Beatmap Listing » Kajiura Yuki - Sis puella magica!

Artist:Kajiura Yuki Circle Size:
Approach Rate:
Title:Sis puella magica! HP Drain:
Star Difficulty:
Creator:SolarFox Accuracy:
Length:2:39 (2:24 drain)
Source:魔法少女まどか☆マギカ Genre:Anime (Other) BPM:148
Tags:puella magi madoka magica 梶浦由記 鹿目まどか 暁美ほむら 巴マミ 美樹さやか 佐倉杏子 キュウべえ kaname homura akemi sayaka miki kyouko kyoko sakura kyubey User Rating:
6 53
Success Rate:
Points of Failure:
(graph is accumulative, based on % at fail/retry)
45.7% (958 of 2098 plays)
Jun 10, 2015
Jan 27, 2024
Rating Spread:
Favourited 78 times in total
Users that love this map: GabiiTax, xVanisHx, A s h e m u, Gray WhiteTH, [ Shamwow ], sunayoru, ZheKen, blanca12luz, csh1205, Frypo, NeoByakuro, FiddleMinger, Norn_IF, Tokisaki, Mikado-no Yami, FuibaFuyu, mouc, Abacat, Claudeeee, Tadame and many more!
Options:Modding / Discussion

7/4/17 ez nm hd remapped
8/4/17 metadata checked by IamKwan
17/2/18 remapped
4/01/20 - Kajiura Yuki
9/01/20 - Project Railgun mod, Normal + Hard diff remap
13/01/20 - Makitoshi best girl +nloader mod
19/01/20 - ending remap
20/01/20 - Apis035 mod + bg upscale
20/01/20 - Vel0ciTy mod
22/01/20 - Yooh mod + bg + mp3 change
26/01/20 - Cinnabun mod
29/01/20 - rosario wknd mod
31/01/20 - kanocchi mod
31/08/20 - Krisom mod (ALM) + bg change
05/09/20 - MoodyRPG mod
07/09/20 - Dogerinoo mod + soft-sliderslide.wav + mp3 change (thanks Meyrink!) + ShompiFlen mod + Snow_summer_ mod
08/09/20 - ShompiFlen mod + Doormat chatmod <3
10/09/20 - HabiHolic mod + offset +8
25/09/20 - remapped Insane diff intro
6/10/20 - ShompiFlen mod
11/10/20 - Milan-[BN] mod

2024 - ほむらちゃんは悪くないよ

Hard diff by Akitoshi artwork owned by the artist
kevin3333g is in the lead! ()
Score358,984 (100.00%)
Max Combo316
300 / 100 / 50316 / 0 / 0
Geki (Elite Beat!)51
Katu (Beat!)0

Top 50 Scoreboard

RankScoreAccuracyPlayerMax Combo300 / 100 / 50GekiKatuMissesMods
358,984 100.00% kevin3333g 316 316  /  0  /  0 51 0 0 HD,HR,NC,FL
335,100 100.00% Kyoko Sakura 316 316  /  0  /  0 11 0 0 HD,HR,NC
325,652 100.00% Conor 316 316  /  0  /  0 6 0 0 HR,FL
321,452 100.00% Walpurgiss 316 316  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR,DT,SD
318,894 99.68% Remi_hs 316 314  /  2  /  0 5 0 0 HR,NC
259,900 100.00% 1407 316 316  /  0  /  0 0 0 0 HR
207,494 91.14% Mirowchy 253 263  /  50  /  0 0 0 3 None
187,733 91.93% Mamaderkleine 183 275  /  31  /  0 0 0 10 None
172,858 89.87% Silliberri 131 259  /  50  /  0 9 1 7 None
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