Beatmap Listing » Kana Nishino - Wishing

Artist:Kana Nishino Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Wishing HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Pincus Accuracy:
Length:4:37 (4:18 drain)
Source: Genre:Pop (Japanese) BPM:73
Tags:thank you love japanese pop wen User Rating:
2 50
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
17.3% (2787 of 16138 plays)
Feb 6, 2022
Mar 3, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 62 times in total
Users that love this map: Rumia, GrilledCheeese, Himari Kino, Zeryle, sosodwto123, Hecatia, Yuuki712, loli7134, ferro_pesa, [ Momoring ], Tehlolez, JaekyAnthony, Anri, Nanimoshinai, Cdog-, spoontheking, AshROA, Lumirae, Alliwolfie, xds_biker and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion


Kana Nishino - Wishing
waiting for you. - Pincus (me)

Hitsound - Wen

BNs - Lasse / elicz1
Additional Information:

This song is one of the first songs I played on osu around 7 years ago. I love this song so much and it's something that I can definitely say kept my interest in osu. I guess you could say this song is kind of an origin story for me so please enjoy!

tysm to Wen for the banger hitsounds (hes so hot and cool and single wink wink)


Thank You Box
(in order of time)







and everyone else who have helped me on my mapping journey so far <3
ttota is in the lead! ()
Score1,304,970 (98.63%)
Max Combo987
300 / 100 / 50960 / 27 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)38
Katu (Beat!)1

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
1,304,970 98.63% ttota 987 960  /  27  /  0 38 1 0 NC,SD
1,302,900 97.87% Daniels 987 945  /  42  /  0 24 1 0 DT
1,238,800 99.54% vrnl 987 978  /  9  /  0 12 0 0 None
1,221,490 98.58% BluePlusSymbol 987 959  /  28  /  0 3 0 0 None
1,217,110 99.90% h4mOy 987 985  /  2  /  0 11 0 0 None
1,033,492 95.69% Kame-yama 557 906  /  77  /  0 4 0 4 None
947,750 90.88% KeNiKeN 462 814  /  166  /  0 0 0 7 None
733,798 89.01% ksivakorn 306 801  /  155  /  0 16 7 31 None
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