I would like to thank all my good friends, my fans, and fellow osu! players for being part of this journey. There have been lots of ups and downs as with all things in life, good or bad, eventually come to an end. It's not the destination that matters, but the journey itself.
The .wav files and circles used in my skins are not made by me, but all the other elements are. Credits go to their respective owners. If you would like to take elements from my skin, please provide credits on your profile page.
Spinning 101 -Spinning big/small doesn't make it faster/slower -Incorporate vibrations into your rotations -Start spinner ASAP, reach 477 & hold, snap to upcoming note
Flashlight -Be a competent player -Get comfortable w/ FL -Learn how to sightread w/ FL -Make practice diffs to learn difficult parts
Streams -Listen to the music -Start the stream accurately -Train stamina and consistency -Don't stick to BPMs that you are comfortable with
Singletapping I used to single tap everything, however after learning how to alternate, it has greatly improved my ability to play more maps, so I strongly recommend everyone to learn how to do both to improve as a player.
Q: Can you please teach me how to spin? A: Read my "Spinning 101" Guide!
Q: Can you mutual me? A: I don't want to clutter my friend list with randoms.
Q: How do you pronounce your name? A: A-cur-re-in
Q: Why do you call yourself Accurian? A: It's just a name I thought of after waking up from bed.
Q: Did you bug abuse? A: It was unintentional, I was accused for intentionally bug abusing but that was not the case. The person who accused me has made an apology here.
Q: What other games do you play? A: I have a variety of games that I play, such as but not limited to Apex Legends, VRChat & Escape From Tarkov.
Q: What should I play to get better? A: Any song you like, just enjoy the game and challenge yourself with more difficult maps as you progress.
Q: Want to play Multiplayer? A: Drop me an invite if you see me online!
Q: How do I request for some GFX? A: PM me on osu! with the request details and image and I'll see what I can do!
Q: Do you make avatars for free? A: Yes, but donations are always appreciated in the form of osu!supporter~
Donations Thanks for the 4 month Supporter tag, Anon~! <3 (1st April, 2020) Thanks for the 1 month Supporter tag, Shawnie! (19th November, 2016) Thanks for the donation of $8 USD through Steam, AvroArrow! (22nd June, 2016) Thanks for the 1 year Supporter tag, AndyOfDoom! (3rd November, 2015) Thanks for the 4 month Supporter tag, HDHR! (18th October, 2015)