Beatmap Listing » Petit Rabbit's - Nikkori Cafe no Mahoutsukai (Cut Ver.)

Artist:Petit Rabbit's Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Nikkori Cafe no Mahoutsukai (Cut Ver.) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Momochikun Accuracy:
Length:1:56 (1:46 drain)
Source:ご注文はうさぎですか?? Genre:Anime (Japanese) BPM:220
Tags:gochiusa japanese anime pop gochuumon wa usagi desu ka?? no_gu rizia underforest bilibili mad album single season 2 is the User Rating:
18 62
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
16.6% (1623 of 9784 plays)
Sep 4, 2016
Dec 13, 2023
Rating Spread:
Favourited 93 times in total
Users that love this map: dedeosu, aksdirdp11, inchanpiyu, Plush, Amamya Kokoro, ARUFON68, Yuna-7S, Xabrack, Nagi Hisakawa, kitsu3_, Liena, MrPeter-Living, DarXEvilZ, SmallStreet, Nong_Ing, AshTheOtaku25, NekonJi_old_1, LastriZ, TmmT, cnuy and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

#48 TVアニメご注文はうさぎですか??
ご注文はうさぎですか?? 特典CD vol.1 1/3 & 1/4 mixture song :3 」∠

Petit Rabbit's
- にっこりカフェの魔法使い -

video from[/notice:1337]
Char0n is in the lead! ()
Score15,185,696 (100.00%)
Max Combo689
300 / 100 / 50686 / 3 / 348
Geki (Elite Beat!)118
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
15,185,696 100.00% Char0n 689 686  /  3  /  348 118 0 0 HD
14,339,640 100.00% syu 689 686  /  3  /  348 118 0 0 None
13,728,490 99.61% Chii Aruel 673 685  /  3  /  345 117 3 1 None
9,297,678 99.42% Touca 525 682  /  3  /  346 114 2 4 HD
6,997,960 98.55% ludeath20 450 679  /  3  /  340 112 8 7 None
5,148,010 98.84% GameGhostz 374 681  /  3  /  341 113 7 5 None
4,019,770 98.46% [Mahiro_chan] 258 681  /  3  /  337 113 11 5 None
3,742,440 98.07% Timesuperflexr 283 676  /  3  /  338 109 10 10 None
3,661,347 99.32% Shimoe Koharu 363 684  /  3  /  343 116 5 2 EZ,FL
3,646,460 99.13% Lost-Replay 215 679  /  3  /  346 112 2 7 None
3,370,630 98.55% Chezza Tweedy 257 678  /  3  /  341 110 7 8 None
3,099,620 98.17% adrian23491 246 671  /  3  /  344 105 4 15 None
2,880,850 96.91% aksdirdp11 236 669  /  3  /  333 104 15 17 None
1,280,310 95.85% running_zebra 132 658  /  3  /  333 92 15 28 None
706,750 92.77% F0R9eT 77 634  /  3  /  325 79 23 52 None
614,520 92.19% yehifb 58 623  /  3  /  330 72 18 63 None
88,239 36.26% osu420 6 244  /  1  /  131 3 217 444 NF,EZ,HD,NC,FL
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