thank you!!!thank you very much!!!Although I do not know who you are. 2013/06/20 1 year 2018/01/08 1 month 2018/02/14 1 month 2018/12/01 4 month 2020/03/03 1 month 2020/05/05 6 month MAGNUS COSMOS 2020/12/01 2 month 2021/02/24 6 month Magnus Cosmos 2021/21/01 1 month Segami
FC<10PC * 2014/07/26-2014/07/28 *~0 √ 0 2014/07/28-2014/10/14 0~9 √ E 2014/10/14-2014/10/24 E √ E 2014/10/24-2014/10/30 F √ F 2014/10/30-2014/11/06 G √ G 2014/11/06-2014/11/20 H √ H 2014/11/20-2014/11/30 I √ I 2014/11/30-2014/12/21 J √ J 2014/12/21-2015/05/18 K √ K 2015/05/18-2015/06/05 L √ L 2015/06/05-2015/07/16 M √ M 2015/07/16-2015/08/25 N √ N 2015/08/25-2015/08/28 O √ O 2015/08/28-2015/09/06 P √ P 2015/09/06-2015/09/08 Q √ Q 2015/09/08-2015/10/03 R √ R 2015/10/03-2019/03/11 S √ S 2019/03/11-2019/04/04 T √ T 2019/04/04-2019/08/01 U √ U 2019/08/01-2019/08/30 V √ V 2019/08/30-2019/08/30 W √ W 2019/08/30-2019/09/02 X √ X 2019/09/02-2020/02/28 Y √ Y 2020/02/28-2020/03/12 Z √ Z 2020/03/12-2020/03/14 A √ A 2020/03/14
1. Adjust your screen brightness, it is very important. At good brightness level, those “slide” wont become dim. Don’t anyhow adjust Gama value - final interpretation is owned by ppy. 2. A good game skin is necessary. There are some good skin that change “followpoint” to a straight line. Or you can find my osu skin in my home page, feel free to take it. 3. Remember, in FL mod, those first 200 CB are free one. If you feel it is hard to fully combo first 200 CB, then you have to improve yourself first. 4. Knowledge about Edit beatmap is required. After first 200 CB, if there are something need to be memorise, plz replace the notes with a 200 CB slide with 1/16 beat. It will help you memorise those difficult point. 5. FL and HL are totally different, some map you feel quite easy with FL, it doesn’t mean HL will be easy as well. 6. finally, if you really really want to play with FL, then forgot what I have said, just do it =w=. >>>>>>>>> u/1074648 How to use FL Mod to play