
Hi osu!

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Since I haven't made an intro topic yet, I figure it'd be best to do one now. ;)

I'm currently 19 and in my second year of college here in South Carolina. I'm a math/computer science major, that might change though. Not sure what I want to do yet.

I'm a huge fan of video games. I happen to enjoy the classics just as much as the newer stuff though. Don't have any of the new consoles yet, but I've tried the Wii once and I'm considering getting it (if I come up with the money >>) Also happen to be a big fan of Phoenix Wright. :D

I discovered osu from trying to find remixed PW music by Magical Trick Society. I came across one the gameplay vids on youtube and you probably know where it went from there. :)

Anyhoo, I gotta get to mapping! I got this really awesome Through the Fire and Flames map in mind! Ooh...and Hardware Store too! *runs off*

(just messing, obviously :P)
so i herd u leik osu!?
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