
Song length [Added in b127] [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I, Wolf, hereby request the duration of the selected song to be displayed in the selection menu.
Sometimes, I want to play a quick one and end up playing a 8 minute-long song.
Hope you like the idea, even though it is not really important.

-- Wolf --
I like the sound of this idea. I really don't have much more to say to this, but my mind has been led astray to things I should make my own topic about.
I, eyup, hereby declare that Wolf has not used his Search function :mrgreen:

Look here. peppy's pretty busy but it's in the pipeline.
Topic Starter
I, myself, hereby declare that the search kept on removing the word "length" because it was too common, and "duration" returned no relevant results about the song duration.

hehe, alright, sorry for this, but the other post was about general song info, while mine was about song length... two different things... I agree, general song info would be much better than just song length. I'll post in the other one then.

-- Wolf --
(Topic is ready to be locked...)
Where do I put this on the song selection screen? I seriously can't find somewhere to put it :(. Any ideas?
A lot of people might not like this idea, but what about decreasing the displayed top scores from 6 to 5, and putting the song info on either the top or bottom of the list?
Nevermind, I found a place. :D
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peppy wrote:

Nevermind, I found a place. :D
I like where it is, but I thought of having a second screen after selecting a song, in which you would see only 1 song at a time (and could navigate from song to song from inside that screen) with all the information you can find about it, and you could adjust difficulty in there too. There could be the original selection screen, where we see the big list + that "single song" screen.

-- Wolf --
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