
CLOUD - Voice

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[deleted user]
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, June 20, 2008 at 9:21:45 PM

Artist: CLOUD
Title: Voice
BPM: 140.1
Filesize: 3171kb
Play Time: 03:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.09 stars, 176 notes)
  2. Normal (2.83 stars, 265 notes)
Download: CLOUD - Voice
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is a pretty good set of maps.

Firstly, BPM = 140.00

Some of your sliders look a bit short, you'll need to go through and correct them.
Also consider getting rid of the final spinner, it serves no purpose, and the song has finished already.

Map specific things:

00:45:05 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - consider rearranging them, at the moment the spacing makes it look like there's a pause between 7-8 and 10-11 when in reality there isn't.
00:55:97 - the spacing makes it look like there's no pause between 5 and 6 when there actually is one.
01:15:05 (2,3,4) - stacking them directly on top of each other work look a lot neater
01:24:05 (5) - move right a bit
01:25:12 (8) - move down a bit
01:56:08 (11) - move 1/4 beat later
01:56:40 (12) - move 1/2 beat later
03:05:62 - 03:11:40 - entire section is weird/wrong, look into it more carefully

03:05:62 - 03:16:76 - you should space out the beats so that it reflects the actual rhythm
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