Beatmap Listing » Bring Me The Horizon - Drown (Sewerslvt Remix)

Artist:Bring Me The Horizon Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Drown (Sewerslvt Remix) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Alumetri Accuracy:
Length:7:45 (7:44 drain)
Source: Genre:Other (English) BPM:175
Tags:english dnb rock electronic experimental atmospheric drum & bass breakcore jungle rave sydney piroshki daycore kawa User Rating:
6 145
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
8.6% (5392 of 62875 plays)
Aug 18, 2021
Nov 24, 2021
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Favourited 904 times in total
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Options:Modding / Discussion

Will You Let Me Drown?
< beatmap by alumetri, piroshki & daycore >
< hitsounds by daycore >
< storyboard by kawa >

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official music video: click
remix by sewerslvt: click
background link: click
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While a lot of Sewerslvt's music has a bit of a depressive aesthetic, I always feel a feeling of hope, that things will get better, that I can do it. While I look back, I could've done things differently and had better results. But through all the mistakes I've made, I've learnt and I've grown; and as long as I'm not dead there is always tomorrow.

While I probably haven't taken the best path, the path I've taken is my own and I will do the best I can to walk it.
Lexii is in the lead! ()
Score61,373,136 (99.70%)
Max Combo908
300 / 100 / 502543 / 141 / 1966
Geki (Elite Beat!)526
Droplet misses8

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
61,373,136 99.70% Lexii 908 2543  /  141  /  1966 526 8 6 HD
57,413,960 99.57% Keisuu 1066 2541  /  141  /  1962 526 12 8 None
49,844,516 99.74% sularis 847 2545  /  141  /  1966 528 8 4 HD
38,542,160 99.51% madcin 853 2536  /  141  /  1964 521 10 13 None
34,565,200 99.23% Daihmuddah 723 2529  /  141  /  1958 518 16 20 None
27,012,846 99.74% Zak 1495 2545  /  141  /  1966 528 8 4 HD,HT
25,794,440 99.06% Jeksu 512 2529  /  141  /  1950 515 24 20 None
24,795,183 99.34% IddaqJedd 600 2527  /  141  /  1965 513 9 22 HD
23,873,685 98.67% ChewyTarTar 591 2509  /  141  /  1952 503 22 40 HD
23,695,250 99.34% -liunya 426 2538  /  140  /  1955 520 19 12 None
21,564,480 99.10% BIG H ZONDA KIT 522 2519  /  141  /  1962 508 12 30 None
17,367,880 98.52% Carry 467 2510  /  141  /  1944 504 30 39 None
13,920,130 98.78% Adeus 369 2509  /  141  /  1957 497 17 40 None
11,865,150 97.98% Morosis 320 2476  /  141  /  1953 486 21 73 None
11,482,290 99.14% Tenshichan 521 2520  /  141  /  1963 509 11 29 EZ
10,238,360 98.26% Morusya 353 2486  /  141  /  1956 489 18 63 None
9,581,308 98.24% Zelepha 516 2487  /  141  /  1954 489 20 62 EZ,DT
9,541,330 97.64% UnboundMirror 358 2470  /  141  /  1943 472 31 79 None
9,402,550 98.76% arm foot 475 2507  /  141  /  1958 499 16 42 EZ
9,157,110 96.20% PonurySzatniarz 369 2421  /  141  /  1925 445 49 128 None
6,472,800 97.81% enjjares 165 2478  /  140  /  1944 474 30 72 None
6,227,528 98.65% borwv100 394 2510  /  141  /  1950 505 24 39 HT
5,466,440 96.72% iaport 312 2434  /  141  /  1936 452 38 115 EZ
4,045,100 94.88% yeeeter 306 2359  /  141  /  1925 398 49 190 EZ
3,292,930 92.43% Silvervale 306 2251  /  141  /  1919 360 55 298 EZ
3,099,696 91.72% konro 311 2223  /  140  /  1915 339 59 327 EZ,DT
2,658,860 93.46% Brahhh 182 2320  /  140  /  1899 382 75 230 NF
1,820,280 87.41% jesus romeo6 172 2060  /  141  /  1876 278 98 489 EZ
1,573,060 86.60% Jobean7 194 2016  /  141  /  1882 266 92 533 EZ
1,112,026 87.37% ldk_Erica 141 2140  /  140  /  1795 289 179 410 EZ,HT
717,870 67.97% kirizaqe 53 1318  /  137  /  1715 104 259 1235 NF
708,430 68.70% Daevomorr 31 1468  /  130  /  1606 114 368 1092 NF
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