Beatmap Listing » Shimotsuki Haruka - Songs Compilation

Artist:Shimotsuki Haruka Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Songs Compilation HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Gust Accuracy:
Length:21:33 (20:34 drain)
Source: Genre:Folk (Japanese) BPM:200
Tags:impurepug kubsnia_zhoyl_ kuse bellicose garden yorita yoshino -claris- misure nika mika yf_bmp fushimi rio imoutosan shurelia 白夜幻想譚 byakuya gensoutan 楽园の键 User Rating:
2 52
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
6.0% (640 of 10648 plays)
Jan 2, 2021
Dec 9, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 83 times in total
Users that love this map: KafuuChino, l1mi, Ayesha Altugle, Melodia, Marquez, Toruta, Kobold84, Trinoline, Shurelia, Duskyui, Yufina, Another Flower, jaredlol123, Spermuell, ElMick26, Kyouo, Sonmi, Eaves, eZmmR, Onta_Bekasi and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Warning 本图含有开幕雷击、原地刹车、bpm*2、1/6连打等元素,请游玩时控制好情绪。

10/18 Added storyboard by yf_bmp
Tag List
ImpurePug KuBsNia_ZhoYL_ Kuse Bellicose Garden Yorita Yoshino -ClariS- Misure nika mika yf_bmp Fushimi Rio imoutosan Shurelia 白夜幻想譚 Byakuya Gensoutan 楽园の键 Rakuen no Kagi 天を手にした旅人 Sora o Te ni Shita Tabibito 虚空奏でし詩 Kokuu Kanadeshi Uta 捻子巻く時計が月の満ち欠けを刻む2016ver. Nejimaku Tokei ga Tsuki no Michikake o Kizamu 2016ver. 光の降る森 Hikari no Furu Mori 金平糖レトロチカ – Another Flower ver. – Konpeitou Retrotica - Another Flower ver. - 夢を織る家 Yume wo Oru Ie 光ノ軌跡 Hikari no Kiseki 冷たい森 Tsumetai Mori 想いのコンチェルト Omoi no Concerto 郷里はるか Kyouri Haruka Hartes ciel, melenas walasye 水を映す者 Mizu wo Uzusu Mono Japanese pop Jpop collab marathon folk イリスのアトリエ エターナルマナ atelier iris eternal mana アーシャのアトリエ~黄昏の大地の錬金術士~ Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~ Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey アルトネリコ2 世界に響く少女たちの創造詩 Ar tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica canoue tieleaf ABSOLUTE CASTAWAY しちごさん。753 Another Flower II

Song list:
X a v y is in the lead! ()
Score7,253,790 (99.17%)
Max Combo3247
300 / 100 / 506111 / 67 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)336
Katu (Beat!)3

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
7,253,790 99.17% X a v y 3247 6111  /  67  /  0 336 3 18 None
6,936,596 97.70% K-2 3079 5946  /  215  /  0 101 2 35 None
6,858,104 98.54% vrnl 2117 6064  /  83  /  0 217 0 49 None
6,378,966 97.18% Rosa 1769 5918  /  206  /  0 254 5 72 None
3,597,822 91.86% Rickster_rick 654 5451  /  481  /  0 290 7 264 EZ
2,839,614 90.49% Hoabeo 847 5207  /  800  /  0 365 48 189 NF,EZ
2,676,954 89.05% lmaolrtt 1549 5111  /  813  /  0 369 52 272 NF,EZ
360 0.02% osu420 1 1  /  0  /  0 0 0 6195 NF,EZ,HD,HT,FL
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