
When_They_Cry main theme Kai - When_They_Cry main theme Kai

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, 7 August, 2008 at 14:26:48

Artist: When_They_Cry main theme Kai
Title: When_They_Cry main theme Kai
BPM: 60
Filesize: 5183kb
Play Time: 01:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0.88 stars, 55 notes)
Download: When_They_Cry main theme Kai - When_They_Cry main theme Kai
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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Agent BA8 Rookbie
OK, let's see.
1. Proper timing or gtfo.
2. That name is hell dodgy.
3. Seriously, that name is REALLY dodgy. Makes me think you nicked a map off of Kai or something. Chances are you probably did.
4. At least type something, don't just submit it without saying anything.
Hitoshirenu Shourai
Tuturoials, go.

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