Beatmap Listing » IOSYS - Utage wa Eien ni ~SHD~

Artist:IOSYS Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Utage wa Eien ni ~SHD~ HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:DJPop Accuracy:
Length:3:21 (2:58 drain)
Source:Touhou Suisui Suusuu Genre:Video Game (Japanese) BPM:170
Tags:utage wa eien ni iosys touhou suisui suusuu the feast never ends User Rating:
84 2,548
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
10.2% (66874 of 657151 plays)
Jun 7, 2009
Sep 12, 2009
Rating Spread:
Favourited 780 times in total
Users that love this map: Kodora, Jollepoker, cyanberryio, ShaggoN, thekillerhjkhjk, Mafuyu, aesopl19193, mjrakusyun, hellokitty98, konatallx92mn, zinckingeye, Dimens_old, Light667, Dottedline, Crishpax, Crazy-X, FeoletaTC, Archaeologian, Nyu-Horo, RatedNC17 and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion
This map is in a LOVED state.
As such, it will not award any pp and leaderboards may be reset by the beatmap creator.

33rd beatmap. ~RANKED VERSION~

My 3rd IOSYS beatmap. This version is submitted for APPROVED.

SOLO = For challengers only.
TAG4 = For TAG COOP with 4 players only.

EDIT 6: 12 Sep 2009
- Fixed sliders in TAG4.

EDIT 5: 09 Aug 2009
- Fixed combo colors in SOLO.
- Fixed notes in TAG4.
EDIT 4: 18 Jul 2009
- Reuploaded files.
YesMyDarknesss is in the lead! ()
Score36,111,903 (99.31%)
Max Combo1136
300 / 100 / 501108 / 29 / 151
Geki (Elite Beat!)338
Droplet misses3

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiDroplet MissMissesMods
36,111,903 99.31% YesMyDarknesss 1136 1108  /  29  /  151 338 3 6 HD,HR
34,520,876 100.00% rostld 1143 1114  /  29  /  154 344 0 0 HR
33,898,648 99.00% Motion 1133 1106  /  29  /  149 336 5 8 HR
33,720,639 99.85% ExGon 1128 1113  /  29  /  153 343 1 1 HR
33,175,557 99.23% Kenny331 1119 1106  /  29  /  152 336 2 8 HR
32,502,172 99.38% Camme79 1108 1107  /  29  /  153 337 1 7 HR
27,168,929 98.00% VelperK 968 1101  /  29  /  141 331 13 13 HD,HR
22,673,976 98.84% Lexii 964 1099  /  29  /  154 329 0 15 None
22,492,366 97.07% mjj741 964 1082  /  28  /  149 313 5 33 None
21,729,498 98.07% set44599 945 1090  /  29  /  153 320 1 24 None
18,529,478 97.30% Krzysiek 866 1084  /  29  /  149 314 5 30 None
18,519,728 97.69% CTB user 863 1086  /  29  /  152 316 2 28 None
17,349,309 98.69% Secre 787 1098  /  29  /  153 330 1 16 HR
16,603,326 98.77% skvix 759 1101  /  29  /  151 333 3 13 HR
16,327,313 98.92% Aryssiel 749 1100  /  29  /  154 330 0 14 HR
16,325,578 98.92% Ttobas 636 1104  /  29  /  150 336 4 10 HR
15,643,674 99.23% Byeol 686 1105  /  29  /  153 335 1 9 None
14,512,226 97.76% -Kaguya 758 1086  /  29  /  153 317 1 28 None
14,126,664 97.53% Callionet 709 1088  /  29  /  148 319 6 26 HR
13,707,743 99.00% OYG 554 1103  /  29  /  152 335 2 11 HR
13,157,104 98.84% LechuCzechu88 655 1102  /  29  /  151 333 3 12 HR
12,962,094 97.61% ElectricShock 707 1084  /  29  /  153 314 1 30 None
12,755,678 98.15% SHK 965 1091  /  29  /  153 323 1 23 EZ,FL
12,501,763 97.53% Stark 600 1086  /  29  /  150 320 4 28 HR
12,414,748 98.23% Leinou 601 1091  /  29  /  154 321 0 23 None
12,405,068 98.23% Netamaru 565 1096  /  29  /  149 327 5 18 HR
12,080,412 98.46% FruktoLove 601 1094  /  29  /  154 324 0 20 None
12,010,986 98.23% Cxlucha 583 1094  /  29  /  151 324 3 20 None
11,794,356 97.38% [ More Night ] 585 1084  /  29  /  150 314 4 30 None
11,563,088 98.30% iiyo 523 1097  /  29  /  149 327 5 17 HR
11,421,320 98.46% Tenshichan 519 1094  /  29  /  154 324 0 20 None
11,145,076 96.61% Abstract- 599 1074  /  29  /  150 306 4 40 HD
11,107,250 97.46% JonZku 605 1084  /  29  /  151 314 3 30 None
10,861,965 97.69% [225]nullCat 497 1093  /  29  /  145 323 9 21 HR
10,834,798 97.07% XEPCOH 602 1077  /  29  /  153 310 1 37 None
10,704,404 97.22% lineqtxz 594 1078  /  29  /  154 309 0 36 None
10,557,828 97.38% mikhe 592 1080  /  29  /  154 310 0 34 None
10,480,552 96.99% Valetine_old 588 1077  /  29  /  152 307 2 37 None
10,366,770 98.46% Roido 519 1095  /  29  /  153 325 1 19 None
10,314,208 96.84% M a s t e r 526 1081  /  29  /  146 311 8 33 None
10,207,030 96.68% eldnl 575 1072  /  29  /  153 305 1 42 None
10,204,614 98.30% Dask 519 1095  /  29  /  151 325 3 19 None
10,186,954 97.76% Shyeart 516 1088  /  29  /  151 318 3 26 None
10,146,552 97.22% [Amazing] 516 1084  /  29  /  148 314 6 30 None
10,103,220 97.07% Deceitful 474 1078  /  29  /  152 309 2 36 None
10,095,820 97.84% fuhie 549 1096  /  29  /  144 328 10 18 HR
10,061,192 97.15% -Ken 514 1083  /  29  /  148 315 6 31 None
10,043,352 97.07% koliron 514 1081  /  28  /  150 312 4 34 None
10,024,334 97.22% Zelepha 517 1081  /  29  /  151 312 3 33 None
9,820,010 97.22% NoteKuroi 582 1081  /  29  /  151 311 3 33 None
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Please go check them out!