Beatmap Listing » Camellia - Kisaragi

Artist:Camellia Key Amount:
Approach Rate:
Title:Kisaragi HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:-mint- Accuracy:
Length:5:43 (5:39 drain)
Source: Genre:Electronic (Instrumental) BPM:230
Tags:kamelcamellia cametek masaya oya かめるかめりあ かめてく 大箭将也 大箭マサヤ featured artist fa u.u.f.o uufo ultra ufo ctcd-021 ctcd-022 hardcore artcore dubstep User Rating:
11 200
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
26.1% (6486 of 24841 plays)
Jan 1, 2024
Jan 9, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 136 times in total
Users that love this map: Beatmap, Piko_chama, C3S4R780, _Seth, Poca, [HD]Softer64, myucchii, Meriboy123, Catake, YamiItsuki3231, okthen, My Angel Plana, EagleBuster, MrTomato77, Tonels, Collac, [GS]Astra, Qutilt, Chromatiz, wafflesyrup and many more!
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I was on my way to the station to visit my friends for the new year. I hadn't seen them in a while, but I really couldn't say no to the invitation; I've been living in the city for years, and I've barely made any acquaintances. Everyone is just so closed off from each other.

The town was a long way away, so I took the time to mentally prepare myself for the journey. I had a checklist of things I made sure to have on me: my wallet, my keys, my phone, my bags, and a small collection of polaroids from when we were younger.

Despite my best attempts at trying to preoccupy myself, I couldn't shake the thought from my mind: how can I claim to seek a fresh start when I keep going back to the same old group of people? Why did I even move out to the city in the first place?

The wait at the station came and went, as I watched the train pull in and come to a full stop. The whirr of the doors opening echoed through my mind, taunting me while I searched for a seat. A lot of people were taking the train for the holidays, it seems. As the bright, vibrant orange of the urban sundown beamed into my eyes, I begrudgingly grasped my hand onto one of the hanging straps, clutching my bags and I anticipated the heavy rocking back and forth that was to befall me. "This shouldn't take long," I thought.

The doors closed shut, and thus began the most nauseating fifteen minutes of my life. As soon as the train started to move, I started eyeing out all the other passengers; if it weren't for my prior exhaustion, I would have been determined to dash straight for the first person to get up and leave. I could feel the city landscape slip by, just as my bags would slip from my hands. I quickly collected my things, as the train was making its first stop and a handful of people rose from their seats, and hurried to catch my breath. Suburban hillsides emanated from the windows, engulfing my field of view on all sides. I clasped my hands together on my bag and leaned in while closing my eyes.

It was as if the hills whispered in my ear, over the constant murmurs of the passengers and the rumbles of the train tracks. Keep those eyes closed, and you will be transported, they sighed. I obliged, and I soon found myself fast asleep.


A gentle nudge on my shoulder quickly lifts me from my catatonic state. It's pitch black. I turn to my left, and to my right, to find no one sitting beside me. In fact, it doesn't seem like there's anyone else in the train car with me, except a couple people who were asleep in the corner. A robotic voice announces, "Last stop, Kisaragi Station." The train comes to a halt, and my heart drops. Where... am I?

I hurry off the train onto an empty, dimly-lit platform. The gravity of my situation slowly sets in -- did I miss my stop? There's no way I was asleep for that long. What was that that I felt on my shoulder in the train just now?

There's no one around me. The people on the train are still asleep, and they haven't gotten off. My phone has no reception, so I can't open navigation or call for a ride.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of a light bouncing off a payphone booth. I scuttle towards it and enter the booth. I quickly dial my friend. No one picks up.

I dial again. No answer.

Happy new year to me, I guess.
some spicy all-rounded LNs to close off the year. hope you enjoy :3

definitely one of my favorites from uufo, and i noticed there was yet to be a map of it that felt satisfactory, so i decided to take it upon myself

grillroasted is in the lead! ()
Score997,672 (99.99%)
Max Combo7564
MAX / 300 / 2004408 / 319 / 2
100 / 50 / Misses0 / 0 / 0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax ComboMAX30020010050MissMods
997,672 99.99% grillroasted 7564 4408 319 2 0 0 0 None Report
997,489 100.00% Poca 7565 4349 380 0 0 0 0 None Report
996,709 100.00% --Pavin-- 7466 4231 498 0 0 0 0 None Report
996,450 99.97% _Kiruru 7574 4276 450 2 1 0 0 MR Report
996,432 100.00% Scitra 7492 4189 540 0 0 0 0 None Report
996,387 99.99% konkawe 7524 4197 531 1 0 0 0 None Report
996,048 100.00% gaesol 7454 4131 598 0 0 0 0 None Report
995,725 100.00% [GB]SuddenDeath 7487 4082 647 0 0 0 0 SD Report
995,398 99.98% PocaFanboy 7502 4076 650 3 0 0 0 None Report
995,306 99.95% myucchii 5478 4391 335 0 1 1 1 None Report
994,431 99.96% ERA Leon 7336 3974 749 6 0 0 0 SD Report
993,921 99.98% yoke mao 7404 3852 874 3 0 0 0 None Report
993,852 99.96% Hello_Son 5358 4183 543 1 1 0 1 None Report
993,744 99.94% TriDoanGaming 7454 3898 823 8 0 0 0 MR Report
993,364 99.95% Plana_ 7402 3825 897 7 0 0 0 SD Report
993,299 99.96% Chicken Sammy 7453 3806 917 6 0 0 0 MR Report
992,759 99.89% SillyFangirl 7264 3834 883 10 0 2 0 None Report
992,568 99.94% Miku Meru 7124 3747 973 9 0 0 0 None Report
992,497 99.95% N2Oe- 3922 3695 1027 7 0 0 0 MR Report
992,325 99.91% Lott 3855 4039 681 7 0 0 2 None Report
992,221 99.96% [GB]R-Trigger 7377 3626 1098 5 0 0 0 MR Report
991,567 99.90% LiangFenFan 7473 3665 1050 14 0 0 0 MR Report
991,374 99.94% PouSlayer 7307 3559 1161 9 0 0 0 None Report
991,308 99.93% Drippy Meep 7349 3563 1157 8 1 0 0 None Report
991,211 99.92% dendro_ 4509 3849 870 9 0 0 1 None Report
991,084 99.94% ICECAKE 6935 3512 1208 9 0 0 0 None Report
991,013 99.94% artsim 7265 3502 1218 9 0 0 0 None Report
990,655 99.92% [LS]Sagirium 7326 3480 1238 11 0 0 0 None Report
990,639 99.92% quentin5110054 7156 3474 1244 11 0 0 0 None Report
990,588 99.91% Netroo 4658 3783 937 6 2 0 1 None Report
990,511 99.86% Quotient 6144 3943 769 15 0 1 1 MR Report
990,253 99.91% Dystire 5594 3736 982 10 0 0 1 None Report
990,192 99.87% Mantozi 7002 3509 1202 18 0 0 0 None Report
990,058 99.90% Rxizuna 7174 3434 1281 14 0 0 0 None Report
989,939 99.88% NeonDrakon 7175 3503 1211 13 2 0 0 None Report
989,768 99.82% nayeonie bunny 7095 3566 1137 26 0 0 0 None Report
989,619 99.89% origamibest 6619 3378 1336 15 0 0 0 None Report
989,502 99.85% ruka 7154 3456 1252 21 0 0 0 None Report
989,464 99.88% Micleak 7365 3409 1303 17 0 0 0 None Report
989,133 99.89% -Oni-Chan- 7487 3307 1407 15 0 0 0 MR Report
989,082 99.81% neeko the rock 7262 3478 1224 27 0 0 0 None Report
988,986 99.78% zlzonnrg 7406 3536 1162 31 0 0 0 None Report
988,984 99.82% racksack 7560 3431 1273 25 0 0 0 None Report
988,970 99.85% Lifestyle_ 4304 3635 1076 16 1 0 1 None Report
988,950 99.81% iParacosm 7382 3523 1180 25 1 0 0 None Report
988,759 99.87% dlekghajtwla 7088 3458 1252 19 0 0 0 None Report
988,534 99.82% daihuku4649 7013 3390 1314 24 1 0 0 None Report
988,513 99.78% Antipole 7403 3461 1240 25 3 0 0 None Report
988,365 99.87% Buschan 4960 4361 360 2 1 0 5 None Report
988,193 99.82% Maxtulini 7440 3387 1317 24 1 0 0 None Report
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