
Kagamine Len & Hatsune Miku - Nakimushi Kareshi

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年10月3日 at 上午 05:50:44

Artist: Kagamine Len & Hatsune Miku
Title: Nakimushi Kareshi
Source: ChorisuP x FernandoP
Tags: Vocaloid Vocaloid2 Yomeiro HakuNoKaemi Honeyworks Crybaby Boyfriend
BPM: 105
Filesize: 18925kb
Play Time: 04:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0.61 stars, 162 notes)
  2. Hard (4.39 stars, 496 notes)
  3. Normal (2.83 stars, 350 notes)
Download: Kagamine Len & Hatsune Miku - Nakimushi Kareshi
Download: Kagamine Len & Hatsune Miku - Nakimushi Kareshi (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st Beatmap

【鏡音レン・初音ミク┗|∵|┓】 泣キ虫カレシ 【オリジナルPV】

Please Re-Download if you download this before 08/03/11 (GMT-8).

[Easy] - 100% by Me & HakuNoKaemi
00:01:621 ~ 01:03:336 - Me
01:05:621 ~ 01:13:621 - Break
01:13:621 ~ 02:00:479 - Me
02:01:050 ~ 03:09:050 - HakuNoKaemi
03:09:050 ~ 03:11:907 - Short Break
03:11:907 ~ 03:34:193 - Everything after is by me
03:34:193 ~ 03:47:907 - Break
04:10:764 ~ 04:15:336 - Short Break
[Normal] - 100%
[Hard] - 100%

06/06/11 - Changed BG.
06/07/11 - Changed to HD video(without audio).
07/10/11 - Added pause-overlay image.
07/11/11 - Changed audio and offset.
07/16/11 - Added new custom hitosund, also changed pause-overlay image to .jpg.
07/30/11 - Reduced BG and pause-overlay images.
08/03/11 - Added SB for collab Easy, thanks to Wiinter ;3

Special Thanks:
littlecar3370's Timing
Selee's Timing recheck
Yomeiro's Hitsounds
HakuNoKaemi's HD video
Armin's New offset
And all the modders ;3.
在我以標準的形式幫你做MOD前, 先請你做好以下的修正

  1. Easy中請改掉所有在藍線(1/4)和黃線(1/8)上的notes, Easy玩家絕對無法應付, 並且即使是專業到大家都耳熟能詳的程度的mapper也會避免用黃線(1/8).
  2. Easy的最後請插一條綠線把KIAI section結束
  3. Normal中你可以保留一些藍線(1/4), 要刪去的主要為 "為了去迎合vocal的唱點而不符合前後節奏" 的 (因為vocal可能唱滑, 故意去迎合只會影響gameflow - 例如03:04:698 (1,2,3) ), "孤單的" (例如 00:01:982 (1) <= 除了你沒有人知道為什麼要擺這裡, 01:23:126 (1)的結尾 <= 完全不合節奏), 適合保留的是能融入節奏又不會難讀的, 例如01:05:840 (1,2,3) 和 01:08:126 (1,2,3), 但請好好注意間距, 因為Easy/Normal是做給技巧較差或剛接觸遊戲的玩家, 比起依賴節奏他們還必須依賴眼睛, 01:08:555這個(2)就顯然擺壞了
  4. 稍微調整音量, 像是每個diff最開始清唱的部分, 和02:00:698開始這段顯然不適合100%音量呀 (即使只用normal和whistle)
  5. 讓combo間的節奏有關連性, 不要隨便亂下, 請看Hard中的00:11:412到00:29:126, 這段背景音樂很明顯是同一段, 但每次換個combo color你下的節奏就不同了, 會讓人覺得隨機.混亂.不和諧, 不用擔心單調性的問題, 譬如說00:12:126 (3,4,5) 到了下一段就可以變成一條reverse slider, 而00:12:698 (6)可以打碎成兩個circle等等, 自行做些不影響節奏但能擺脫單調性的配置, 好好跟著背景的鼓聲
  6. 徹底檢查一次spacing, 同時你可以選擇性的重擺一些notes, 這首歌不適合方方正正規矩的擺設, 像是Hard中00:47:555-00:51:555, 好吧這樣下音樂性可以接受, 但首先因為spacing小密度又高, 導致(6,7)都非常難讀, 再來又實在直來直往不怎麼好看, 就是適合你重擺的類型
  7. 規規矩矩的下combo color, (01:04:126 <= Orz, 01:13:126 <= ???, 01:30:412 <=顯然應該下在(2)..)
  8. 音效...大工程了, 主要是讓同一段的不同combo內有相同的音效格式, 如果需要的話我之前有兩個同樣是給做第一張圖的mapper看的音效建議你可以讀讀 link1 link2
等你認為準備好了請用forum PM找我, 不用回我的queue.

star for encouragement
Topic Starter
Thanks, here is your kd
ξ( >◡・)▄︻▇▇〓
ok, fight

- SV1.5 帶來的壞處, 第一是難度, 第二是擺圖 (你可以看到你有許多二拍三拍的slider佔據整個螢幕, 讓你只有那幾種擺法)
<00:03:840> (1) 建議下<00:04:126>, 不過如果你想跟歌詞並不強求
<00:08:698> 下note
<00:36:983> (6) 改停在白線上, 實際上我更建議移到00:36:698並做成1/2拍的slider並repeat一次
<00:42:983> (3) slider結尾unsnapped
<00:44:698> 下note
<01:06:983> 擺一條和(1)一樣的slider
<01:08:126> (2,3) 又是黃線!? 改成3/4拍的slider並repeat一次, 見圖
<01:09:840> 下note
<01:12:126> (2) 又是黃線? 改3/4拍
<01:13:841> (1) 又是黃線? 改1拍..喂真的好好改了嗎
<01:16:126> (3,4) 改成3/4拍的slider並repeat一次, 和<01:08:126>一樣
<01:17:555> (1) 移到<01:17:269>, 一樣改成3/4拍的slider並repeat一次
<01:18:983> (1,4) 結尾都還是在黃線上啊
<01:27:269> (5) 結尾移到白線上
<01:36:983> (1) ^
<01:39:555> (3,1,2) 改成如圖的配置 (不是擺設, 是note下的時間和slider長度, 位置你請自己擺)
<01:46:983> (1) 看結尾要在白線或紅線吧, 目前還是黃線
<01:49:269> (3) 多repeat一次或在<01:50:983>下note
<01:54:412> (4) 結尾移在白線上, <01:55:555> 下note

嗯..說實在, 我覺得我算好脾氣的modder了, 但是當我接著打開Normal快速的看一次後, 我真的很不滿意.

請你特別注意spacing, 你點擊任何note後右上角會出現 x,y座標和一個 prev: 1.07x. next: 1.07x. prev代表你點擊的note和前一個note的間距, next代表和下一個note的間距, 這個間距在沒有變速 (Timing Panel的綠線變速) 的情況下是不應該有大變化的, 你可以把右邊工具列的distance snap點亮, 按住alt鍵不放使用右上角的拉條調整你想要的間距倍數. 你現在的圖充滿了前一個0.25x 下一個2x 再下一個1.33x這種非常誇張的狀況, 我懷疑任何沒聽過這首歌的玩家有辦法好好的打你的圖.

請你瞭解, 看長度超過四分鐘的圖完全不是什麼令人享受的事 (事實上我的queue有其中一條規則是不看超過四分鐘的圖), 看新人的圖也一點都不好笑 (因為他們通常有四五倍多的錯誤), 所以我希望新人mapper能展現他們的熱誠和合作, 如果你下次請我回來再讓我看到任何非常明顯的spacing/藍線/黃線問題, 我可能會壞掉並且再也不想回來看的, 請你瞭解.
Topic Starter
fixed all of them later
got busy these day, sorry ;3
Komeiji Yuki
Keep working~

加油 ;)
Topic Starter

Komeiji Yuki wrote:

Keep working~

加油 ;)

Red wrote:

ξ( >◡・)▄︻▇▇〓
Thank, guys ;3

gina91189 wrote:
Fixed...but not sure.

我朋友說節奏有點難抓 :(
Thank you :P
我不是timing專家, 不過基本上可以跟你保證你的offset誤差應該不超過20ms, 如果你要很精確的timing需要自行去論壇的timing queue找人幫忙.

- AR -1, spacing倍數過小 (0.8x應該是個較適合的數字, 因為改這個要全部重排, 所以看你吧, 有心的話重排成大一點的spacing我認為gameflow會好很多的)
- Slider velocity在1.50x BPM區域可能對新手來說有點太快了
<00:10:412> (S) delete, 感覺不適合( 10:126-10:983會挺適合的, 只是這樣的spinner太短了, 不好擺在Normal )
<00:36:983> (6) 停00:37:269
<01:00:126> (5,6) 不要兩個都stack, 造成新手難讀
<01:05:841> (1,2,3) 在一個mapset最簡單的難度, 這種3/4, 2/4混合的節奏最好把3/4都變成slider (這裡的意思就是1,2,3變成一個3/4拍的repeat slider), 尤其是你的spacing倍數又很小, 眼睛可能看不出來有節奏變化; 整首有很多3/4+2/4, 不一一提出
<01:10:412> (4,1,2) 拍數不同怎麼會用一樣的spacing?
<01:27:269> (7) repeat 2次
<01:31:841> (7) 做成和01:27:269 (7)一樣
<02:34:983> (7) 做成1.5拍, repeat一次
<02:41:269> 下note
<02:45:840> 下note
<03:01:269> (2,3,4) 沒疊好
<03:08:983> 這個Breaktime要達到你的效果, 要也是應該把code改成 2,190983,190983 吧, 紅箭頭出來的時間不對啊
<03:21:269> (1,2) spacing..
<03:52:126> 下note
<03:56:698> 下note
<04:06:412> 擺轉盤到04:08:698, 這裡Break是打斷gameflow啊
<04:22:412> 下note

<00:10:412> (S) 這種很難轉的轉盤被叫做ninja spinner而且非常容易被挑刺, 建議弄成10:126-10:983的slider就好, 利用紅node做出配合節奏的slider, 見圖
<00:19:269> 這裡就下note了, 藍線開始很不直覺
<00:43:555> (2,3,4) 沒疊好
<00:47:555> (1,2,3,4) 擺成其他樣子吧, 結尾點沒疊好超不好看
<01:05:841> (1,2,3,4) 這是很糟的stack法, 因為(1,2)和(3,4)間格的拍數不同, 不是擺明坑人嗎, 後面還很多不一一舉出
<01:13:840> (1..) 這也太疊了吧, 另外請把1:15的節奏改下成圖上那樣 (位置請自行擺)
<01:17:983> (3) 1:18:126開始, 1:18:412結束
<01:32:412> 同0:19:269
<01:50:698> ^
<01:52:698> (3,5) 都repeat一次
<01:59:983> (2..) 由於(1), 這邊藍線開始就不會讓人覺得奇怪.
- 重複節奏的部分請對照著前面的mod自己檢查
<02:56:412> (4) 喂你怎麼還在黃線上啊
<02:59:840> (1) ^
<03:04:126> (6) ^
<03:12:126> (T) 這條綠線音量降到40%
Timing没问题哦 <_<
虽然开始的vocal会早一些 但按总体节奏无误
Topic Starter

Selee wrote:

Timing没问题哦 <_<
虽然开始的vocal会早一些 但按总体节奏无误
謝謝 :)
Topic Starter

loveFantasy wrote:

- AR -1, spacing倍數過小 (0.8x應該是個較適合的數字, 因為改這個要全部重排, 所以看你吧, 有心的話重排成大一點的spacing我認為gameflow會好很多的)
- Slider velocity在1.50x BPM區域可能對新手來說有點太快了
<00:10:412> (S) delete, 感覺不適合( 10:126-10:983會挺適合的, 只是這樣的spinner太短了, 不好擺在Normal )
<00:36:983> (6) 停00:37:269
<01:00:126> (5,6) 不要兩個都stack, 造成新手難讀
<01:05:841> (1,2,3) 在一個mapset最簡單的難度, 這種3/4, 2/4混合的節奏最好把3/4都變成slider (這裡的意思就是1,2,3變成一個3/4拍的repeat slider), 尤其是你的spacing倍數又很小, 眼睛可能看不出來有節奏變化; 整首有很多3/4+2/4, 不一一提出
<01:10:412> (4,1,2) 拍數不同怎麼會用一樣的spacing?
<01:27:269> (7) repeat 2次
<01:31:841> (7) 做成和01:27:269 (7)一樣
<02:34:983> (7) 做成1.5拍, repeat一次
<02:41:269> 下note
<02:45:840> 下note
<03:01:269> (2,3,4) 沒疊好
<03:08:983> 這個Breaktime要達到你的效果, 要也是應該把code改成 2,190983,190983 吧, 紅箭頭出來的時間不對啊
<03:21:269> (1,2) spacing..
<03:52:126> 下note
<03:56:698> 下note
<04:06:412> 擺轉盤到04:08:698, 這裡Break是打斷gameflow啊
<04:22:412> 下note

<00:10:412> (S) 這種很難轉的轉盤被叫做ninja spinner而且非常容易被挑刺, 建議弄成10:126-10:983的slider就好, 利用紅node做出配合節奏的slider, 見圖
<00:19:269> 這裡就下note了, 藍線開始很不直覺
<00:43:555> (2,3,4) 沒疊好
<00:47:555> (1,2,3,4) 擺成其他樣子吧, 結尾點沒疊好超不好看
<01:05:841> (1,2,3,4) 這是很糟的stack法, 因為(1,2)和(3,4)間格的拍數不同, 不是擺明坑人嗎, 後面還很多不一一舉出
<01:13:840> (1..) 這也太疊了吧, 另外請把1:15的節奏改下成圖上那樣 (位置請自行擺)
<01:17:983> (3) 1:18:126開始, 1:18:412結束
<01:32:412> 同0:19:269
<01:50:698> ^
<01:52:698> (3,5) 都repeat一次
<01:59:983> (2..) 由於(1), 這邊藍線開始就不會讓人覺得奇怪.
- 重複節奏的部分請對照著前面的mod自己檢查
<02:56:412> (4) 喂你怎麼還在黃線上啊
<02:59:840> (1) ^
<03:04:126> (6) ^
<03:12:126> (T) 這條綠線音量降到40%
Fixed, thanks ;3
Hii! mod time >w<!
just suggestions

00:47:555(1)-silder拉到00:49:269 ; 或者换silder加个折返 ; 或者最后白线上加个note
01:21:840(4)-silder拉到01:22:983- 然后加一个折返去掉(1) (也可以不加折返 如果作此修改后 请别忘记调整后面的note间距
01:33:269(1)-add finish
01:36:983(1)-从这里往后加3个note 或者改成silder (1)-silder放到01:37:840-
01:51:555(1)-add finish
01:53:840(3)-add whis
01:56:126(6)-add whis
01:57:840(8)-add note

00:08:412(8)-可以换成silder 拉到00:08:983-
00:29:269(4)-add note
01:50:983(8)-add note
01:51:555(1)-add whis or finish(发现你是用whis的 不过感觉finish也不错啦^^
01:57:269(5)-remove whis ; silder加一个折返
02:08:698(3)-remove whis
02:41:269(9)-add finish
03:51:840(7)-add note ; 或者拉silder到(8)
04:23:555(X)-感觉这歌的结尾在这里 所以前面可以再适当加点note..

00:15:555(1)-silder拉到00:15:840- ; 或者加一个折返
04:23:555(4)-add note

sorry for my long modding >.<

nice song~~ starr//
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:

Hii! mod time >w<!
just suggestions

00:47:555(1)-silder拉到00:49:269 ; 或者换silder加个折返 ; 或者最后白线上加个note Fixed
00:49:840(2,3)-^ Fixed
01:02:412(2)-如果想和(1)-平行的话就往下一格 Fixed
01:14:983(2)-silder拉到01:15:840- Fixed
01:21:840(4)-silder拉到01:22:983- 然后加一个折返去掉(1) (也可以不加折返 如果作此修改后 请别忘记调整后面的note间距 Fixed
01:33:269(1)-add finish Fixed
01:36:983(1)-从这里往后加3个note 或者改成silder (1)-silder放到01:37:840- Fixed
01:41:840(1)-silder弯的再圆一点.. Fixed
01:51:555(1)-add finish Fixed
01:53:840(3)-add whis Fixed
01:56:126(6)-add whis Fixed
01:57:840(8)-add note Fixed
01:58:412(1)-silder从这里开始拉 Fixed

00:08:412(8)-可以换成silder 拉到00:08:983-  Fixed
00:29:269(4)-add note Fixed
01:10:840(2)-silder到01:11:269-结束 Fixed
01:11:840(3)-silder换成其他note排布 Fixed
01:50:983(8)-add note Fixed
01:51:555(1)-add whis or finish(发现你是用whis的 不过感觉finish也不错啦^^ Fixed
01:57:269(5)-remove whis ; silder加一个折返 Fixed
02:08:698(3)-remove whis Fixed
02:41:269(9)-add finish Fixed
03:29:840(1)-silder拉到03:34:412- Fixed
03:51:840(7)-add note ; 或者拉silder到(8) Fixed
04:23:555(X)-感觉这歌的结尾在这里 所以前面可以再适当加点note.. Fixed

00:15:555(1)-silder拉到00:15:840- ; 或者加一个折返 Fixed
00:50:983(4)-换成silder拉到00:51:269- Fixed
01:59:276(4,1)-向下一格 Fixed
02:32:126(1,2)-向右一格 Fixed
02:43:698(3)-去掉一个折返 Fixed
04:23:555(4)-add note Fixed

sorry for my long modding >.<

nice song~~ starr//
Thank you so much ;3

00:29:269 (1) - Add whistle in the end of the slider
00:38:412 (1) - ^
01:24:698 (5) - New combo
01:55:555 (5) - ^


01:42:412 (2) - Remove whistle and add finish
02:37:269 (1) - Add finish


00:14:126 (4) - Add whistle
00:15:555 (1) - Add finish in the beginner of the slider
01:16:126 (1) - Remove new combo
02:02:983 (1) - ^
02:46:412 (9) - New combo
03:04:698 (7) - ^
03:06:126 (1) - ^
04:01:840 (4) - ^

Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:


00:29:269 (1) - Add whistle in the end of the slider Fixed
00:38:412 (1) - ^ Fixed
01:24:698 (5) - New combo Fixed
01:55:555 (5) - ^ Fixed


01:42:412 (2) - Remove whistle and add finish Fixed
02:37:269 (1) - Add finish Fixed


00:14:126 (4) - Add whistle Fixed
00:15:555 (1) - Add finish in the beginner of the slider Fixed
01:16:126 (1) - Remove new combo Fixed
02:02:983 (1) - ^ Fixed
02:46:412 (9) - New combo
03:04:698 (7) - ^ Fixed
03:06:126 (1) - ^ Fixed
04:01:840 (4) - ^ Fixed

Thank you ;3
Hi there~
Coming from my Riddle queue~ :3


So uhm let's start~

00:01:840 (1) - Make this slider end at 00:02:412, is better in my opinion~
00:02:983 (2) - ^, end at 00:03:555~
00:12:126 (3) - How about adding a whistle at the start of this one?
00:13:269 (1) - Maybe add a whistle here too then~
00:14:412 (5) - Whistle at the end then~
00:16:126 (2) - Add whistle? :3
00:17:269 (6) - ^
00:17:555: How about adding a note here? o.o
00:18:412 (1) - ^
00:19:555 (5,7) - ^
00:20:698 (1) - Add whistle? :3
00:20:983 (2) - Add whistle at 4th tick? :3
00:22:412 (3) - ^, here at 3rd tick though~
00:24:126 (5) - Add whistle again~
00:24:698 (1,2) - Make dem sliders one tick longer like this~, add whistle at the beginning of 2~
00:26:412 (5) - Add whistle~
00:27:555 (2) - ^
00:26:983 (1) - Same as 00:24:698, make this slider 1 tick longer~
00:28:698 (6,8) - Add whistles~
00:29:269 (1) - Add finish at the beginning~, whistle at the end...
00:30:412 (2,3) - Remove whistle from 2, add at 3...
00:31:555 (1,2,3,4) - Remove whistle from beginning and end of 1, add at beginning of 2 remove from 3... add at 4
00:33:840 (1) - Remove the whistle from this one but leave the one at the last tick..
00:38:412 (1) - Remove whistle from the end here~
00:40:698 (5) - ^
00:42:983 (1) - ^
00:44:126 (3,4) - Add whistle at 3 and remove it from 4~
00:47:555 (1) - Add finish at the beginning
00:48:126 (2) - Add whistle at the beginning
00:49:269 (4) - Add whistle
00:50:412 (2) - Add whistle at the beginning...
00:51:555 (5) - Add whistle
00:52:126 (1,2) - Add whistle at the end of those sliders
00:56:126 (5) - Add whistle
00:56:698 (1) - Remove whistle from beginning and add finish instead, remove whistle from the end too~
00:57:269 (2) - Add whistle at the beginning
00:57:840 (3) - Remove whistle from this slider completely~
00:58:412 (4) - Add whistle at the beginning
00:58:983 (5,6,7,8) - aAaA (a = no whistle... A = whistle)
01:01:269 (1,2,3,4) - Remove whistle from 1+3 completely, add them at 2+4 instead~
01:04:126 (6) - NC, and add whistle at the beginning of this one~ (I'm stopping the hitsound-mod at this point, its just to much for some reason...)
01:07:841 (1) - Make this slider shorter and place a note where it actually ended before (should look like this then~)
02:20:983 (1) - ^
01:25:841 (7) - Make this one end at 01:26:126.
01:30:412 (3) - Let this one end at 01:30:698.
03:01:983 (3) - Mhhh~, make this one one tick shorter and drag it to 03:02:126 then..., one grid to the right~
03:14:698 (3) - Add a break after this....
03:19:555 (3) - Remove this note, add a break after 03:18:698 (2) then....
03:25:269 (1,1,2) - Change this to a slider please....
03:27:555 (2) - Add a Break after this note...
03:29:840 (3) - Remove 3, drag spinner which comes after to this point, make the spinner last longer so it ends on 03:32:126 again.
03:44:126 (5) - Let this slider end at 03:44:412.
03:44:698 (1) - This one at 03:44:983.
03:45:555: Add a note here
03:56:269 (4) - Wrong.... drag this one too 03:56:412.
03:58:412 (3) - Let this one end at 03:58:698.
03:59:555 (5) - And this one at 03:59:840.

Oh gawd..... and this was just one diff....
I was thinking if this is actually your first beatmap, I looked at your first post and it really is....
Guess all those things are justified then where I am like "Why did he do it like this..." and that stuff.....
Maybe you get how I would continue with the Hitsounds. I pointed other things out which I didn't really like at your map (at least this diff for now...).
I guess it's pretty good for your first map, but still needs to be worked on.

I'm probably going to mod Normal and Easy later this day.... Hard was like a slap into the face for me ;_;

I'll give you my star later so bear with it please~
- Rche -
first map is difficult huh?

my post is ehhhhh...
actually quite similar to Yomeiro's post.
and you may learn how to put hitsounds on his post.

Yomeiro wrote:

Hard was like a slap into the face for me ;_;
me too.
if i'm not lazy enough and i make a complete hitsound mod it would be way too long...
and i would take a look on the other diffs...

well, i'm a lazy modder...
So hi again.... here's part 2 of my mod then~


Change Lead-In-Track at all diffs by to 2 seconds~ (Press F4 --> Audio --> last point...~)


Seems like I missed some things.....
Was pretty tired when I modded the first part~ (slept like from 9pm to 1am, was up all night and had to take an exam from 9-12am... got home and first thing I did was modding your map lul~)

Could you increase the Slider-Tickrate to 1 maybe?

00:06:412 (2) - This is one thing I just noticed now too... Change this slider to a single note please (you can leave the whistle on that one~)
03:25:269 (4,1,2) - Oh lol, you got me wrong for this part...^^, should've showed you what I actually meant... basically I had something like this in mind, since the notes were totally fine as they were.... just those free spaces were a bit disturbing~
04:10:983 (4) - Remove every note you placed after this part and leave it as an outro~, better in my opinion~

If you want to leave it like it is...
04:20:126 (2) - Change this slider to a single note~
04:10:983 (4) - Add a Break after this note
04:15:555 (1,2) - Same as the first two sliders in the beginning which I already pointed out in my first part~, make them two ticks longer and they're fine.

So I'm moving on to Normal~


Mhh... Would you mind reducing the Slider-Velocity to 1?

00:08:412 (3) - Let this one end at 00:09:269.
00:28:698 (1) - Meh~ remove this one, it's a bit to early^^
00:36:126 (5,6,1) - How about something like this~?
00:38:983 (2) - SInce 1 is missing then, you need to add a NC here~
01:24:126 (1,2,3) - Would you change this to a slider? Like this here~
01:28:698 (1,2,3) - ^
01:33:269 (1,2,3) - ^
01:42:412 (2,3,4) - ^
01:46:983 (1,2,3) - ^
02:37:269 (1,2,3) - ^
02:41:840 (1,2,3) - ^
02:46:412 (1,2,3) - ^
03:48:126 (1,2,3) - ^
03:52:698 (1,2,3) - ^
03:57:269 (1,2,3) - ^
01:51:555 (1,2) - ^, just a tick shorter since it's not 3 notes but two this time.
01:46:412 : add a note here or make 01:45:841 (8) to a slider up to this point~
02:00:126 : ^
02:09:269 : Add a Note~
02:34:983 (7) - Make this one tick longer~
02:51:840 (5) - Make this one end at 02:52:412.
02:59:840 (1) - It's better like this in my opinion.
03:05:840 (3) - Better like this~
03:06:983 (1) - Should start at 03:06:698 and end at 03:08:983. Add a Break after this Spinner then.
03:14:698 (3) - Add Break after this note.
03:19:555 (3) - Remove, add break after 2~
03:25:269 (1,1,2) - Same as Hard~, Add a Break after this then~
04:02:412 : Add a Note here~
04:10:983 (4) - See Hard~

If you want to leave it like it is...
04:10:983 (4) - Add a Break after this note.


Slider-Velocity is to high on this one imo~.
Since I already suggested for normal a SV of 1.0, maybe change it to 0.75 or 0.5 here~

00:01:841 : Add a note here, turn 00:01:841 (1,2) then into a Slider (basically a slider starting at 1, ending at 2~)
00:06:412 (3,4) - No need to add a note here, but turn this one into a Slider as well like above~

Guess I'm fine with your Easy diff other than that, since it's pretty short, there wasn't much to point out.

When you change the Slider-Velocity on Normal and Easy, don't forget to check all your sliders if they're still correct.
You need to recheck your spacing to then, since a change in Slider-Velocity means a change in how the notes are spaced by Distance-Snap~

Call me back when you've gone through this and changed something.
I'm going to check your mapset again for hitsounds and maybe combos then~ (be surprised what will be waiting for you~)
Well, I guess I can leave this star here, except for hitsounds and combos it seems like a pretty decent map for your first one.
Just make sure you call me back via PM so that I will really check it~^^
Tiiiiiiiime, for my little check after your fixes~
I'll add the files with them hitsounds to my liking at the end of this "check".

Other stuff I "fixed" while I was at it~


00:12:983: I added a note here~
01:27:840 (5) - I made this one tick longer for the hitsounding~
01:37:841 (3) -
01:38:698 (4) - ^
01:33:269 (1) - Change this one to be like 01:34:126 (2).
01:36:126 (6) - I made this one two ticks longer~
01:41:555 (1,2,3,4,5) - dragged those too 01:41:269, and 01:42:269 (1) to 01:42:126.
01:51:555 (1) - I let this slider end at 01:52:126 for hitsounding again~
01:54:983: added a note here for hitsounding~
01:59:555 (1) - I let this one end at 01:59:840
02:23:126 (6) - Dragged this one to 02:23:269.
02:31:126 (3) - Dragged this one to 02:31:269 and made it end on 02:31:556.
02:40:983 (8) - I made this one tick longer~
02:49:269 (3) - I made this one two ticks longer~
02:50:983 (3,4) - Removed 4 and made 3 two ticks longer~
03:32:412 (1) - I let this one end at 03:32:698
03:34:126: added a note here~
03:44:126 (5) - I let this one end at 03:44:412.
03:57:269 (1) - I let this one end at 03:58:039.


00:56:126: I added a note here~
01:31:841 (5) - I made this slider one tick longer~
01:36:126 (4) - ^
01:54:412 (5) - ^
02:23:841 (2) - I let this one end at 02:24:698.

Note that I just "fixed" some notes and slider lenghts~
You would have to fix the spacing yourself if you'll use the files I attach~
You can use these "fixes" even if you don't use the files I attach...~
I guess that's my modding for your map then....
I hope I didn't miss anything out now...^^

Download: Kagamine Len & Hatsune Miku - Nakimushi Kareshi (gina91189) [Hard].osu

Download: Kagamine Len & Hatsune Miku - Nakimushi Kareshi (gina91189) [Normal].osu
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