Beatmap Listing » Ling Yuan yousa, Xiu Mu Su, Hun Miao Miao - Hua Yue Cheng Shuang

Artist:Ling Yuan yousa, Xiu Mu Su, Hun Miao Miao Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Hua Yue Cheng Shuang HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:UjiMatcha Accuracy:
Length:2:52 (2:40 drain)
Source:BDF2021 Genre:Pop (Chinese) BPM:90
Tags:zweib voicecore chinese pop female cover huayue chengshuang bdf cpop lingyuan 三无marblue sanwu marblue ls 夏安兰 xiaanlan bilibili dancing festival User Rating:
6 112
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
31.4% (5303 of 16876 plays)
Apr 9, 2022
Aug 15, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 121 times in total
Users that love this map: Voltyn, BlueMusic, murilogordo, oTBoLeLe, Bom1250, [GB]Rush_FTK, Muziyami, hanson_99, NaimuTongzi, WWWEI, D rank, skiooj123, MeganeBaka, Ariseruu, aenha, GrapeFlavor, kilkal_kol, turtle mua, N4cr0s, ChokeMaster and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


Normal & Lunar Dance by UjiMatcha
Hard by VoiceCore
Insane by Zweib
Hitsound by UjiMatcha

早春忙 闹市攘 人来往 看 家家喜洋洋 模样

米 正香 酒 正烫 炉火正旺暖得满厅堂 安康

风轻扬 柳梢荡 烛影晃 听 谁家的姑娘

千树 含苞 待放

灯花 摇曳 轩窗



浅街巷 深弄堂 长画廊 谁 风舞衣袖扬 霓裳

琴 轻漾 鼓 激荡 宫商悠长声声入红妆 绕梁

檐上光 窗下望 枕边藏 愿 年年岁岁长

船舫 结彩 灯张

万户 灯火 辉煌



花添香 彩满堂 捞月做陈酿

酿得 岁月都珍藏

珍藏每段好时光 不忘

步摇晃 袖凝光 舞花月成双

花月 与君声声唱

是人间 最 值得 模样

花飘香 ~

月光长 ~

正成双 ~

vrnl is in the lead! ()
Score1,077,370 (99.68%)
Max Combo943
300 / 100 / 50937 / 6 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)1
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
1,077,370 99.68% vrnl 943 937  /  6  /  0 1 0 0 None
1,073,010 99.84% Syoponjk 943 940  /  3  /  0 3 0 0 None
780,486 94.17% BaelzHakos 268 853  /  70  /  0 0 0 20 None
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