Beatmap Listing » LeaF - Evanescent

Artist:LeaF Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Evanescent HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:Krah Accuracy:
Length:1:59 (1:56 drain)
Source:BMS Genre:Video Game (Instrumental) BPM:190
Tags:post drum n bass and drum'n'bass sengoku sen-goku sen goku optie spectator clsw crystal cherry blossom dialgadu77 sayaka- sayaka nozhomi User Rating:
13 302
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
10.2% (5778 of 56844 plays)
May 18, 2014
Jan 2, 2018
Rating Spread:
Favourited 90 times in total
Users that love this map: Kurokotei, autofanboy, SolrosRepica, Danilo, Krah, [ Namine ], Awesomez53, K-Ted, SakuraMatou, MiMango, -Saika-_old, AntarisT, Heavenly, Mut4nte, S3ze, Yousei, Katsuragi, Revion, Tadashi, Biomassa and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion
This map is in a LOVED state.
As such, it will not award any pp and leaderboards may be reset by the beatmap creator.

Because not everyone can play the Aspire's map.

Thanks to :
Kin for his Beginner and Another
Secretpipe for his Advanced
Nozhomi for his Hyper
Cherry Blossom for his Extra
Sayaka- for the Taiko Diffs
Spectator for his overdose
CLSW for his Deluge

Standard :
  1. Cherry Blossom
  2. Nozhomi
  3. Lally
  4. deetz
  5. baraatje123
  1. Totoro le Pacha
  2. Underflow
  3. Niko-nyan
  4. Konpaku Sariel
  5. rew0825
  6. mrdumpling64
Catch The Beat
  1. DragonSlayer96
  2. spartancog95
  3. Badis
  4. - Magic Bomb -
Ecolo is in the lead! ()
Score1,086,830 (97.45%)
Max Combo536
300 / 100 / 50981 / 22 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)2
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
1,086,830 97.45% Ecolo 536 981  /  22  /  0 2 0 15 None
1,076,330 96.07% 1rori 534 957  /  42  /  0 1 0 19 None
1,035,870 93.61% snz 523 923  /  60  /  0 12 1 35 None
960,084 94.16% YKocome 359 934  /  49  /  0 0 0 35 None
868,168 90.52% remuresu17 373 884  /  75  /  0 1 0 59 None
504,042 85.07% ____ReFFeN____ 200 820  /  92  /  0 31 1 106 EZ
403,866 81.39% banan 176 758  /  141  /  0 0 0 119 EZ,DT
132,480 27.31% HeroKingWNL 7 173  /  210  /  0 0 0 635 NF
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Please go check them out!