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??? wtf is mamohka score and why is that ahead of all DT scores with higher acc??
In the perfect world yusomi will never explain editor but in our world he did
im gonna come clean, ive whacked the snake to this bg
down bad
good background
godlike mapping
wow what a catchy song... can't get enough of it. took me 5 hours to learn the Insane map from start to finish... and sliderbreak twice
one of my favorite maps. SO GOOD!
Spotify ?
I like
coming for that insane hddt fc
This mapset is so fun.
I don't know why the strings have 5 notes, I can understand 4 or 6 but I don't hear the 5 so I just mash :(
What song has the same scream at the beginning?It sounds so familiar.
where can i get the full img of yusomi's avatar
here you go: https://konachan.com/post/show/302353
weirdest map I've ever played but it slaps
lol i didnt notice that bg is ayame
nice bg
How can i get the background picture i kinda want it as my desktop wallpaper :(
filthy weaboo!
There's a link in the description, or you can open up the song folder and it'll be in there
BG master
Love thus ♥
turned down my refresh rate to play this
It's excellent.could you tell me the name of this song ?.. someone , please (..
rip old bg
Another "why is this ranked" maps
it's better than sotarks farming and other shit
what name of this song?
Nice map
thank u verysmallgiant very cool
Ayame yes
nut map
☺ nice one, very fun ♪
you are a hero for linking the sauce
same level bg as the old one 10/10
cub diff is cursed
shit, i hate yusomi
fun owo
It was a good idea to save the picture before i update
very wise
thank you eat my womb out
what the fuck
Actually pog
This is my culture~•~
Yes please more Cytus 2 maps
i love yusomi
here u go https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77734346