Beatmap Listing » Powerless feat. kakichoco - hypnoSpirA

Artist:Powerless feat. kakichoco Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:hypnoSpirA HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Chaos Accuracy:
Length:3:29 (3:00 drain)
Source: Genre:Rock (Japanese) BPM:185
Tags:muryokup 柿チョコ 無力p kakiless odyssey c90 comiket japanese rock cover vocaloid utaite jrock j-rock User Rating:
20 260
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
22.4% (10813 of 48331 plays)
Sep 11, 2018
Sep 17, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 205 times in total
Users that love this map: Arx Alveria, Stoneybeans, momomanju-, Fantasyseal, KatamaNoBaka, -DreamLess-, Animust, valllefor, Zauhn, gcobc36810, ThunderBird2678, linnn, Nerthar, Nera, FlaringLed, EnderDovah, Lexion, BetterCallKami, [ Wolf ], Skyfly and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

finally xd

The top difficulty was made a few years ago after I heard this version of the song. I always loved the original song/map (shoutouts to meiikyuu) from way back so I mapped this version for my personal enjoyment. This map is a bit rigid compared to what people might expect nowadays but I still wanted to keep it as close to how I originally mapped it in my eventual efforts to get this set ranked.

Thanks to anyone who plays this set, hopefully you'll find some enjoyment out of it. The song is worth it on its own.

Thanks a lot to Nuvolina and Mafumafu for nominating <3

bg source
BluePlusSymbol is in the lead! ()
Score1,336,560 (94.13%)
Max Combo456
300 / 100 / 50902 / 73 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)23
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
1,336,560 94.13% BluePlusSymbol 456 902  /  73  /  0 23 0 22 None
891,320 85.71% Emir02 431 749  /  211  /  0 45 7 37 None
675,942 94.03% KC_Chun 433 903  /  69  /  0 21 0 25 EZ
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