
Having Issues with Beatmaps...

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[deleted user]
Yeah, I got stuck with the horror that is's my problem.

I downloaded a beatmap and put it into the Songs folder. But when I try to open it (As in double-clicking it) with Osu!, I get an error message saying that I must be an administrator to run this. When I try to right-click and use "Run As Administrator", there is no option to do so.

So I tried opening Osu! and playing the song, but even though the beatmap is in my Songs folder, the game says I have 0 Beatmaps available.
Correct me if I'm wrong (peppy :)), but I think you have the UAC error. Dumb Vista! :p

Go to the Start Menu, then Control Panel, then User Accounts and Family Safety, then User Accounts, then Turn User Account Control on or off. (Can I get any more simpler?) Then just turn UAC off and restart your computer. Try arranging your beatmaps now. =D
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