Beatmap Listing » Demetori - Hitoku Sareta Four Seasons ~ Hidden Seasons will pass you by

Artist:Demetori Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Hitoku Sareta Four Seasons ~ Hidden Seasons will pass you by HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Crissa Accuracy:
Length:5:43 (5:23 drain)
Source:東方天空璋 ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons. Genre:Metal (Instrumental) BPM:170
Tags:収録曲 瑰狂鬱嵂 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ 東方project 16 touhou c94 comiket zun team shanghai alice matara okina 摩多羅 隠岐奈 instrumental metal stage 6 User Rating:
2 88
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
5.0% (4125 of 82495 plays)
Sep 5, 2021
Sep 21, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 138 times in total
Users that love this map: nata, rusteye, Nerthar, Mr Wolff, Kafka, SLYjnr, FreedomDive123, Nelli, jelly_master, sLtink, tpri, HuffPup, _KcuD, Cayssa, Duskrai, hyvakii705, riosatrio37, Einfachmilky, ramuu, Gasadokuro and many more!
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Lexii is in the lead! ()
Score126,791,190 (99.94%)
Max Combo1774
300 / 100 / 502802 / 7 / 759
Geki (Elite Beat!)422
Droplet misses1

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
126,791,190 99.94% Lexii 1774 2802  /  7  /  759 422 1 1 None
114,221,440 99.86% syu 1809 2800  /  7  /  758 420 2 3 None
77,622,710 99.66% Madoka Ayukawa 1382 2798  /  7  /  753 418 7 5 None
47,520,240 98.88% Daihmuddah 852 2777  /  7  /  746 407 14 26 None
38,224,060 99.58% Tenshichan 728 2792  /  7  /  756 412 4 11 None
31,681,210 99.13% - Lacaille - 685 2779  /  7  /  753 407 7 24 None
30,444,160 99.41% Psc_IceRain 536 2788  /  7  /  754 412 6 15 None
29,854,740 99.19% Oktavia 587 2780  /  7  /  754 404 6 23 None
29,036,730 99.16% murorachi 620 2782  /  7  /  751 406 9 21 None
24,492,946 98.96% Yunami 610 2785  /  7  /  741 405 19 18 HD
22,199,681 99.10% Zak 518 2778  /  7  /  753 399 7 25 HD
18,867,177 98.77% DeletedUser_9228388 373 2776  /  7  /  743 399 17 27 HD
16,065,000 99.58% BIG H ZONDA KIT 556 2791  /  7  /  757 411 3 12 EZ
16,010,650 97.82% nico-niii 510 2742  /  7  /  743 378 17 61 None
15,919,080 98.46% Slikarus 294 2778  /  7  /  730 401 30 25 None
13,308,550 97.73% carrodz 467 2741  /  7  /  741 377 19 62 None
10,863,760 97.68% Shironas 240 2740  /  7  /  740 373 20 63 None
10,677,710 96.92% someon 234 2730  /  7  /  723 377 37 73 None
9,404,860 97.09% Animehero2021 277 2725  /  7  /  734 370 26 78 None
7,415,660 95.74% Romania 221 2693  /  7  /  718 341 42 110 None
3,490,700 94.99% Chigusa Asuha 163 2683  /  7  /  701 341 59 120 EZ
2,409,200 93.28% juices95 111 2632  /  7  /  691 300 69 171 NF
1,550,699 87.98% legoboomette 95 2450  /  6  /  685 225 75 354 EZ,DT
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