Beatmap Listing » Kajiura Yuki - Sis puella magica!

Artist:Kajiura Yuki Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Sis puella magica! HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Asonate Accuracy:
Length:2:28 (2:25 drain)
Source:魔法少女まどか☆マギカ Genre:Anime (Other) BPM:155.42
Tags:itoh eri 伊東恵里 mahou shoujo madoka magica puella magi orchestral vocals calm chill main theme ayyri eiri- User Rating:
15 502
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
31.8% (26865 of 84393 plays)
Jan 16, 2018
Jun 7, 2018
Rating Spread:
Favourited 382 times in total
Users that love this map: Wooot, simontom11, NoDeedBondo, vxiong, MioBio9, ayumi1314, fused, Yamakyu, SuperCake, xxperigosoxx, Rev01, arikitty, fabricioalz, Tsiftz, dark inori, predaleen999, BlackxAries, CarleyFTW, lucscream, Dollfiel and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Standard by me.
Taiko by Ayyri.

Yuki Kajiura's Website:
Yuki Kajiura's Twitter:
Link STD BG: Grace | 霜葉 [pixiv]
Link Taiko BG: 「Grasp」 | Noir [pixiv]

Thanks to Ayyri for the Taiko half and a few hitsounds I was allowed to steal :>
Thanks to Niva for tons of feedback and being awesome.
Thanks to Noffy for helping me polish the map and fix up the mapset itself.

Thanks for all the mods!
kevin3333g is in the lead! ()
Score626,080 (100.00%)
Max Combo416
300 / 100 / 50416 / 0 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)32
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
626,080 100.00% kevin3333g 416 416  /  0  /  0 32 0 0 HR,NC
626,080 100.00% sing216 416 416  /  0  /  0 14 0 0 HR,DT
591,780 100.00% Renka 416 416  /  0  /  0 10 0 0 HR
591,780 100.00% andri yumanda 416 416  /  0  /  0 31 0 0 HR
591,780 100.00% Conor 416 416  /  0  /  0 5 0 0 HR
591,780 100.00% Roger 416 416  /  0  /  0 16 0 0 HR
591,780 100.00% RAI_4 416 416  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR
582,210 99.88% KMYK_ 416 415  /  1  /  0 4 0 0 HR
581,160 98.08% DEVILarys 416 400  /  16  /  0 1 0 0 HR
574,368 98.08% NanaChanAkane 416 400  /  16  /  0 27 1 0 HR
561,750 99.40% apfhd9898 416 411  /  5  /  0 0 0 0 None
561,438 97.60% megaxxx 416 396  /  20  /  0 12 1 0 HR,SD
557,730 95.31% wormito 416 377  /  39  /  0 30 1 0 HR
557,620 98.44% YuKi Hong 416 403  /  13  /  0 24 1 0 None
552,290 99.04% shyrelul 416 408  /  8  /  0 1 0 0 None
548,520 97.36% SevenFrenzy 416 394  /  22  /  0 1 0 0 None
544,824 98.32% KuroCat56 416 402  /  14  /  0 0 0 0 HR,SD
543,600 97.84% Loreriv 416 398  /  18  /  0 4 1 0 None
533,856 98.32% BluePlusSymbol 235 403  /  12  /  0 0 0 1 HR
525,930 96.03% THUPerseus 416 383  /  33  /  0 0 0 0 None
525,680 98.32% LoboBlanco1900 416 402  /  14  /  0 2 0 0 None
522,558 96.75% Heartswimm 416 389  /  27  /  0 0 0 0 HR
522,000 95.67% ReiMizuki 416 380  /  36  /  0 18 0 0 None
521,616 97.48% sorara- 416 395  /  21  /  0 0 0 0 HR
517,720 97.36% Monbebies 416 394  /  22  /  0 7 0 0 None
515,862 95.07% hispongebob 416 375  /  41  /  0 2 1 0 HR
514,920 98.32% PeachHeadz 416 402  /  14  /  0 2 0 0 None
509,840 97.60% CTRL R 416 396  /  20  /  0 0 0 0 None
508,120 97.84% DrakoDarkRend 416 398  /  18  /  0 0 0 0 None
504,650 96.03% Slif 416 383  /  33  /  0 4 0 0 None
503,370 92.67% SueWitchCat 401 357  /  57  /  0 25 6 2 None
503,150 97.96% chloedoesstuff 416 399  /  17  /  0 0 0 0 None
497,850 94.83% okiviper 416 373  /  43  /  0 0 0 0 None
497,410 94.11% MineSmosh 411 368  /  47  /  0 0 0 1 None
491,802 94.11% Puar 349 368  /  47  /  0 4 0 1 HR
487,580 94.71% KatLeNeko 416 372  /  44  /  0 0 0 0 None
483,170 97.72% lobitozxc 358 400  /  13  /  0 3 0 3 None
481,970 95.07% Cualquieraaa 404 376  /  39  /  0 0 0 1 None
481,030 91.35% Saufiett 416 344  /  72  /  0 1 0 0 None
475,920 93.99% Constanzeee 256 369  /  44  /  0 27 3 3 HR
475,590 93.03% ImThatOneHuman 374 361  /  52  /  0 8 1 3 None
473,490 94.11% komaeda123 207 372  /  39  /  0 7 0 5 None
470,610 96.03% glazeee 416 383  /  33  /  0 0 0 0 None
467,250 97.60% BAKAro Sensei 354 397  /  18  /  0 4 0 1 None
464,290 94.11% LunarChimera 377 370  /  43  /  0 14 2 3 None
458,650 94.35% akitoux 348 379  /  27  /  0 0 0 10 None
455,290 92.79% EarlyY 217 357  /  58  /  0 0 0 1 None
450,510 96.51% kurosakimineko 356 392  /  19  /  0 0 0 5 None
449,910 92.19% Thibaultshon 392 352  /  63  /  0 0 0 1 None
449,010 95.31% DashiePB 269 378  /  37  /  0 1 0 1 None
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Please go check them out!