Beatmap Listing » Endoh Masaaki - Clear Mind

Artist:Endoh Masaaki Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Clear Mind HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:YGOkid8 Accuracy:
Length:4:18 (4:15 drain)
Source:遊☆戯☆王5D's Genre:Anime (Japanese) BPM:160
Tags:corsace closed 2023 cc23 grand finals gf double time dt2 yu-gi-oh! yugioh 遊戯王 5d's 5ds believe in nexus クリア・マインド tournament User Rating:
3 22
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
5.2% (238 of 4609 plays)
May 7, 2023
Jan 25, 2025
Rating Spread:
Favourited 48 times in total
Users that love this map: Xevshak, - AlKaid -, lazysloth900, duanduan_old, Bujebus, Dreadtex, Tsurumaki82, Briar-, Mega Art, vyper, Smradupan, CyberEndDragon, KladVomzin01, lazy, CryoShot, Aurora02, Karenberge, Saljin, JackzzSamurai, ynumi and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Accel Synchro for Corsace Closed 2023 : Grand Finals DT2
First stream map I've ever mapped to completion, hope you enjoy! Made with snail players like me in mind so there's a stream map we can actually play ?

  1. Context of the song in the anime
  2. GDs by CyberEndDragon and Share!
Changelog starting from when I thought of doing a changelog

2023-12-21 Hitsounds finished, TY to Tycani for laying the foundations

2024-01-25 CyberEndDragon's Hard and Share's Insane added to make diff spread better, even if not required for ranking. Andrea please don't kill me...

2024-10-25 Just doing some housekeeping... +2ms to offset, renamed Insane to Extra and tweaked AR/OD on Extra and Accel Synchro

2024-12-05 fieryrage's mod applied and another +2ms to offset because it was still driving me crazy, feels pretty good now I think?

2025-01-03 Andrea's mod applied and new mp3 used so need to re-download, so did -135 offset or something
Gommish is in the lead! ()
Score121,333,546 (98.90%)
Max Combo2292
300 / 100 / 501916 / 32 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)361
Katu (Beat!)25

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
121,333,546 98.90% Gommish 2292 1916  /  32  /  0 361 25 0 HD,HR
115,396,731 99.86% KaedeharaKazuha 2292 1944  /  4  /  0 384 2 0 HD
109,129,466 100.00% NaRiTA TaiShiN 2292 1948  /  0  /  0 386 0 0 None
108,983,945 98.74% Unibrick 2236 1915  /  25  /  1 366 17 7 HD
108,975,010 99.90% WiMpN 2292 1945  /  3  /  0 384 2 0 None
108,708,482 99.62% Lynua 2292 1937  /  11  /  0 379 7 0 None
108,366,466 99.49% badplayer817 2292 1933  /  15  /  0 377 9 0 None
108,201,250 98.80% Purest 2292 1913  /  35  /  0 370 16 0 None
107,883,604 98.87% Quantoy 2291 1915  /  33  /  0 364 22 0 None
102,457,106 97.84% zonef 2249 1889  /  49  /  4 361 22 6 None
98,937,719 97.66% Hoex 2083 1882  /  61  /  0 345 38 5 HD,HR
98,017,356 99.79% Ophiz 2172 1942  /  6  /  0 381 5 0 None
95,834,505 96.94% _kola 2115 1862  /  78  /  2 330 53 6 HR
92,514,822 98.00% S4I7T 2121 1893  /  48  /  0 362 20 7 None
89,621,392 99.54% FireMeto 2080 1935  /  12  /  0 376 9 1 None
83,771,093 98.52% moosepi 1947 1909  /  29  /  3 364 19 7 HD
82,749,102 98.86% MadLad 1989 1917  /  25  /  3 366 19 3 None
74,682,777 97.19% MyOjou 1850 1868  /  76  /  0 333 50 4 HR
72,420,008 96.27% Antares- 1880 1844  /  91  /  6 344 37 7 None
71,529,872 99.44% YGOkid8 1791 1933  /  12  /  1 375 10 2 None
68,350,314 97.22% Puli 1803 1871  /  67  /  3 341 41 7 None
62,659,072 98.49% Razekon 1605 1905  /  41  /  0 358 27 2 None
57,106,934 98.00% Toileri 1448 1891  /  54  /  0 351 33 3 None
53,292,076 93.66% weiweiday 1586 1771  /  158  /  5 303 75 14 None
52,505,608 96.17% Bloody R Enryu 1587 1844  /  88  /  0 331 47 16 None
52,124,536 94.82% itadhe 1564 1810  /  103  /  16 323 54 19 None
46,186,682 96.51% AquaRua 1429 1859  /  58  /  10 356 18 21 None
45,863,652 95.11% W A R P A T H 1423 1814  /  116  /  1 336 45 17 None
45,664,220 93.60% PawzMyGame 1274 1763  /  179  /  4 291 91 2 None
43,859,325 97.25% Potactic 1275 1878  /  40  /  18 352 21 12 HD
41,447,134 95.58% - Aikawa - 1292 1834  /  80  /  7 344 28 27 None
39,017,162 93.02% Lunage 1288 1756  /  164  /  8 321 47 20 HD
37,101,084 95.55% JohanID 1243 1832  /  82  /  12 342 33 22 None
36,543,626 98.24% EyeBits 939 1900  /  36  /  10 361 21 2 None
35,332,342 97.17% StenFer 1186 1871  /  60  /  11 356 23 6 None
34,624,526 97.59% squarerot 971 1884  /  46  /  10 359 20 8 None
34,571,351 98.65% ChocoMuffin 1038 1917  /  14  /  0 365 11 17 HD
33,266,834 95.48% miageto 1140 1831  /  85  /  4 324 50 28 None
32,223,620 97.78% Plextora 959 1885  /  59  /  0 349 33 4 None
32,206,876 93.28% FriHigh 1208 1771  /  136  /  4 305 63 37 None
31,004,634 94.26% Huukkeli 1066 1787  /  146  /  3 292 86 12 None
30,160,480 94.74% DarkerSniper 1103 1808  /  107  /  11 316 60 22 None
29,982,468 97.74% yLu4an 1059 1889  /  44  /  2 352 28 13 None
28,304,353 95.59% boyan 687 1829  /  92  /  15 339 38 12 HR
27,733,283 96.34% KAAAL 777 1851  /  75  /  4 338 38 18 HD
26,288,026 95.83% Zacatel 835 1837  /  85  /  9 342 35 17 None
26,198,554 97.39% eleventroll 770 1878  /  56  /  3 357 24 11 None
25,717,670 98.48% KLMNAT 831 1909  /  26  /  4 371 10 9 None
25,639,676 98.82% [Peter Griffin] 1491 1915  /  29  /  2 369 14 2 EZ
25,275,824 97.26% yihn 777 1876  /  53  /  6 348 31 13 None
Beatmap comments are now available only on the new site.
Please go check them out!