other difficulties, but I guess it would confuse beginners
map looks good

Not as hard as the star rating suggests, and its nicely done
Nazi: 00:32:604 (2,3) - move these slightly closer together so it looks like (1,2)


:) Hello ~
I very like this song >w<
this is my mod :3

i got offest 1740 (Maybe to best

Looks good :3

00:32:604 [2.3] Maybe you should change Shape. hard to read in new player(Maybe XD

Looks good :3

sorry i can't mod SB ><

very very very nice map and song <3

Thank you very much ^w^
Move offset earlier(?) some notes are put before the timing section starts
You failed adding kiai time, fix it
Work on combo colors? Make it more different, add a colour between blue and green

Hitsounds seems random to me...

00:09:778 (5) - distance? 1 grid left
00:26:735 (6) - distance ( I'm not a fan of jumps in normal diffs)
00:27:169 (7) - ^
00:27:822 (9) - ^
00:28:256 (1) - distance
00:29:126 (2) - you've changed distance snap again~
00:30:865 (4) - and again bigger
00:31:735 (1) - again too big
aww I won't point out all, since you probably wont fix it anyway

Seems fine

If you found it any helpful, you can mod my map. If not just ignore it...
>< Great song.... and nice use of hitsounds!
Star~ and good luck

Just Suggestions coming from my side~ up to you if you want to change it or not~

All good~
(Test with mistimed hits only showed 1-3 ms off)

Sub1 : Fade out at 00:03:474 already?
Sub2 : ^00:06:952
Sub3 : ^00:10:430
Sub5 : ^00:35:213
Sub6 : ^00:40:430
Sub7 : ^00:44:778
Sub8 : ^00:47:387
Sub9 : ^00:51:734
Sub1 : ^01:03:039

All fine~

00:35:213 (5) - hm, the break after this is kinda odd.. maybe you could fit a spinner in here instead and silence its end (00:36:952) ?

00:11:300 - add beat?
00:11:517 (1) - remove?
^ sounds better imo
00:30:321 (1) - on previous red tick?
^sounds better imo
Topic Starter
@Licnect: Fixed offset.
@nante: You catch on quick. My inherited timing sections are fine. My combo colors are fine. Kiai time is the way I want it, I didn't "fail".
@-_Kite_-: Added spinner on normal.
video offset are not the same on all difficulties?

sorry i cant find anything wrong >~</
Topic Starter
What the... Fixed~
Hi ~

- Everything is fine ~

- I'd love to do a skin for this, but I don't have ideas, my mind is in blank, since I don't know what the theme for this is, is it just touhou ?? Also I'm probably very busy, but I guess it doesn't really matter ~

- 00:08:261 >> new combo then remove new combo to the next note
- 00:23:044 >> move one grid up
- 00:26:522 >> add a whistle on the repeat arrow
- 00:39:566 >> remove new combo then new combo to the next note
- 00:48:261 >> new combo

- 00:48:696 >> new combo
- 00:50:870 >> remove new combo then new combo to the next note
- 00:52:935 >> umm, move to 00:52:826 but end at the same point as before moving it ??
- 00:53:479 >> end at 00:53:913 ??
- 01:23:044 >> according to the lyrics in the SB there shouldn't be a new combo here, but I guess if you want symmetrical stuff then is Okk
- 01:25:653 >> that^ but maybe if you want to follow the words then new combo at 01:26:305 maybe ...

- 01:21:739 >> new combo ??

* I fail, all my mod was just combo mod orz
* Star ~
* Umm, if you find this useful, maybe mod4mod this ?? Thanks.
hi >w< Mafiamaster

Most are perfect....
It was difficult for a minor mapper. To find defect.

Uniform shape ~.~
00:11:739 (1) - 1 grid left
00:23:044 (5) - 00:23:696 add clap
00:26:522 (3) - 00:27:174 add whistel or clap
00:34:783 (4) - 1 grid left [00:35:218 (5) - 1 grid up]
01:09:566 (4) - 1 grid up
01:16:957 (4) - 2 grid up

00:27:826 (9) - add clap
01:21:305 (1) - remove whistel? [I hear that is awkward.]

01:09:131 (11) - add finish ?
01:10:870 (12) - add whistle ?

o_o Really good video and song. + star

If this helps you.
Request mod4mod. +20

Do not forget like last time! :p
00:45:653 (1,2) - [Suggestion] Why not smooth curved sliders...? I recommand to change to the ones which are smooth covered
00:54:348 (5) - I think that this break is not necessery ;_; Why don't you remove this break?
01:27:500 (1) - This spin should be end on 01:33:479 [Beeping ends at that point // but your part is also good cuz on yours, it seems like start of fading out :3]

01:27:500 (1) - Same as [Easy]

01:27:500 (1) - Same as [Easy]

Your song is still good ;_;
:3? I should run from this thread<JK

If this reply helped you, I'll leave my song's URL
[You don't have to mod my song anyway cuz I'm not right imo ;_;]
Fumie Akiyoshi - Saiko Everyday (TV Size) [+20] [+18 from others, +2 from my kudo star]


1) Your bg (Nitori-ch an.jpg) need to resize into 1024x768 (current 1024x767)
2) Do not place the red timing section after the object, set into 0 (is this rankable O.o)

00:21:305 (4) - New combo?
00:49:131 (5) - New combo, it's very long for easy diff



Nice song

BTW, mod4recheck is allowed? If no, I will change the map link ;_;
mod4recheck :

I have seen this video ...

01:27:609 (1) - fit the spinner to red line and shorten it by 1/2?

00:48:696 (4,5,6) - 2 gird down?
01:00:870 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - It's hard to Normal player... How about change like this? :

01:21:087 (5,6) - 1 grid left?
01:21:413 (7,8) - 1 grid right?
01:21:740 (9) - add new combo?
01:22:392 (1) - remove new combo?
01:27:500 (1) - fit the spinner to red line and shorten it by 1/2?


oh +10 sp;;;;;

but If you can

Please mod this T.T :
00:27:826 (9) - jump in normal? it feel like little odd to me (and maybe also to newbies) i suggest to make this note symmetric to with 00:25:653 (3)
01:21:522 (2,3) - one grid up?
01:23:261 (2,3) - one grid down?

that's all :3

m4m request >_<
star~ :D
cut line?
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Mod4Mod is now closed. Feel free to mod freely if you want!

Edit: All of your grid moddings sucked. But anyways, everyone added to queue.
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