Beatmap Listing » whyalive x Denya8 - hyperpop luv <3

Artist:whyalive x Denya8 Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:hyperpop luv <3 HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Daycore Accuracy:
Length:1:25 (1:09 drain)
Source: Genre:Electronic (Russian) BPM:180
Tags:hyperpop hyper pop electronic russian гипер поп гиперпоп русский электроника tachibana_ nemidnight yung young dexn kennycarter crestsidemafia User Rating:
21 100
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
16.7% (2151 of 12880 plays)
Nov 14, 2024
Nov 21, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 212 times in total
Users that love this map: richp2k, sasuk3x, RedPie, khanako, chidodou, Spaiderrr, YoriKao, KoHarve, plea7ure, wonduu, Kong, dem1se, cardplay, Ryxliee, KiNgSiZe2002, gammag_old_1, Halcethas, Xinelox, lolpichi, shmepus and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


zzz because ryxliee loves this game
Nene Sakura is in the lead! ()
Score7,135,702 (91.79%)
Max Combo537
300 / 100 / 50589 / 3 / 135
Geki (Elite Beat!)167
Droplet misses64

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
7,135,702 91.79% Nene Sakura 537 589  /  3  /  135 167 64 1 None
5,580,694 95.83% sasuk3x 473 583  /  3  /  173 161 26 7 None
3,797,060 95.20% Groex 326 583  /  3  /  168 162 31 7 None
3,594,378 96.97% ti gnida 317 586  /  3  /  179 164 20 4 HD
2,181,648 94.19% debub 172 573  /  3  /  170 159 29 17 None
2,089,350 95.20% KWYJIBO 205 582  /  3  /  169 161 30 8 None
1,567,354 94.19% insaneskills 206 566  /  3  /  177 150 22 24 None
1,491,704 92.05% ExNando 206 554  /  3  /  172 142 27 36 None
1,070,633 92.42% Dask 104 566  /  3  /  163 146 36 24 HD
509,074 84.72% cycle hit 67 517  /  3  /  151 120 48 73 None
219,938 76.52% bakaeshkere 39 462  /  3  /  141 86 58 128 EZ
192,632 70.33% gete1625fer 21 425  /  2  /  130 74 69 166 EZ
63,375 26.39% osu420 5 164  /  0  /  45 9 154 429 NF,EZ,HD,NC,FL
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