Beatmap Listing » Reel Big Fish - Ban The Tube Top

Artist:Reel Big Fish Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Ban The Tube Top HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Mogsworth Accuracy:
Length:3:04 (2:14 drain)
Source: Genre:Rock (English) BPM:150.35
Tags:ska User Rating:
23 232
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
43.1% (4100 of 9502 plays)
Jun 28, 2008
Jul 17, 2008
Rating Spread:
Favourited 20 times in total
Users that love this map: needless_old, leewar, meatshield_old, DeadRobots, LoudmouthSeth, Ardhamon, pumice, ImOnFyre, PerryTP, Majii, NinjaTuna6, Gman334, cool77778, wiuuuh, Lazer-Cat-3030, freakerzoid, MelonHere18, ThyDashMan, SodaSpy17, Thiccline
Options:Modding / Discussion

So, I was looking through Osu!'s library of songs not too long ago, and I realized: waitaminute, where's the ska? We've got jpop, normal pop music, rock, metal, techno, and jazzy stuff, to name a few, but no ska?! I thought, "This is an OUTRAGE! OFF TO THE EDITOR!"

And so, I came up with this. Found a nice, simple Reel Big Fish song to introduce Osu! to its one of its first ska maps (the other being The Impression that I Get). Enjoy, and leave your comments and criticisms in the thread.

EDIT 1: Changed the BPM to 150.35, added Easy and Normal, changed the former Normal to Hard.
EDIT 2: Recalc'd, resnap'd, and changed around the sliders in Easy.
EDIT 3: Changed some of the annoying spacing.
EDIT 4: Changed around some sliders and spacing in Normal and Hard.
EDIT 5: Added a few beats to Normal, just because I thought they'd fit.
EDIT 6: Changed around Easy a bit, just to make it a tad more interesting. Just some small changes I thought would fit the map.
EDIT 7: Small edit to Easy because of one part that might be a liiiitle too hard for newer players.
DreStar is in the lead! ()
Score803,500 (100.00%)
Max Combo239
300 / 100 / 50189 / 50 / 393
Geki (Elite Beat!)35
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
803,500 100.00% DreStar 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,FL
798,000 100.00% Tenshichan 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,FL,PF
798,000 100.00% Predominador 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,FL
794,680 100.00% b-a-d-s123 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HD,HR,DT,PF
793,600 100.00% Nene Sakura 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,FL
793,560 99.68% Kingkevin30 239 189  /  50  /  391 35 2 0 HD,HR,DT
793,540 99.37% milr_ 239 189  /  50  /  389 35 4 0 HD,HR,DT
793,530 99.21% Tohtori G-piste 239 189  /  50  /  388 35 5 0 HD,HR,DT
790,290 99.84% Evangelic 239 189  /  50  /  392 35 1 0 HR,FL
789,190 99.84% Kolbe 239 189  /  50  /  392 35 1 0 HR,FL
788,080 100.00% Zak 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HD,HR,DT,PF
761,705 100.00% mjj741 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,NC
759,505 100.00% Abstract- 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,DT
758,405 100.00% T0maatt1 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HD,HR
757,295 99.84% Shameimaru 239 189  /  50  /  392 35 1 0 HR,DT
756,205 100.00% IddaqJedd 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,DT
755,105 100.00% KevKjef 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,DT,PF
755,105 100.00% syu 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,DT,PF
754,005 100.00% DPJ9fuegos 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HD,HR
753,965 99.37% LaviSorrow 239 189  /  50  /  389 35 4 0 HR,DT
748,435 98.89% Astreachan 239 189  /  50  /  386 35 7 0 HR,NC
746,275 99.53% Narnia 239 189  /  50  /  390 35 3 0 HD,HR
746,215 98.58% Hawkii 239 189  /  50  /  384 35 9 0 HD,HR
725,420 100.00% andysun_old 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
725,420 100.00% ExGon 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
724,320 100.00% _Johan 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,PF
723,220 100.00% Gelonidres 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
722,120 100.00% wordmaster 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,PF
722,120 100.00% -ExGon- 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,PF
721,020 100.00% nfield 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
721,020 100.00% Physo 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR,PF
718,800 99.68% US_2 239 189  /  50  /  391 35 2 0 HR,SD
717,720 100.00% DeathxShinigami 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
717,720 100.00% fulaiawaye 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
716,620 100.00% qbwOw 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
716,362 100.00% Emica 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HD,DT,PF
714,420 100.00% Neru96 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
714,420 100.00% SimoneMelli 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
713,310 99.84% Dusalty 239 189  /  50  /  392 35 1 0 HR,SD
713,300 99.68% TuftEcake 239 189  /  50  /  391 35 2 0 HR
713,270 99.21% leewar 239 189  /  50  /  388 35 5 0 HR
713,250 98.89% Kirimyuu 239 189  /  50  /  386 35 7 0 HR
712,200 99.68% Brtiki 239 189  /  50  /  391 35 2 0 HR
711,100 99.68% Qualyria 239 189  /  50  /  391 35 2 0 HR,SD
711,040 98.73% arkiandruski 239 189  /  50  /  385 35 8 0 HR
711,020 98.42% vesrenth 239 189  /  50  /  383 35 10 0 HR
710,020 100.00% pumowca 239 189  /  50  /  393 35 0 0 HR
709,980 99.37% Zunami_old 239 189  /  50  /  389 35 4 0 HR
709,950 98.89% LegoTonix 239 189  /  50  /  386 35 7 0 HR
707,760 99.05% veryloveyou43 239 189  /  50  /  387 35 6 0 HR
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Please go check them out!