Beatmap Listing » Koimi Eil (CV: Hachimitsuko) - Love note (Short Ver.)

Artist:Koimi Eil (CV: Hachimitsuko) Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Love note (Short Ver.) HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:tomatas95 Accuracy:
Length:1:29 (1:28 drain)
Source:俺の恋天使がポンコツすぎてコワ~い。 Genre:Video Game (Japanese) BPM:183
Tags:eroge hulotte ore no cupid ga ponkotsu sugite kowa~i my klutzy cupid galgame visual novel 恋天使 ポンコワ ponkowa video game User Rating:
13 140
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
36.7% (3408 of 9280 plays)
May 14, 2023
May 29, 2023
Rating Spread:
Favourited 63 times in total
Users that love this map: jennificar, linnn, justinleetom, Takakura Anzu, Dark 666_old, Yu1z, TrueC, ArcadeJudgement, Riadxxx, hiyori_, kasumi520, mokkun_55, Asa Kazato, QuanVo, LikeShiratama, loveGirls, YouDontKnowMe22, yuyue885, KEXEXL_UnDead, sameme1 and many more!
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Mysterious Love Note, first Romance Endeavors and fateful Happy End with You~

While reading one of Hulotte's works, I quickly became a huge fan of their visual novels, so I hope you'll enjoy this adorable My Klutzy Cupid's visual novel opening, thank you~ :)
A big thank youu to [profile=6613136:1337]Hoa[/profile:1337] for being amazing as always with the video edits <3
Translation for this game is currently work in progress, but hopefully it should be done by the end of 2023, I'm very excited to play this game without any machine translation ovo
最も愛らしい愛の天使. . . ああ、とてもかわいい

thank you box~ ><

- [profile=9769199:1337]Creamy Candy[/profile:1337] [profile=9312734:1337]MochiA[/profile:1337] Thank you cuties for taking the time for modding my mappu, and pushing it into ranked section :3c

- [profile=6613136:1337]Hoa[/profile:1337] Helping in making the video in rankable state as always!!

- [profile=15970435:1337]Riamuw[/profile:1337] Helping me out with the backgrounds, thanks~

- [profile=11913657:1337]defreeyay[/profile:1337] For providing high quality mp3 and video <3

ttota is in the lead! ()
Score532,401 (98.50%)
Max Combo366
300 / 100 / 50355 / 11 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)15
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
532,401 98.50% ttota 366 355  /  11  /  0 15 0 0 HD,NC
510,684 100.00% Conor 366 366  /  0  /  0 3 0 0 HR
510,684 100.00% kevin3333g 366 366  /  0  /  0 28 0 0 HR
499,158 98.22% Remi_hs 366 353  /  13  /  0 2 0 0 NC
494,076 100.00% Walpurgiss 366 366  /  0  /  0 6 0 0 HR,SD
492,440 100.00% Deli 366 366  /  0  /  0 30 0 0 None
453,860 99.18% BluePlusSymbol 320 361  /  4  /  0 4 0 1 None
384,670 95.08% yuda666 310 336  /  24  /  0 0 0 6 None
244,978 80.19% Yurnet 167 261  /  65  /  0 0 0 40 None
227,220 87.43% hayate1996 87 299  /  42  /  0 5 0 25 None
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