Please check out these awesome sets which all inspired me!
Bakugo-Nijika IjichiKaraiBakugo-'s set has some excellent difficulties and is mapped soooo cleanly, and I really like how they handled the rhythm. I love the aim control patterns in Nijika Ijichi's set, it served as a huge inspiration to try my hand at my own take on an aim control beatmap of this song and a ton of ideas. Karai's set is the one that pushed me to try my hand at it because of how varied the patterns were on a smaller distance scale compared to Nijika Ichiji's.
Mapped in like 4h on a whim. Very out of character for me to map something out of nowhere and even more out of character to finish it so quickly (by my standards). I stole the .mp3 and timing from Bakugo-'s set, and also used their base slider velocity and 1.69x multiplier. Their set definitely gave me the most inspiration.
I was also inspired by Azer's comment on an OWC 2024 broadcast (the semifinals mappool showcase) where he talked about wanting more "anti-mod" beatmaps. I'm not trying to get my beatmaps into OWC or anything, it just inspired some ideas.
I really wanted to experiment with different types of movement here, so I tried giving each person (bbno$ and Rich; kind of funny writing that out ("no money" and "rich")) their own type of movement/design. I don't think I did very well, but that's what practice is for I guess! As I look at this beatmap more, I take more and more issue with it, but oh well. I think it's cool to finish stuff regardless. I doubt I will revisit it again.
A lot of the other sets of this song have some aim control and tricky reading or general density emphasis, but none of them felt like they fully committed to it (which is fine). So I decided to throw my hat into the ring. I also tried bucking the extremely rigid standards of consistency to which I hold myself, so there are some parts that REALLY bother me lmao but it's just trying new things.
Hitsounded by me, epic and serious background with lots of effort put into it also by me (may eventually update). This is my first time hitsounding like this; usually I follow the song or do simple clap rhythms but I went for something a lot more involved this time.
Lemme know if you FC it! Especially with hidden; that would be quite a play! If you love or hate it feel free to let me know in the comments. I'd love to hear your reasoning too!
Changelog1.0.0: first uploaded version (Nov 18, 2024)
1.0.1: updated the pre-chorus colours for better contrast (Nov 18, 2024)
1.1.0: updated a pattern that I felt was too hard/annoying @ 00:30:546 - , basically swapping the movement directions so the pattern is snappier (Nov 18, 2024)
1.2.0: updated a bunch of patterns, improved new combo consistency (Nov 19, 2024)
1.2.1: updated like two patterns and changed preview point (Nov 19, 2024)