Beatmap Listing » EmoCosine - Black sour Ruby

Artist:EmoCosine Key Amount:
Approach Rate:
Title:Black sour Ruby HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Ppass Accuracy:
Length:2:03 (2:00 drain)
Source:EZ2AC : TIME TRAVELLER Genre:Electronic (Instrumental) BPM:175
Tags:maiiy nicknem_ antipole 4kmt korean mania tournament ez2on reboot r emoco. dynamix emcd-0001 my future your memory fa featured artist User Rating:
0 0
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
0.0% (0 of 1 plays)
Jul 2, 2023
May 5, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 8 times in total
Users that love this map: Poca, Leinana, Nicknem_, Antipole, Ice_Qu1en, green_plumwine, Selitation, Cookie_XXVI
Options:Modding / Discussion

EmoCosine - Black sour Ruby | 4k mapset

Quarterfinals HB1

| RC1 | RC2 | RC3 | RC4 | RC5 | RC6 |
| HB1 | HB2 | HB3 |
| LN1 | LN2 | LN3 |
| TB |

D u a l i t y
Tournament ver.
Guest Diff
Normal by Maiiy
Insane by Nicknem_
Hitsound by Antipole
Hitsound Included
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