Beatmap Listing » RYUWAVE - ROLLING PANDEMONIUM (Ata Remix)

Artist:RYUWAVE Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Ciyus Miapah Accuracy:
Length:3:50 (3:15 drain)
Source: Genre:Electronic (Instrumental) BPM:210
Tags:marathon deathstream tocorn ciiyusmiapah fort you! hi tech psychedelic trance psycore psytrance electronic instrumental euphoria 420bpm streams bongo indian 爆速電子音楽紀行 User Rating:
1 178
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
4.1% (6183 of 152353 plays)
Sep 10, 2020
Jul 28, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 858 times in total
Users that love this map: WiMpN, Gamori, L4iw, Sustain, marco123x, xtend, Lexalia, webb642, StevieNibba, Firewall, Atmo, Rustedo, Horo7, Slider S, thaibuy, conesaliiid, Nova Cobalt, Racuh, 88888555, anthony1019 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

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The king who had been killed in Euphoria might still be alive and went to an unknown place, after that the world became in a great chaos, there was a time machine that took you to an age where that age was the beginning of that chaos, or maybe was this the act of the king who wanted to take his revenge against the troops that had been destroyed before by bringing out the real power?

your objective is to investigate the chaos that is happening right now.

you will visit time using a time machine that has been found before. I do not guarantee you will be safe when traveling to these times, there will definitely be obstacles and dangers that might be destroy yourself. I hope you can return safely.

Legend has it that at that time there was a fire bird called Phoenix, maybe the king knew the bird's existence or maybe the king created the bird.

Accuracy Completion:
0-70% - you're using NO FAIL, i'm glad you're safe because this Technology!
80-90% - you're a good time traveller , i'm worried that you'll be died there, but i'm glad you survive!
91-95% - you're a time soldier, you know everything about how to survive there!
96-99% - you're an Expert, everything is alright!!
100% - Total Domination! have you find the King yet?

Ending sliderart pattern by Tocorn

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