hello im hubba, tournament commentator and hidden player. dm for mutual! i am an all round player with interest in every skillset but raw raw aim; and i can play any mod combo (so long as it involves hidden :3) if you need a hd player for your tournament, please dm! and also note i *cannot* read w/o hidden!
top combo is the 'Uh Oh!' EP! 17 minutes of alt aim control, fumbled the bag and missed 1k combo before end.
i play hidden due to preference. approach circles clog up my screen too much.
i play on a 40 inch tv
fav mappers are noffy, natsumerin, moph, and moonlightleaf
hdsd main (when comfortable), bless up, sapphireghost
setup/playstyle: razer deathadder mouse
sensitivity 1.0, dpi 1200
ring and index finger on the j and l keys (sike uwuting time now)
top burst speed: 280bpm (11 notes and under)
top singletap speed: 290bpm
top stream speed: 245bpm (20+ notes)
currently improving: aim control and consistency to continue filling gimmick picks in tournaments
thank you grant for the 3 months, trizzybr for the 1 month, lilcloud for the 1 month, shimchar for the year, dio for the month and mystery man for the 2 years of supporter! My Investors.
tournament banners
current goals
100 leaderboards on baller maps 250 leaderboards on baller maps 1k leaderboards on baller maps
500pp play (i hit this goal way fucking faster than i could have ever dreamed) 600pp play
osu diary (profile reviews can ignore its long lol)
day 1: 9/8/2021 - still speed practicing, but massive step up! i learned to stream 210 bpm! it requires a bit of warmup beforehand but after some warmup im consistent with it. some solid victims of contingency plays and a failed run on RoR that went farther than usual. woop!
day 2: 9/10/2021 - testing a new mouse sens, turned it down from 1.48 to 1.25. feeling alot more precise just gotta get used to it during the coming days
day 3: 9/15/2021 - still practicing aim, and getting pp chokes again! decay may finally be over!
day 4: 9/29/2021 - yeah the decay went kablamo. 61k curse is gone! downloaded 43000 maps yesterday gonna be grinding dt finger control now. funky scores in the future!
day 5: 10/7/2021 - got some funky dt scores, can confirm. nothing pp-wise though. i cleared 80 A ranks the other day, felt good. gonna be clearing out the A ranks from my top plays now, starting with Nippon Manju. it is 50k grind time baby
day 6: 12/2/2021 i forgot to keep doing this grrrr its been an eventful month! i went from 58k to 40k with rework, and i have grinded my way to 36k from there. also got my first 6* and 300pp today on Just Be Friends. very cool #15 leaderboard. got 99% on foul play hddt which is HUGE 240BPM MOMENT! today was def my current peak
day 7: 1/11/2022 i forgot again waaaah but i am now 21k! I have like 10 300s (seven of which were on the same day wah hoo)! My old map DT gaming is going extremely well, but im beginning to run out of options at AR8. Practicing AR8.5 consistency and beginning to be able to read AR9 as of recent. Choked MONSTERs DT, which is 250bpm bursts/aim at AR8.5, so overall improvement is full speed ahead!
day 8: 3/8/2022 it has been 2 months, i lost my stamina, learned some better nomod aim and ar8 reading, then i regained my stamina and fc'd Gekkakou today. very baller
day 9: 5/21/2022 another 2 months very sexual, i'm now balling and choking a few 400pps. 4 digit by the end of september is likely. leaderboard farming a bit more, but still all scores above 200pp for leaderboards. don't want leaderboards that are TOO free yknow
day 10: (10/3/2022) what the fuck i called end of september to a tee. it is now october 3rd, i got 4 digit october 1st. 500pp and 7* fc obtained as well. New grindset is going for 450pps~ and overall 400s. also 200 lbs reached! feeling very good about my aim and stamina improvements and the grind dont stop baby
day 11: (mystery date?)moar 400s and stuff, almost another 500pp on an acc fix of diu and zaf. not much has changed, just improving my speed and stamina as time goes
day 12: (11/21/2023) it has been a year, i now almost have 10 500s and have hit my peak rank of 3622 today! my reading has improved, my speed is impeccable, i'm playing slidertech now and i'm on a tournament team with 3 digits (more specifically, a massive inspiration, almightydoor!). i'm very very happy with where ive gone with this game and we are far from over!