Beatmap Listing » Kola Kid - sea shells

Artist:Kola Kid Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:sea shells HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:entsetzen Accuracy:
Length:0:58 (0:58 drain)
Source: Genre:Electronic (Instrumental) BPM:200
Tags:osu fa featured artist contra 88 electronic instrumental User Rating:
23 115
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
16.2% (3262 of 20179 plays)
Sep 12, 2020
Aug 10, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 97 times in total
Users that love this map: H1rsTy, F o o n d s, Rosa, Tyanka, Nice Aesthetics, rdxr, Jack-o-Lantern, Lucrise, D3monBoy, Maxinko509, Sedi, siym, F r e e z y, LePako, henry yeo, Just Fast, joxee55, Fiaydasa, drezinho_dry, bursuceluu and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

play the sequel

inspired by bonsai's "press start" mapset

set info
normal by me ✓
hard by me ✓
insane by me ✓
another by me ✓
she sells them on the sea shore by me ✓

hitsounds by me ✓

insane and another

insane - for each kiai, the sliders and bursts face one direction: right, down, left, up, rotating clockwise.
another - cs6.5 placement limitation map (ctrl+a), each kiai uses only one half of the playfield: up, right, down, left, rotating clockwise

special thanks

thank you very much to [profile=6151332:1337]squirrelpascals[/profile:1337] and his wonderful community for giving me the motivation to continue pushing this map towards ranked!
^ emote by squirrelp! ^
Maimaing is in the lead! ()
Score499,734 (98.00%)
Max Combo424
300 / 100 / 50407 / 17 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)0
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
499,734 98.00% Maimaing 424 407  /  17  /  0 0 0 0 None
485,494 94.46% X a v y 424 377  /  47  /  0 1 0 0 None
394,046 94.81% hz404 217 391  /  22  /  0 0 0 11 None
375,326 94.34% gg1ng_gg4ng 216 384  /  32  /  0 0 0 8 None
339,798 89.74% Horiiizon 217 347  /  67  /  0 0 0 10 None
314,914 89.39% MEGADRAGONFLY 214 350  /  58  /  0 0 0 16 None
268,568 86.79% vrnl 143 341  /  54  /  0 0 0 29 None
256,245 98.23% NewJeans 216 413  /  7  /  0 0 0 4 HT
240,298 96.70% osuplayer_exe 216 401  /  18  /  0 0 0 5 HT
209,728 91.04% BluePlusSymbol 193 364  /  44  /  0 0 0 16 HT
183,335 85.85% Hatsuse 149 340  /  48  /  0 0 0 36 HT
168,546 81.96% 4izcak3 102 306  /  83  /  0 0 0 35 HT
166,516 80.78% Daanny 77 320  /  45  /  0 0 0 59 EZ
114,420 61.56% Mxtty 50 225  /  72  /  0 0 0 127 NF,EZ,HT
98,570 48.82% WaveWayz 50 140  /  134  /  0 0 0 150 NF
96,606 51.06% vv6t 47 156  /  121  /  0 0 0 147 EZ
71,304 36.79% Nightly-Deliver 38 96  /  120  /  0 0 0 208 NF
69,340 34.79% Thakilah2704 28 95  /  105  /  0 0 0 224 NF
54,450 24.76% gaming warlord 9 57  /  96  /  0 0 0 271 NF,HD,HR,DT,FL
50,998 25.00% myrim 11 65  /  82  /  0 0 0 277 NF,HD,HR,DT,FL
48,480 24.53% IrisMynds 6 57  /  94  /  0 0 0 273 NF,HD,HR,DT,FL
45,690 18.16% Femboi 5 42  /  70  /  0 0 0 312 NF,HD,HR,DT,FL
18,610 13.44% rmhaigh2 36 41  /  32  /  0 0 0 351 NF
6,420 4.72% _knots 21 16  /  8  /  0 0 0 400 NF,HD,DT
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