Beatmap Listing » Akiyama Uni - Azakeri no Yuugi

Artist:Akiyama Uni Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Azakeri no Yuugi HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Erowdi Accuracy:
Length:1:38 (1:37 drain)
Source:東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Genre:Video Game (Instrumental) BPM:128
Tags:tatara kogasa video game toho touhou project hisouten reimu fighter instrumental twilight frontier shanghai alice zun youkai mountain theme 10.5 User Rating:
1 7
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
9.4% (59 of 627 plays)
Aug 23, 2023
Jan 17, 2025
Rating Spread:
Favourited 14 times in total
Users that love this map: zzarcanzz, Claren, SUVI, VelveD, Kr7oung, SUPERNOOB20, Tatara Kogasa, hsb0458, boonnu, ivichka, Ness Noire, mehdi54, tox11234, pojhm
Options:Modding / Discussion

= Difficulties =
Normal by Erowdi
Hard by Maimaing
Lunatic by Tatara Kogasa
Phantasm by Erowdi
Beatmap Nominators
? davidminh0111 | ❤️ Ulqui
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NewJeans is in the lead! ()
Score946,576 (99.12%)
Max Combo682
300 / 100 / 50670 / 12 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)4
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
946,576 99.12% NewJeans 682 670  /  12  /  0 4 0 0 HR,FL
913,570 99.85% Genjuro 682 680  /  2  /  0 3 0 0 FL
907,570 99.12% [GB]Edward_Tsui 682 670  /  12  /  0 13 0 0 FL
903,130 98.75% doulph 682 665  /  17  /  0 13 1 0 FL
900,265 98.46% alemagno333 682 661  /  21  /  0 40 1 0 FL
872,198 99.27% NeoAxel 682 672  /  10  /  0 2 0 0 HR
846,042 99.12% Rai 682 670  /  12  /  0 0 0 0 FL
811,102 97.14% Garden 682 643  /  39  /  0 2 0 0 None
788,129 96.99% Das 389 642  /  39  /  0 4 0 1 HR
759,434 95.75% Claren 505 625  /  56  /  0 4 0 1 None
758,144 94.50% -Senshi- 374 617  /  55  /  0 2 0 10 FL
748,042 96.11% ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 518 632  /  47  /  0 1 0 3 HR
731,964 97.80% NGname 320 662  /  10  /  0 1 0 10 None
718,150 94.65% Erowdi 613 611  /  69  /  0 1 0 2 None
639,622 94.06% Solor 291 606  /  71  /  0 2 0 5 None
596,864 94.21% Gundham 282 623  /  39  /  0 1 1 20 None
578,102 87.02% Skama 286 543  /  101  /  0 5 2 38 None
542,328 99.27% _knots 682 672  /  10  /  0 13 1 0 EZ
536,416 93.26% DrummerDragon 231 603  /  66  /  0 0 0 13 None
420,778 90.76% AelSan 119 589  /  60  /  0 7 1 33 None
351,844 84.97% Araxcrow 193 492  /  175  /  0 4 6 15 NF,HR
240,011 65.69% KostPer 170 334  /  228  /  0 2 1 120 NF,FL
189,715 66.57% uohzemllac 67 345  /  218  /  0 0 0 119 NF,FL
161,506 59.97% turbo_igor_777 59 354  /  110  /  0 2 0 218 NF
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