Beatmap Listing » Sakura Miko, Houshou Marine, AZKi - Kiss me! Choose me!

Artist:Sakura Miko, Houshou Marine, AZKi Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Kiss me! Choose me! HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:tomatas95 Accuracy:
Length:2:03 (1:50 drain)
Source:アイキス2 Genre:Video Game (Japanese) BPM:188
Tags:eroge ai kiss 2 giga アイキス2 新入生はお好きですか? アイキス2/ゼロ zero ai kiss 2 shinnyuusei wa osuki desu ka? 戏画社 visual novel User Rating:
3 70
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
20.2% (1336 of 6616 plays)
Dec 17, 2023
Apr 6, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 85 times in total
Users that love this map: RABBIT1, qwe595978, Left, Takakura Anzu, imaginative, DG_Arcano, bandikaofficial, hiyori_, AfterLine, Karakusa18, - StarS-, Asa Kazato, 490177045, Self-hatred, MiraVis, caiOITO, mizupon1730, OlaTK, AZENTIK, Yoru Taki and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Being with you makes me feel like I can't stop this burning hot love any longer!!

Welcome to yet another Ai Kiss opening mapped by me! I really love both the game and the song, hence I hope you'll enjoy this amazing vtuber trio Sakura Miko, Houshou Marine and AZKi :)

I'd like to say thank you to all my amazing guest difficulty mappers [profile=695678:1337]Frey[/profile:1337] [profile=1331937:1337]iyasine[/profile:1337] [profile=663131:1337]Loneight[/profile:1337] for making a guest difficulty for me and [profile=6613136:1337]Hoa[/profile:1337] thank you as always for helping out with small video edits <3

Truly a top contender for the definition of a tomatas song, but I think Ai Kiss 3 might've beat it, not too sure, because they're both super moe and cute >=<
Check out other Ai Kiss maps mapped by me:
Ai Kiss 1 OP
Ai Kiss 3 OP
Ai Kiss 3 ED
Nanase & Ai Kiss 3

thank you boxxu :3

- [profile=9834516:1337]Muchin[/profile:1337] [profile=5504231:1337]Shmiklak[/profile:1337] Thank you guys so much for helping us out with modding and helping me rank this map! <3

- [profile=16276548:1337]-White[/profile:1337] Thanks for modding the map even though you didn't have enough time to nominate, I appreciate the help!

- [profile=695678:1337]Frey[/profile:1337] [profile=1331937:1337]iyasine[/profile:1337] [profile=663131:1337]Loneight[/profile:1337] thank you guys for your amazing guest difficulty contributions <3

- [profile=11913657:1337]defreeyay[/profile:1337] thank you for such an awesome quality mp3 and video!

- [profile=6613136:1337]Hoa[/profile:1337] thank you as always for helping out with small video edit <3

Char0n is in the lead! ()
Score17,501,705 (100.00%)
Max Combo829
300 / 100 / 50824 / 5 / 257
Geki (Elite Beat!)186
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
17,501,705 100.00% Char0n 829 824  /  5  /  257 186 0 0 HD
16,525,582 100.00% Chii Aruel 829 824  /  5  /  257 186 0 0 None
9,079,494 99.91% Zak 483 823  /  5  /  257 185 0 1 HD
4,706,788 98.53% Kazuha-sensei 380 811  /  5  /  254 176 3 13 None
4,528,748 98.07% SP17 390 808  /  5  /  252 174 5 16 None
3,351,740 98.43% Chigusa Asuha 311 812  /  5  /  252 175 5 12 None
87,147 32.87% osu420 18 271  /  2  /  84 18 173 556 NF,EZ,HD,NC,FL
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