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[deleted user]
Hey everyone. I'm mostly a DDR / ITG / IIDX player. I've never acutally played Ouendan or EBA (except for in-store demos) but I herd about this simulator from the radio show Orange Lounge Radio and I though I should check it out. I've made a pretty good amount of Simfiles for the DDR simulator Stepmania, so once I get past the Direct3D error I'll start working on some beatmaps for osu!

I think this simulator looks great and all the hard work is appreciated.

Keep up the good work!
Hello and welcome!

Its a pity about the system requirements being relatively high (2002+ graphics hardware). I did consider this when starting development but really wasn't sure how badly this would affect how many people could run the game (all the private testers had no problem - even with relatively old ~1ghz machines).

Fixing this on a programmatic level is quite hard - it involves changing graphics libraries. While this is possible, I currently have a lot more drive to work on new features and getting the game as finished as possible.

If you are able to, try and find a second-hand DirectX 9 card (should work out *very* cheap these days). Its probably about time you upgraded if your card does not support DX9 features, anyway :)
Welcome to the boards. :D

If you need any help with beatmapping or music theory / timing issues, drop me a PM and I'll answer it as soon as I can.
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