Beatmap Listing » Koga Koharu (CV: Yuri Komori) - Yorimichi Little Star Koga Koharu Solo Remix

Artist:Koga Koharu (CV: Yuri Komori) Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Yorimichi Little Star Koga Koharu Solo Remix HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:_kotachi_ Accuracy:
Length:4:37 (4:36 drain)
Source:アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ U149 Genre:Anime (Japanese) BPM:189
Tags:female vocal the idolm@ster imas idolmaster im@s cinderella girls deremas cgss deresute デレステ デレマス starlight stage u149 スペシャルトークイベント トゥインクルパーティー special User Rating:
1 12
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
23.5% (559 of 2377 plays)
Nov 3, 2024
Nov 26, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 28 times in total
Users that love this map: Amnesia Haze, ParkSungHun, Rebo, - Paimon -, Driftkon, Satono Crown, otudou, Yukipo15, DeTinMari, SUFURAME, Shibukin, seyio, AJBone, Nijouin-Hazuki, LGMGP, RaisuEffect, LivingStress, UnknownAircraft, CocoaMilk-, dyavolll and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

#34 タチバナver
MASTER: Kyuuchie
Starry Sky Peropero: me

Kanui / Pile
Add me on Starlight Stage: 801890426
Nikolai is in the lead! ()
Score61,950,694 (100.00%)
Max Combo1627
300 / 100 / 501592 / 35 / 945
Geki (Elite Beat!)301
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
61,950,694 100.00% Nikolai 1627 1592  /  35  /  945 301 0 0 None
33,346,904 99.96% e19 910 1591  /  35  /  945 300 0 1 HD
33,336,984 99.88% Touca 910 1591  /  35  /  943 300 2 1 HD
6,470,170 98.56% raidellcagape 281 1573  /  35  /  927 283 18 19 None
169,145 30.52% osu420 8 473  /  11  /  301 8 644 1143 NF,EZ,HD,NC,FL
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