Beatmap Listing » Kikuo - Maigo no Haien

Artist:Kikuo Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Maigo no Haien HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Alchyr Accuracy:
Length:0:57 (0:55 drain)
Source: Genre:Classical (Instrumental) BPM:180
Tags:deserted garden of the lost children featured artist fa kikuoworld classical instrumental mappers' guild mg User Rating:
1 24
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
53.4% (923 of 1729 plays)
Oct 23, 2022
Dec 20, 2022
Rating Spread:
Favourited 91 times in total
Users that love this map: Pseudomiracle, Shiny Froakie, ajinre, LHGeee, AlePC, mochiicity, MichiLin, Mevvellian, g2faker, el_puchas, sempai friend, pinkbink, RM9, piaganda, Chanxie, Sunflower2705, Liv-The-Whale, Jevil001, Cameliauwu19, millecontes and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

kevin3333g is in the lead! ()
Score95,684 (100.00%)
Max Combo110
300 / 100 / 50110 / 0 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)1
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
95,684 100.00% kevin3333g 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HD,HR,NC,FL
89,000 100.00% Vasko2o 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HD,HR,DT
89,000 100.00% BakeryCookieMan 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HD,HR,NC
85,658 100.00% Perth_399 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HR,DT
85,658 100.00% MiyamokuMusashi 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HD,DT,PF
85,658 100.00% uyu3 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HR,DT,PF
85,658 100.00% shinchikuhome 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,DT
85,658 100.00% T4B 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HD,NC
85,658 100.00% Saikoro 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,DT
85,658 100.00% Conor 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,DT
85,658 100.00% kiyozi11 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,DT
85,658 100.00% Hori_159 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,DT
85,658 100.00% NewJeans 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HD,DT,PF
85,658 100.00% CrayZeei 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,NC
82,873 100.00% tacos334 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HD,HR
82,873 100.00% Leralice 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 NC
82,873 100.00% GamersDecision 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% vrnl 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% waifufumi 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% Fudgy 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% NK_AISU 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% RAI_4 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 NC
82,873 100.00% BluePlusSymbol 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% Solooll 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% Grape_Tea 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% makimen 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% diegi 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% ndrrr 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 NC,PF
82,873 100.00% Tropica_45 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,873 100.00% [Bau] 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,723 99.55% Remi_hs 110 109  /  1  /  0 0 0 0 NC
82,543 99.55% [Zeth] 110 109  /  1  /  0 0 0 0 NC
82,318 99.55% Araxcrow 110 109  /  1  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,273 99.55% shinitaichan 110 109  /  1  /  0 0 0 0 DT
82,033 99.09% Maxmisil 110 108  /  2  /  0 1 0 0 DT
81,950 100.00% Touhou Project 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 DT
81,943 99.55% GedichtBoss 110 109  /  1  /  0 0 0 0 NC
81,148 98.18% Monpluk 110 106  /  4  /  0 0 0 0 NC
80,968 96.82% Adisi 110 103  /  7  /  0 0 0 0 DT
80,938 97.27% [Leeroy] 110 104  /  6  /  0 0 0 0 DT,SD
80,855 98.18% Yasuho 110 106  /  4  /  0 0 0 0 NC
80,088 100.00% willow 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HR
80,088 100.00% somebody_33 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HR
80,088 100.00% Entervating 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR
80,088 100.00% Novoids 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,SD
80,088 100.00% Hatsuse 110 110  /  0  /  0 1 0 0 HR
80,088 100.00% sunshine335 110 110  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR
79,573 96.82% To_Myuu 110 103  /  7  /  0 0 0 0 DT
78,823 95.91% Samamba 110 101  /  9  /  0 0 0 0 DT
78,582 97.73% v5sup 110 105  /  5  /  0 0 0 0 HD
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