Beatmap Listing » koruru528 - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Artist:koruru528 Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Santa Claus Is Coming To Town HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Nuvolina Accuracy:
Length:2:23 (2:11 drain)
Source: Genre:Electronic (Instrumental) BPM:155
Tags:electronic instrumental hardstyle white christmas comin' bing crosby the andrews sisters User Rating:
10 134
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
9.9% (1937 of 19531 plays)
Nov 20, 2021
Dec 24, 2021
Rating Spread:
Favourited 126 times in total
Users that love this map: DPJ9fuegos, serobor, Iglacy, fuern3, quArex, jppedrozo1, Baltius, Shanang, FiBzY, [ Stefan ], radalevyh, Odgy, dannyhpy, Tk578, NAYTOX27, Sevelik, JTuceHok, jojo165bx, Xahlt, Oxxxyel and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

Since i own the copyright ask before using the mp3.

I own the song but I'm not the actual composer. This artist is the person you are looking for in case ^^

- YES you can use the mp3 to listen to the song or to map it for yourself/your friends
- NO you can't use the mp3 with the purpose of making a ranked/loved set for STD

If it's for any other reason then ask (other game modes and stuff)

BG Source
JISAN is in the lead! ()
Score13,304,576 (100.00%)
Max Combo719
300 / 100 / 50707 / 12 / 198
Geki (Elite Beat!)118
Droplet misses0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
13,304,576 100.00% JISAN 719 707  /  12  /  198 118 0 0 HD
11,018,380 99.78% [Amazing] 671 705  /  12  /  198 117 0 2 None
6,907,978 99.35% Adeus 499 703  /  12  /  196 115 2 4 HD
5,766,171 99.13% Zak 411 701  /  12  /  196 115 2 6 HD
5,689,574 99.24% Systine 380 703  /  12  /  195 116 3 4 None
5,061,328 99.13% Minato Yukina 434 699  /  12  /  198 112 0 8 None
4,799,928 98.15% UnboundMirror 419 698  /  12  /  190 111 8 9 None
4,100,662 99.13% LaviSorrow 358 702  /  12  /  195 113 3 5 None
3,933,846 99.35% CyCeph 282 702  /  12  /  197 114 1 5 None
3,643,230 97.60% eetuzzo 358 690  /  12  /  193 108 5 17 None
3,227,898 98.04% RAISE MY SWORD 336 692  /  12  /  195 108 3 15 None
2,345,796 95.20% mrtnz 281 667  /  12  /  194 94 4 40 None
2,327,154 97.71% -Unyuu- 214 687  /  12  /  197 102 1 20 None
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