Beatmap Listing » Wei Bo En - Xian (TV Size)

Artist:Wei Bo En Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Xian (TV Size) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:jasontime12345 Accuracy:
Length:1:30 (1:29 drain)
Source:仙王的日常生活 Genre:Anime (Chinese) BPM:92
Tags:electronic xahlt yuhdj dora- doraemonelf op 1 one opening xian wang de ri chang sheng huo mandarin chinese anime male User Rating:
36 331
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
19.8% (21654 of 109089 plays)
Mar 15, 2020
Apr 2, 2020
Rating Spread:
Favourited 451 times in total
Users that love this map: crunchy522, mayjijhabg, FreeSongs, Fayth, [ Rikuo ], xu3bjo4ru6, sanvik, zxzc67, Chisel768, ivy51224, Quag, N H A T, Ignising, q20000201, Dreygonborn, Chompy, hanson_99, FierZera, kittizaza009, Bobn162 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

RANKED #3!!!

thx for 350 favs + 250k plays poggg

be sure to favorite and r8 10 if you liek map lol
anime is not suuuper epic but this song slaps so hard


Celerih and wafer
thanks for all the help!

thanks to

Dora- for the hitsounds (yet again)
Xahlt for the normal! (yet again)
wafer for becoming bn soley for the reason of nomming this map (jk ily)

special thanks

wafer, for not exploding when dealing with my mod fixing mistakes LOL
All of comfy server, for being the coolest ppl
All of Circle of Clickers
All of World Cheeseburger Federation
spoes cuz she called me pog!!!!!!!

shrub, cuz he's improving at mapping very speedy
Syoponjk is in the lead! ()
Score450,840 (98.65%)
Max Combo408
300 / 100 / 50397 / 11 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)5
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
450,840 98.65% Syoponjk 408 397  /  11  /  0 5 0 0 None
437,500 96.81% jim-1207 408 382  /  26  /  0 0 0 0 None
224,846 78.80% Sagirint 188 292  /  59  /  0 4 2 57 None
215,674 76.35% The Law 188 275  /  73  /  0 0 0 60 None
209,540 77.94% iamveryfat 187 278  /  80  /  0 1 0 50 None
181,476 79.29% Gamania 122 289  /  69  /  0 0 0 50 None
129,658 70.71% Noa Himesaka 123 256  /  65  /  0 5 4 87 EZ
118,180 66.91% _TangSan_ 122 246  /  54  /  0 0 0 108 EZ
102,790 58.21% d4efeb 123 192  /  91  /  0 0 0 125 EZ
95,982 64.09% maria la alegr 61 216  /  91  /  0 0 0 101 EZ
90,986 66.79% BUGSULE 112 228  /  89  /  0 0 0 91 NF,EZ,HT
43,300 31.99% LamThoCoNuong 12 83  /  95  /  0 5 0 230 NF
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