An Electrical engineering Student, A Rhythm player, A Technician (not professional), An Audiophile, Was in Computer course, plays osu! and yeah, that's me!
In game, I am an accuracy player who hates drops and misses. I'm a 7k main but, I play 3-9k Cuz why not? I have No main skill sets. (sad)
60% acc player and 40% for others(pp,sr,ranks)
Reason why my performance in 4k is higher because i don't have any good keyboard In early 2023 (For 7k)
I decided to be an accuracy player because i have very weak stamina haha (crying*)
To finish a map I should have atleast 98% - 100% of accuracy (Only if i can play the pattern)
Favorite shape: ★★★★★★★★★★★
Mods i play in mania: MR: (in 4k) 5* above only (Because, im about to get serious but also not good for me) MR: (in 6-9k) I have no idea why i must have this, cuz i will get distracted without this lol HR and scoreV2: My companion to improve ratio
Mods i play in Std: HR: Idk for now haha
I play Dans only before the month ends or maybe not at all
That one player that makes me play this game both 7k and 4k
Note: I am improving every month, since i cant just be an acc player. I might need to rank up soon.
"2011" ahh pc Pc: Hp compaq i7-2600 integrated graphics Monitor: Dell 24 inch 60hz pain Speaker: Sony SA-D20 2.1ch Speakers (I don't use headphones) (Plus i liek bassss) Keyboard: Unbranded brown switch fails, so i changed it to red swich lol/School keyboard (Dell) lmao
My Scroll speed: Offset i use: -14 and +14 for sv (-12 old) *32* Is my default speed (4k) *30* (Now it's *31* or *32*) Is for speed maps and rice and default(7k) (Same to 5k,6k,8k) *29* (Now it's *31*) Is for Hybrids,LN (7k) (Same to 5k,6k,8k)
Keybinds 4k: dfjk(old),as45(old),cvnm(For speed),xcm,(for speed[1]),sdl;(For acc),cvl;(for speed with acc) keybinds 5k: cv[space]jk or cvjkl keybinds 6k: asdjkl(old),xcvjkl, or sdfkl; keybinds 7k: asd[space]jkl(old),xcv[space]kl;(current) Started: may 14 2023 keybinds 8k: sdfvnjkl(current) (still learning...) Started: may 11 2024 keybinds 9k: zxcv[space]jkl;(Learning...) Started: oct 21 2024 keybinds 10k: asdfvnjkl;(Now on hold) Mar - 2025
adget945★ Goodluck bro, we'll wait for you! tsuk4sa★ Thanks a lot for ur skins bro i appreciate it! [OMG] WebCideR★ My 6k mapper Feli-_-cia★ Trust the process! and someday you will get it! lucknut★ 4k Rival and HD god! DkVioletMoon★ The only player i remember when i was in 45k a30099★ It was fun playing with you! ASTRONAUT19★ Bro prefer to reach me in facebook lol Creallyer★ Good maps bro! grecty489★ Bro is strong but dont want ranked maps lol Napeace★ Bro's ratio 2x better than mine haha - Shock -★ I can't do sht to you in 4* HAHAHA Jonp716★ Ur doin just fine bro! SecretMan817 and LadyMan★ Bro's beat me in speed maps xD gg Zhyron★ Bro became a taiko main drysushi (Former ★ holder) Hope ur happy bro... My Angel Selen and femboy nixiiowo★ Bro's tried to recruit me to tournaments lol, Sorry but im not good yet maybe soon Thanks for the invite. wsopwnb★ 7k Rival, ur good bro Aoko Yarareta★ Nice Sv play! 1mikauwu1★ Bro was a catch main but still plays mania with me thanks bud! aron19xx★ I want ur Stamina! Zephyrica★ I want ur Endurance! Adrianne12y★ Don't always pick stamina maps bro Nene Kusanagi★ Ur average pp farmer xD alittlekitten★ Average BA player: xD killer01908★ Bro got a messed up skin so i fixed it xD Zetto Scythe★ Thanks for using my skin for 6k xD dangmet★ Bro was great at jacks but rarely active Fluorinedesu★ Very first mututal friend, but taiko main xD Isaajo23★ Fellow Hololive Enjoyer haha Jayceyll★ Bro was spamming Chordjack maps HAHAHA Luis★ Standard main and also plays 7k! sweetQwQ★ Bro absolutely destroyed me lol xb8029★ Companion in 7k! but not active anymore xD ayabird★ First Japanese Friend and my japanese study partner xD, 僕、 頑張ってます!
If you are not here, and you know me.... Give me more time to know you!
A SS farmer A Leaderboard farmer A compete player A PP farmer (for now maybe) A score farmer A medal farmer Im not accepting 96 or bellow accuracy, except if its sv since its unpredictable Not LN main Or jack main, just acc main...
From Short to Long Time *Have one mutuals of my favorite mapper*Thanks toCritical_Star (sep 26 2024) *Go back to 10k ranks*Thanks to Recalculations (Nov 4 2024) (22 Dec 2024) *Improve ratio in 7k* *Improve all my weaknesses patterns* Tech improves! *Improve ratio in 4k by 2x* *Have Five mutuals of my favorite mapper* *Improve stamina* *Get used to 8k and 9k* *Clear 7k 7th LN, and 6th reg* (97-98% ofc) *Learn how to alternating thumbs in 7k* *Improve ratio in 7k by 2x* *Become a 3 digit while maintaining the 98% accuracy* *Play with top player in 7k* *Participate in tournaments 7k* *New Pc* (Some of these goals might be impossible without this)
The most hardest goal: *Achive all of these goal before i graduate....* Only 2 years left...
Chordstream: Ahhh, so satisfying Chordjacks: Probably the most easiest pattern to ratio Jacks: Yeah, not so easy but okay Minijacks: Wtf bro, why you always making me lose combo Long note: I don't hate you, but you are so hard to ratio bruh Inverse LN: Ummm, I kinda like this, But NOT in 7k Speed Variation: I like this but, only the readable Speed jacks,minijacks,Tech,Dump: stfu Stream: Hmmm, kinda hard to ratio... jumpstream: Ur, cute Stamina: Having only 2mins of stamina is crazy Stairs: Ur, fun Trill(one hand): NO Jumptrill: Ur also easy to ratio Handstream: Kinda, hard to ratio? LN release: (Silence)
1-10/10 Rating by difficulty (All mobile games) (I'm originally a mobile player)
All of these are played last Early 2023 and maybe ill come back when i have high fps phone
Arcaea: 10/10 (Very hard yet it's fun af) (maybe the reason why i am a accuracy player rn xD) Bandori(BanG Dream): 7/10 (Not very hard but good original and cover songs) Proseka: 7/10 ( I played this only just few days and yeah... what a waste xD) Cytus II: 7/10 ( No money to buy all songs haha)
I wish i could continue playing these all.... (Cuz my phone gave up lmao)