
MuryokuP - Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Donnerstag, 7. März 2019 at 02:09:03

Artist: MuryokuP
Title: Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug
Tags: VOCALOID Megurine Luka Leda uz uzP kz Remix Ao Rock nao tomori naotoshi stjpa trynna
BPM: 195
Filesize: 8190kb
Play Time: 04:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Despair (7,36 stars, 821 notes)
  2. Nao's Hard (4,05 stars, 588 notes)
  3. Normal (2,52 stars, 457 notes)
  4. Stjpa's Extreme (6,35 stars, 797 notes)
  5. Trynna's Insane (5,06 stars, 802 notes)
Download: MuryokuP - Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I mean if you go and map Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug then what do you expect? It has such a big status as a turning point in the mapping meta that you can't avoid being compared. In my honest opinion there are songs that are tied to such grand maps that they should be given a status where they are not allowed to be ranked if mapped by someone else (Sweet Sweet Cendrillon Drug being one of them). That being said I haven't looked at the map so I have no opinion on it, because the quality of the map is irrelevant in this matter. This is about preserving history of osu! and therefore I hope that this doesn't become a trend in the future.

not really a good map imo but apparently it's enjoyable so that's cool

bg is somewhere in here
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