Beatmap Listing » Little Non - Hanamaru*Sensation

Artist:Little Non Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Hanamaru*Sensation HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:App Accuracy:
Length:3:44 (3:43 drain)
Source:こどものじかん Genre:Rock (Japanese) BPM:190
Tags:リトル・ノン non. the best リトルノン こじか kojika kodomo no jikan ed ending anime 永野希 nagano nozomi のんちゃん non-chan 谷島シュン tanishima User Rating:
7 27
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
5.9% (220 of 3709 plays)
Apr 6, 2024
Dec 12, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 48 times in total
Users that love this map: l1mi, -Archangel-, tatsugiri, cclemon3232, paranoic, twee, TinyPark, may00r, BoshyMan741, Sayama Kaede, Magic Chances, Dafonz, Nene Sakura, chiliawa52, -mira, majoreh, big snag, discode, BeautifulKisa, 1k1 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

AA's*Getchu~ by App、audinor HELLISH DIFFICULTY!!
AMA's*Extra by App、Mirash、allein EXTREME DIFFICULTY!
Cha's*Expert by Chanyah PRO。。
I'm*Insane by Mizunashi Akari、App、dog food OK。。
I'm*Hard by App、Ieir、urdu in no particular order Average player。。
I'm*Normal by App、Vitas2222 For noob。。

S Rank: osu!GOD?This is virtually impossible。
A Rank: Legend above Legends。
B Rank: True Champion。
C Rank: Proud Stream Master。
D Rank: Strong Survivor。

Anyone who manages to Full Combo this is a champion above championsAnyone who can clear it is a contending championto say the least
big snag is in the lead! ()
Score63,198,670 (98.85%)
Max Combo1656
300 / 100 / 501195 / 21 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)339
Katu (Beat!)17

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
63,198,670 98.85% big snag 1656 1195  /  21  /  0 339 17 0 None
37,333,560 96.48% A21 1256 1154  /  55  /  5 325 28 2 None
33,841,788 97.94% kagiura 1149 1181  /  28  /  4 337 16 3 HD
32,505,120 98.20% revoh 1174 1184  /  30  /  1 330 24 1 None
29,823,216 97.44% RafGPio 1081 1172  /  38  /  1 335 18 5 HD
28,029,613 96.96% toybot 1066 1163  /  47  /  2 316 35 4 HD
27,231,642 95.83% hiyah 1041 1144  /  63  /  2 309 43 7 HD
26,997,880 97.63% Hellotomlol225 1063 1176  /  33  /  1 338 14 6 None
26,020,200 97.89% eniu 1055 1182  /  22  /  6 335 15 6 None
24,387,720 97.00% TinyPark 967 1162  /  51  /  3 319 34 0 None
24,118,282 95.79% emilia 970 1142  /  66  /  5 309 42 3 HD
20,658,970 96.48% AA_Raiden_MK 850 1154  /  55  /  5 317 35 2 None
20,099,080 97.00% Mismagius 802 1164  /  46  /  1 317 34 5 None
15,647,210 97.53% cihp 526 1171  /  45  /  0 325 31 0 None
15,444,590 95.33% Uzumaki 722 1136  /  66  /  7 306 45 7 None
13,722,640 96.05% semaphore 519 1147  /  63  /  0 314 37 6 None
13,433,120 93.08% Avias_ 556 1092  /  118  /  3 296 55 3 None
11,843,810 98.52% -mira 905 1191  /  21  /  0 337 15 4 EZ
10,546,220 97.60% ThangGaming 451 1177  /  29  /  1 330 21 9 None
10,159,299 89.88% Hanabi Shira 910 1052  /  112  /  22 302 37 30 NF,HD
9,728,660 89.99% Garch 912 1044  /  139  /  24 293 45 9 NF
8,431,300 93.80% Neoh 440 1110  /  90  /  4 301 45 12 None
6,387,290 93.78% Kuaikuai27 545 1114  /  77  /  4 308 38 21 NF
4,821,945 89.71% EPIC GAMBLING 518 1046  /  124  /  21 291 41 25 NF
4,154,942 85.47% Shirayokii 520 977  /  176  /  22 275 55 41 NF,HD
4,141,640 87.62% violu 560 1018  /  120  /  45 261 62 33 NF
3,867,488 85.32% SUBA_ 518 982  /  154  /  25 272 48 55 NF,HD
3,717,075 94.20% LolForest 415 1118  /  82  /  1 299 45 15 NF
3,544,741 91.30% BoshyMan741 363 1074  /  98  /  21 288 51 23 NF,HR
3,377,255 91.39% Razekon 411 1068  /  123  /  14 278 66 11 NF
3,351,455 92.72% E4pi4mak 307 1096  /  90  /  9 283 54 21 NF
3,246,015 73.81% ashley 496 851  /  135  /  9 243 75 221 NF
3,191,189 95.71% APRL03 426 1141  /  67  /  3 308 43 5 HT
2,797,707 91.02% ecca 324 1067  /  115  /  9 274 60 25 NF,HR
2,730,580 81.35% Vaiski 434 912  /  200  /  63 245 69 41 NF
2,449,875 93.42% - Lxle - 197 1110  /  77  /  2 299 37 27 NF
2,426,334 78.63% Eyoxi 410 874  /  224  /  45 219 84 73 NF,HD
2,380,535 86.58% 6otomakas 239 1002  /  137  /  31 271 50 46 NF
2,323,945 83.18% Narrower 324 938  /  205  /  31 244 71 42 NF
2,270,755 84.65% Bochi the osu 261 963  /  178  /  42 251 68 33 NF
2,083,070 89.19% Ratarok 223 1036  /  141  /  9 259 72 30 NF
2,047,815 81.94% extraya 300 919  /  213  /  38 248 70 46 NF
1,998,300 88.86% WiMpN 186 1043  /  108  /  9 266 61 56 NF
1,881,611 85.21% -Schwarts 176 961  /  215  /  21 235 97 19 NF,HR
1,810,405 81.88% hamoudabecha 270 923  /  197  /  42 250 64 54 NF
1,749,145 78.30% whalermelon 318 856  /  267  /  43 210 104 50 NF
1,725,611 78.36% NausicaaLover 294 867  /  237  /  41 223 77 71 NF,HD
1,713,275 75.53% Pkups 297 820  /  267  /  57 208 88 72 NF
1,651,975 78.91% Ntikakis 193 893  /  174  /  51 248 58 98 NF
1,635,604 80.93% -Tynamo 193 898  /  246  /  25 210 101 47 NF,HR
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