
My Neighbor Totoro

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2008年10月26日 at 下午 06:05:53

Artist: Joe Hisaishi
Title: My Neighbours House
BPM: 129.2
Filesize: 4136kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.57 stars, 73 notes)
  2. Normal (3.02 stars, 109 notes)
  3. Hard (3.99 stars, 320 notes)
Download: Joe Hisaishi - My Neighbours House
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

fixed the wrong timing of some beats.


fixed the wrong distance of some beats


change some spinners


Fixed hard.(easy and normal not fixed yet).


Easy and normal fixed.

As sousei's suggest, fixed the wrong slider


fixed wrong notes as chan suggested

Thanks chan fon spending lot of time modding :)


Fix the background and name as matt's suggestion
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The file uploaded yesterday has some problems,so reuploaded today.
1:26:82[Hard] somehow hard for someone who didn't listen to the song, dipsy. All the notes are placed at thesame place but the periods of time between them are not the same. I think you should resnap it.

And I love the tricky sliders of yours x3
The beatmap is fun to play on Insane. The only problems I have are the sliders directly on top of eachother are sometimes really hard to do, and the ending feels a bit strange (before the spinner). I'm not sure if the slider problem is just me, or not though. Someone else will have to try them.

I tried it on hard afterwards. I didn't have much of a problem playing it on hard.

Overall: I really like this beatmap. XD
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Thank you for test my beatmap^_^

I resnapped the circles of Hard and keep insane.

And I found time of some spinners' end to next circle is too short so i changed it.

(I wish my English is better)
Think the BPM @ 129.20 sounds better?

Some of the notes/sliders don't really sound like they're fitting with the music.

00:31:36 (6) - shorten so start is 1/2 a beat later. either that or add a beat 1/2 a beat before.
01:00:85 (2) - shorten so end is 1/4 a beat earlier
01:26:85 (0) - shorten so end is 1/2 a beat earlier
01:28:48 (1) - shift back 1/2 a beat

00:21:14 (4) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
00:24:86 (4) - same
00:36:00 (4) - same
00:39:72 (4) - same. And don't do strange overlapping returns: it's bad mapping. just use a regular slider return
01:48:44 (4) - make the slider return points on 1/1 beats (or MAYBE 1/2 beats), if necessary, add another return
01:52:16 (4) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
02:03:30 (4) - make the slider return points on 1/1 beats (or MAYBE 1/2 beats), if necessary, add another return
02:07:02 (4) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
02:18:63 (5) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
02:38:83 (5) - make this a note instead of a slider. Or maybe add a return to the slider

00:21:14 (4) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
00:24:86 (4) - same
00:36:00 (4) - same. And don't do strange overlapping returns: it's bad mapping. just use a regular slider return
00:39:72 (4) - same
00:45:52 (4,5,6) - looks messy and confusing
00:56:67 (5) - make this a note instead of a slider. Or maybe add a return to the slider
00:59:22 (0) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
01:09:90 (0) - extremely sudden spinner, omit?
01:11:53 (5) - make this a note instead of a slider. Or maybe add a return to the slider
01:48:44 (4) - make the slider return points on 1/1 beats (or MAYBE 1/2 beats), if necessary, add another return
01:52:16 (4) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
02:03:30 (4) - make the slider return points on 1/1 beats (or MAYBE 1/2 beats), if necessary, add another return
02:07:02 (4) - same
02:18:63 (5) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
02:23:97 (5) - make this a note instead of a slider. Or maybe add a return to the slider
02:26:52 (0) - end should be on a 1/1 beat
02:37:20 (0) - extremely sudden spinner, omit?
02:38:83 (5) - make this a note instead of a slider. Or maybe add a return to the slider
03:03:67 (1) - same
01:22:44 (6) - move 1/2 beat forward
01:26:82 (1) - snap so start and end are on 1/1 beat

00:36:00 (4) - end 1/2 beat later
00:39:72 (4) - same
00:55:74 (1,2,3,4) - bad spacing: 2 should be closer to 1, 3&4 should be further from 2
01:02:94 (1) - get rid of, or end 1/2 beat later
01:13:85 (1) - end 1/2 beat later

03:33:17 - remove small break
03:36:88 - same
03:40:60 - same
03:44:31 - same
03:48:03 - same
03:49:31 (1) - start @ 03:49:42 - and finish @ 03:55:46 -
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
+8-10 ms to the offset

01:27:33 (3,6) - have the sliders go down, not up. This will make then much easier to see.

01:07:82 (1,2,3,4,5) - I feel like these should be 1/2 beat later.

I saw nothing wrong.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
P o M u T a
correct Artist so,Joe Hisashi ._.
um, not Hisaishi?
Hisaishi is correct (久石)

However I'm not too sure about the song name - it feels like someone maybe mistranslated "tonari no totoro" (my neighbor totoro) as "tonari no tokoro" (my neighbor's place/house), but I haven't looked up the OST so it's just baseless conjecture.
Also, this map is 4 years old and necroing the thread was probably not necessary :D
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