Beatmap Listing » ryu5150 - Louder than steel

Artist:ryu5150 Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Louder than steel HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:AA_Raiden_MK Accuracy:
Length:4:35 (4:35 drain)
Source:東方夢時空 ~ Pantasmagria of Dim.Dream Genre:Video Game (English) BPM:190
Tags:touhou project metal english c89 comiket 89 symphonic xi power black orchestral zun 東方夢時空 ~ the phantasmagoria of dim. dream tabula User Rating:
0 0
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
0.0% (0 of 10 plays)
Feb 12, 2024
Apr 18, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 0 times in total
Options:Modding / Discussion

? My heart and soul's live in the waves drive
? Fly high torn feeling moment for the all myself
? Flash back the long of distance, many battle ray
? Try to after fire Louder than steel

It's a hybrid set, all made by me.


Lunatic - WIP

My heart and soul's live in the waves drive - Complete
Oni Ura - Complete
Deluge - Complete
Extreme (7K) - Complete

Guest Difficulty

Open for GD requests if anyone is interested.

Extra (5.3* - 6.3*)
Extra Stage (6.3* - 7*)
Phantasm (7* - 7.89*)

Inner Oni


Insane (7K)
Expert (7K)

Hard (4K)
Hard (7K)
Hyper (4K)
Hyper (7K)
Insane (4K)
Insane (7K)
Expert (4K)
Expert (7K)
Extreme (4K)

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