Beatmap Listing » MAZARE - Mazare Party

Artist:MAZARE Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Mazare Party HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Lumenite- Accuracy:
Length:3:52 (3:48 drain)
Source: Genre:Electronic (Japanese) BPM:200
Tags:camellia kradness nanahira yukacco mind hack mindhack ayyri raphalge yea taikocracy kin tenshichan tasuke912 wildone94 idust idu5t dust du5t electronic User Rating:
1 78
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
39.9% (564 of 1414 plays)
Mar 25, 2018
May 2, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 86 times in total
Users that love this map: customCat, Kolakso, K_chii, Kai9240, Nacchu, Litlas, LogicalCookie, Balasmoke, Emaginary, Shiny Froakie, Aidle, Mariar, Luccajj, NothingIsReal, -Linglan Lily-, TeaMaestro, Qroissant, Korolayn, Konterlait, Bikudin and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion
This map is in a LOVED state.
As such, it will not award any pp and leaderboards may be reset by the beatmap creator.

the set keeps breaking so i'm just going to upload it before it breaks again
wow this set is one wild ride
thanks to
for catch:
idu5st for his platter (and kin for his old one)
tenshichan for his rain
wildone94 for his overdose
tasuke912 for HIS overdose
and jbhyperion for holding my hand through the cup and salad xD

for taiko:
yea for his kantan
raphalge for his oni, that later turned into an inner
ayyri for her muzukashii
and ulqui for his oni

tenshichan's rain featured in the 2018 catch world cup!
quarterfinals selection, hardrock pool

standard ver: b/1414527
mania ver: b/1660802
DevilFace is in the lead! ()
Score6,269,121 (100.00%)
Max Combo520
300 / 100 / 50498 / 22 / 689
Geki (Elite Beat!)82
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
6,269,121 100.00% DevilFace 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,268,021 100.00% [Amazing] 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,260,321 100.00% Catch The Beat 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,251,521 100.00% Nene Sakura 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,248,221 100.00% Intention 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,NC
6,247,121 100.00% KevKjef 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT,PF
6,240,521 100.00% Edgar_Figaro 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,239,421 100.00% Koube Shio 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT,SD
6,238,321 100.00% Novoids 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,238,311 99.92% ERROR CODE 0x7A 520 498  /  22  /  688 82 1 0 HD,HR,DT
6,236,121 100.00% Des9 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT,PF
6,232,821 100.00% Eta UMa 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,224,021 100.00% Yunami 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,DT
6,224,011 99.92% -Navillera 520 498  /  22  /  688 82 1 0 HD,HR,DT
6,222,911 99.92% trig0n 520 498  /  22  /  688 82 1 0 HD,HR,DT
6,188,781 99.67% Black Dragon 520 498  /  22  /  685 82 4 0 HD,HR,NC
6,159,121 100.00% WubWoofWolf 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,NC
5,949,418 100.00% Oktavia 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,PF
5,935,118 100.00% Eloi2525 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,PF
5,930,718 100.00% TuuGamer 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR
5,928,518 100.00% Candy 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR
5,926,318 100.00% ArLuxZerRay 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,PF
5,917,518 100.00% Shino_ 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR,PF
5,915,308 99.92% dream1103 520 498  /  22  /  688 82 1 0 HD,HR
5,913,108 99.92% soribaram 520 498  /  22  /  688 82 1 0 HD,HR,SD
5,889,988 99.75% Goal 520 498  /  22  /  686 82 3 0 HD,HR
5,882,318 100.00% SB Rookie 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,HR
5,861,418 100.00% nonamer mr 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,DT
5,637,440 100.00% LPG_osu 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,637,440 100.00% Akashi120200 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,614,340 100.00% -ExGon- 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,PF
5,614,340 100.00% SKERE 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,613,240 100.00% KiII3r 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,PF
5,613,240 100.00% AlexTheGamer 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,612,140 100.00% hent2222 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,610,143 100.00% Prezident 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HD,DT,PF
5,607,740 100.00% TheShadowOfDark 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,602,240 100.00% Salvador4951V 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,PF
5,602,220 99.83% debub 520 498  /  22  /  687 82 2 0 FL
5,601,140 100.00% Lytta 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,PF
5,597,840 100.00% mio114514 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,596,903 99.67% MiMiichann 520 498  /  22  /  685 82 4 0 HD,DT
5,596,740 100.00% A r i s a t o 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,595,630 99.92% fabricioxd17 520 498  /  22  /  688 82 1 0 HR,SD
5,590,140 100.00% Gabe_w 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,PF
5,589,040 100.00% straszna 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,587,940 100.00% MaXTc 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR
5,581,320 99.83% Lariuu 520 498  /  22  /  687 82 2 0 HR
5,580,240 100.00% G1n_Sak1 520 498  /  22  /  689 82 0 0 HR,PF
5,574,720 99.83% jigglypuffff 520 498  /  22  /  687 82 2 0 HR
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Please go check them out!